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WIP: The Star Theater Board


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Am going to add five smaller opened top buildings across the street. Then from there it is just a matter of deciding on how I want to do the cobblestone for the street. Then it is on to painting and detail work!

In terms of larger detail work am going to add a number of round tables to the theater some up right and some knocked over onto there side. And counters and what not to the other buildings.

And at this point am not trying to think about all the little details, am going to do to finish up the board. I will let my future self deal with that mess. :D

And thanks am really proud of the board so far!

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Let me start with great concept and I am looking forward to seeing your finished product.

Then from there it is just a matter of deciding on how I want to do the cobblestone for the street.

A bit tediuos but an easy way to do cobblestones (that look great) is to get two different diameter copper tubes (from the model train/ plane stores) and flatten them a bit with a hammer (looking for an irregular shape as opposed to a circle or rectangle). You can either flatten the other end as well (for more variety) or add some tape to it for palm padding (after pressing a ton of cobbles your palm will thank you). Once done with that is is as simple as pressing the tubing into the foam just enough to break the surface slightly (there is usually a sound that accompanies this). Having multiple diameters and shapes will add to the realism as will avoiding a set pattern (like rows which are more akin to brick than cobblestone).

I did this (well in truth my minions did this a bajillion times on my modular sewer tables seen below)


You can see that on the tile on the lower left they tried pressing in rows (which doesn't look right) while on the right tile they were much more random (and pressing a bit deeper).

Hopefully that helps a bit.

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