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An appeal to Wyrd...codify head size in plastics.

Iron Heel

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As miniatures enthusiasts, we've been trained to see certain grotesque proportions as the norm. If you were able to grow figures to life-size, many of them would have enormous heads and hands.

Designing minis on a computer that are subsequently 3D printed allows for designers to create figures that have much more realistic proportions as they can make them really small without undue difficulty.

I MO'd the whole plastic line other than the tree. When I look at my Wyrd plastics, the main thing that I notice (outside of the fact that I like them and enjoy the little details) is that the head sizes have great variance within this new line. I don't have comparison pics, but if you put the archers' heads next to Mr. Tannen's or that dynamite cart guy's (can't recall the name), the difference seems pretty stark. This is even more so it you put the itty-bitty head of Ms. Terious next to them!

I'm not sure which would represent an actual realistic head size, but I'd love it if all the Ht2 human figures had heads around the size of the Beckoners. They are small enough to not be obnoxious, while big enough that eye painting will not be a pain. I've done eyes on 15mm figures so I know that I can do weeeeee little eyes, but I really don't want the whole face to get lost in the model due to diminutive size.

Thoughts on this anyone?

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Mirarii & Ciaran...do you guys have the models that I noted?

I am good with healthy variation, but if you look at the models that I listed, I think you'll see the difference is pretty stark and beyond that of normal human variation.

For instance, the Beckoners & Miss Terious are roughly the same height and body mass (with the exception that the Bs are much more endowed in the chest area), but their heads are WAAAAAYYYY off from each other.

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I've had enough Games Workshop cartoonish proportions to appreciate some consistency, so have to throw in my vote with the OP. Having similar sizes would also help a LOT with modding (the primary reason I'm happy to see plastics) - switching a head here and there can dramatically alter style and theme (either within one company's line or across several: putting some WWI gas masks on a death marshal crew, for instance, is a great way to make them unique).

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IMO if players think the proportions are too far removed from reality' date=' they should start by fixing the reality - squeeze some players heads and stretch some others and it will all look ok again.[/quote']

I wish I had thought of that before my post!:Confused_Puppet:

Regarding neverborn proportions, I'm suggesting a human (Beckoner) as a guide...the difference is most stark when compared with Ms. Terious who is human and Guild.

Does anyone who posted in this thread saying "variation is good" actually own the figures Ive noted?

I think it is good too, but I think there should be limits.

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I don't think the OP is asking for everything to be the exact same size. That seems a straw man if there ever was one.

I own all of the new Neverborn plastics. Generally, I can tolerate some variation in scale, as I tend to mix and match models from different manufacturers. With the old metals, some variation was to be expected, as sculptors differ. It doesn't tend to bother me, generally. However, with the new Neverborn, the scale differences were enough to bug me. Some of the models don't seem like the same manufacturer, let alone the same crew.

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I own all the models mentioned in the OP, and having a difference in scale isn't fun. If the Neverborn are skin walkers they sure don't look like it, and a change in scale isn't going to give me that impression either. I look at the difference between the rail-crew and the Union Workers. BIG difference. I'd like to see less variation in the size.

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Here are some pics re: what I am talking about...



You can see that Ms. T. looks like some kind of little girl relative to the Beckoner despite being relatively the same height and hip size. The difference is even more stark with one of the more cartoony sculpts, Willie.

I for one am really happy that Wyrd moved to plastics. I spent sufficient funds to secure 3 Ms. Ts from Gencon mail orders. Overall, I think that the sculpts are good and have nice detail....but scale issues always bug me and this head thing really stands out. I figured that I may not be the only one, and if so, Wyrd might want to know.

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I definitely see what you're saying in those pictures. I think that there is some liberty taken with proportions in the name of artistic stylization. That said, I think that the Willie/MissT example is way disproportionate. I'd have to see how they look with their crews and on a tabletop before I pass judgment, though. It might all work into the new look, you know?

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I wish I had thought of that before my post!:Confused_Puppet:

Regarding neverborn proportions, I'm suggesting a human (Beckoner) as a guide...the difference is most stark when compared with Ms. Terious who is human and Guild.

Does anyone who posted in this thread saying "variation is good" actually own the figures Ive noted?

I think it is good too, but I think there should be limits.

I own 95% of the entire model range. I still dont see any of the proportions as a problem.

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I own all the models mentioned in the OP, and having a difference in scale isn't fun. If the Neverborn are skin walkers they sure don't look like it, and a change in scale isn't going to give me that impression either. I look at the difference between the rail-crew and the Union Workers. BIG difference. I'd like to see less variation in the size.

Even still, pewter vs pewter, Union Miners vs any sculpt of Marcus...He's supposed to be a beast, in top physical shape, but they're massive compared to him.

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