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Tournament help


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I'll be heading to my first tournament at Malifolk in a few weeks time and I'm having serious difficulty choosing what to take. It's a fixed master, 30ss event with four games (Destroy the evidence, Slaughter, Turf War, Claim Jump.. all shared).

I want to take a painted crew which means Zoraida, Collodi, Lilith, Pandora or Collette if I'm being realistic about what I can get done in time that I know reasonably well. I'm counting Collodi out of this as a leader.

I'd like to hear all your thoughts on which one I should take and why, perhaps with suggested lists if you can spare the time.

All help and ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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I'd say play who you are most comfortable with in a timed round environment. If you don't play a particular crew much in a timed environment you can hurt your chances due to unfamiliarity with them.

+1 to this.

The thing that will hit you hardest at a Malifaux tournament is the round timings. It's best to use the master you feel most comfortable with so that you don't have to check their card every time you want to do something or when you opponents want to interact with them (df, wp etc).

That said, we are playing to have fun and players of all abilities will be there. So the choice is yours really.

I'm taking Lilith to the GT so have been playing a lot with her so this is what I'd take for those strategies:

Destroy the evidence: Fast stuff so Lilith herself, sprinting Tots, Tuco with Nimble, Black Blood Shaman being carried by a Mature if you want to go out of the box.

Slaughter: Either tool up on big hitters (twins, tuco) or swamp the opponent with 10 tots (I'm sure most people would say option 1 is the better option).

Claim Jump: Lilith sitting on the marker with a full cache, ready to whirling death on anything and not forgetting to defensive stance. Then rest of the crew picking off enemy models.

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She can do good at 30ss but depending on how you play her she can struggle to out activate till around turn 3 (via dove summon). But I don't know how you play her or your experiance with her.

Granted at 30ss you have to be more conservative with her crew imho due to not having 5+ss to start so first two turns our mainly normally increasing ss cache and summoning doves and grabbing easy early initial vp's from schemes/strats.

Edited by Odin1981
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Thanks for all the advice guys.

To answer the questions. I'm pretty confident that I can get through six rounds with any of these masters in the allotted time. I've got a decent amount of experience with all of them, though probably least of all with Lilith.

I'd be inclined to agree about Colette being less effective at 30ss or less which is putting me off using her to some extent.

I think, like Joel, mine will be a gameday decision.

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I am gonna be the dork that says...

Take the master that you enjoy playing with the most since you are likely to most remember whether you had fun or not beyond how you did in a given round. And if you lose with your favorite master this time around, perhaps you have opportunity to learn more about your favorite master in whatever matchups go poorly for next time around.

(As an aside... fixed master... bleck....)

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Collette really needs to be run at 35ss. I've played against her enough to know she can be nasty. I am trying to imagine what my opponent could take out to get a 30ss list, but not having much luck.

Lilith is also amazing. She is in the lead in your poll and for good reason. She should be the most balanced against any opponent you'll go up against. However, you said you had the least experience with her.

I have no experience with Pandora. But I love the twins. At 30ss you could run 2x Lelu, 2x Lilitu, and a Primordial Magic. That won't be best for every Strategy, but the tournament is fixed master, not fixed list (right?) So you don't have to commit to this every game.

I also have no experience with Zoraida and can't really offer advice on her.

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