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How can Collette beat Perdita


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Well, the first thing that comes to mind is Cassandra being unable to be targeted by ranged attacks during the early turns, that means you can go ahead in and dismantle some of their firing lines.

As well the coryphee aren't going to draw as much fire since they push, and so you can get by Perdita's Quicker than you.

Also don't forget that Colette can Mannequin Replacement Santiago/Santana and completely nullify his hard to kill and survivability.

Other than that, you're super manueverable so if you have a Strategy where you needn't fight them, just don't. Nino can control a great deal of the board, but he's still a minion, and with all your soulstones Colette and the coryphee can beat even his 9 cb. (When he uses in my sights) Also Cassandra can just saunter up and hit him when he can't even target her.

Also don't forget you can always put mechanical doves into melee as harassers and make it harder for the Ortegas to fight at range, plus Francisco and Nino don't have great defense so you can always pop them, and magician's duel is a good way to get around Perdita's insane defense if you're trying to contain power.

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Corpyhee duet has a +ve flip for defence and resist, plus a good base def value. They also have bulletproof 2, cutting down damage which gets through. I have found that sometimes people try to alpha strike them before they activate and get Use Soulstones, but you can always put a couple of doves near the duet, and sacrifice them to get the def flips you need.

Cassandra sounds great for this, since she can get there an engage Niño, probably killing him too. I would probably get lots of soulstones when starting to make sure I can get my models across the field.

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Hey all

Just curious, how would Colette beat a Perdita crew?

Impossible!! Perdita is the BEST!!

Sorry, had to.

I haven't had Colette beat my Perdita yet, but Jonas' suggestion is the only real answer IMO. Don't try to go toe-to-toe with the shear damage any Guild crew can put out. Evade, distract, focus on your task.

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3ss, but I see a problem right there, setting yourself against Perdita directly is a mistake, like Colette, Perdita is stronger with her crew. focus on taking down everyone else and at the smae time try to stay out of sight of Nino and Perdita and make the most of defence stances and abilities to make it harder for the rest to hit you.

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If you where to try to take her down the route of least resistance would be to clear probem models first (nino, santiago, executioner, samuel hopkins). Then port colette in for 3-4 magicians duels. You have the advantage that no other crew does of attacking her with her "weak" stat via magicians duel - her casting total by 2 (to a 5). Also if cassandra is still alive or near her she can if within 12" of colette cast magicians duel once as well as 1 time each for each dove via magical extension you have out at the time if you make a move on her.

The doves probably won't get any dmg threw however you would hope she might need to waste a ss or two to resist their spell total. Cassie and colette will more than likely the models that can put damage threw but I would mainly try to just get the spells first turn against her at a 9+ your cast to run her out of soulstones then when she is out of them think about spending ss offensively to make a assasination attempt at her.

Everything above that I have mentioned is quite easier if you can happen to get the duet to hit her and give her a - to her resist duels off the book mask trigger the duet has. Due to her then being unable to cheat chards from resisting at a minus.

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well, it is true nino should be taken out ASAP, but if you cant immediately take out santiago, you should PROBABLY leave him alone. while i can believe thats she stronger with her crew, ive seen perdita take on whole crews b4, it was ridiculous. she was literally shoved right into the middle against ramos, kaeris, and some other things. perdita was the "king of the hill" so to speak in the end

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well, it is true nino should be taken out ASAP, but if you cant immediately take out santiago, you should PROBABLY leave him alone. while i can believe thats she stronger with her crew, ive seen perdita take on whole crews b4, it was ridiculous. she was literally shoved right into the middle against ramos, kaeris, and some other things. perdita was the "king of the hill" so to speak in the end

I play both crews and I can unequivically say I would much rather have santiago alive then nino. Granted I don't take nino much anymore (maybe 5 times this past year and 4 of those times where with lady j). Nino has the potential to do good stuff, however if you are aiming for trigger happy chains santiago does this reliably better than nino. Granted before half wounds he can't really threaten the duet (cmbt 5 paired pistols) so he would be more likely to be placed to attack cassie (paired negates southern to straight flip on attack even if nino is cmbt 9 not being able to cheat he is not gonna have a great chance at hitting outside of double flipping 9's or higher but that won't happen often at all) however if she ever didn't get a chance to put it up and he rapid fires her on average for me it works out to be 4-5 shots with paired finding masks much easier than lone shots (nino's) also santiago can threaten a takedown on the duet late game at half wounds paired 7 with a + to damage flips is 4 damage on severes factoring in cory's bulletproof 2 with crit strike on only 1 ram. The only challenge for the family is attritioning down the ss of the showgirls crew so that they can't live safely before cassie or the duets swoop in and kill any of the aboved mentioned 4 threats in my first post.

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