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Anybody else think watcher's stock is up now?


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Granted outside of tournaments I try to avoid guild vs guild. But with 10T as a faction now if traps and trappers are really a popular item to take. The ability they have that denies pre deployment schenanigans I think will be really advantagous to using one in guild lists.

Anyone got a opinion on this matter or is it just too limited?

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Granted outside of tournaments I try to avoid guild vs guild. But with 10T as a faction now if traps and trappers are really a popular item to take. The ability they have that denies pre deployment schenanigans I think will be really advantagous to using one in guild lists.

I think Watchers are going to be more specialized now. Now that we have more Anthema models running around(and a way to give models Anethama) Watchers will still be good to help out there. They are still really cheap objective grabbers but with Wastrels, Guild have alternatives to them for that job.

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I have an unfortunate addiction to Watchers, even poorly choosing to take a pair of them during combat heavy strategies (mine and/or my opponents). I don't have Book 4 yet so I can't really comment on our new stuff, aside from the info shared in threads here.

As a general feeling, I suspect they'll still have a use (example: a wk 7 flier that's significant for 3ss seems like something that'll just about always be useful for A Line In The Sand, mine and/or my opponent's).

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I think with the shift that Storm of Shadows will bring (we wont know for sure for a few months at least) Watchers are still going to be a valuable asset for the Guild. I know that I will pretty well always take at least one with Hoffman against any other crew becasue of what it specifically offers him. Sonnia and Lady J will still have one floating around a bit as well. He has deck control as well that helps with Lady J especially when combined her totem.

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Id say the watcher stock is up but they tend to find ways into my guild list too useful not too. Deck manipulation in a crew that has triggers is very nice. Additionally unable to be locked in combat is huge. And the spot light of justice is also nice. Did we mention there 3 stones.

---------- Post added at 08:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 PM ----------

Wastrals I see having great interactions with McTavish and can definately objective run, but as a combaty and sneaky minion is where there real value shines.

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watchers have always been a great addition to any crew the guild has to offer. it is a 3ss significant model. Has incredible speed to out run most anything that is chasing after it, it cannot be locked in combat and makes your shooting more effective by negating cover.

All that and you STILL have card control with their abilities to look at the top of your deck and cycle through unwanted cards. If guild has anything going for them it is their excellent low cost minions going for them.

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  • 2 months later...

An interesting point you bring up about trappers and clockwork traps. They're a good minion and are being talked about being put in several lists. Consider though, they're only being taken by maybe 5 crews out of 30?

Secondly, as mentionned, anathema is a more common ability with the stuff in the new book. However, bigger than that, I think, is how most of the new, competitive, fun, and good minions are living. This new abundance of living models makes terrifying a lot better than it used to be... Which in turn makes things that counter terrifying better.

Finally, people were often taking the watcher before, so it must have been half decent and often worth its points. Increasing it's usefulness will only add to the amount of people who take it :P

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Yep I want to make sure I didn't put out they weren't worth taking pre book 4. I have never really been a big fan of dogs personally with the exception of treasure hunt. With them if you take 2 all the opponent has to do is kill one. If you take more than 2 than they really aren't a "cheap" model to do objective stuff then anymore. Where as with a watcher it is always 3 points and significant. It also has good complimentary actions as well helping out the guild list function when it is not going off to grab something.

I am a huge fan of the card draw ability on them as well. I really like having them go earlier than most other models in a turn to set up who I activate next after them because of the 1 or 2 ap action ability seeing what is coming next card wise.

I thin the main thing *Jack* is not just about trappers and traps. But prior to them coming out I see not letting tuco, a friekorps scout dude come out to play early as well pretty important with those two added it becomes good against almost 1/4 of the lists that can play. Also when tuco has to start in his deployment zone I have noticed he really isn't so hot. Not that it is the only reason people take the watcher but it really is a good point, counter point one. Also with one of the trapper and a watcher (8 or 9 points total forget off the top of my head how much a trapper is) we have a faction distinction no others have. We can use pointmen to set up a defensive net around a objective of ours (our offensively against a enemy objective) and deny all other pre deployment/movement shenanagins.

This to me I think is huge. It offsets the "speed" disadvantage guild has. Key point here I am a long time perdita player I really feel we aren't that slow (perdita do something other than shoot impossible? also watchers and dogs available since book 2). But with this new strategy available we can cover a bunch of stuff we might have had trouble getting too before with a early wave net against things while our first and second wave models can set up preferable fire lanes/charge lines. Hell in theory the trapper and traps could become the 1st wave so you could run a more elite list after the 6 points you would have to set aside for them.

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As a Ramos player I'd have payed 4ss to hire them if I could. They've always been a strong 3 and I can't see them getting any worse over the coming season.

Although the game looks to be shifting from a focus on speed to a focus on resilience / counter resilience, which may balance out their gains.

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