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Ten Thunder WIP


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It works well for most things but the gap on the arm of Yamziko is just a pain. Nothing seems to conceal it really well and still retain the flow of the robes.

Try using a clay shaper, they are amazing for this kind of job.


I would use a grey bullet nose, and work across from on side to the other to sculpt over the join.

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Thanks for that tip, Ratty! Definitely going to have to use it, the more I paint, the more these things are bugging me... And thanks Shaper!

Got a hunk of updates today. Here goes:

First up is the Archer. Using this guy as a test piece for figuring out the Ten Thunders Proper colors. The robe is done with the same technique as the Old Lady, haven't figured out how to highlight it just yet. Wondering what people think of the yellow? It's a similar technique, but much more muted. Might switch to this technique for the purple to make it not as vibrant.


Next up is Mei Fang. She's almost, but not quite, done. Aside from the gapping problems with her arms, there's other touch ups I need to do with her skin, and I need to finish her scarf (will match the Ten Thunders purple in the end) and her face (trying out some subtle makeup with the new brush, along with some bloody cuts from fighting. First one of the second variety is on her forehead, but not done. The silver on her lips is going to be either a metallic red or purple). Also got a shot of the freehand tattoo that I'm doing for all of them, thanks for Mako for suggesting the easy symbol of an eye.



And we've got some shots of the Rail Workers. These guys aren't done either, just detail work and touchup left for the most part. The skin tone turned out different on them, but I'm not too worried about it overall. They both also have the eye on their shoulders.


And finally, a shot of the Rail Crew together.


Comments, criticisms, questions, all are appreciated. :)


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Looking good Ed, the eyes has come out incem and the yellow metal fabric is great!

As a thought, if you're looking for a quick way to get shading into the coloured metals, it might be worth diluting a contrasting wash with water and a tiny bit of liquid soap, and using a weak wash of that in the shadows. So for yellow, use purple, and for purple, use brown. The soap should make it sink even further into the recesses. But I'd test that one first on something you don't care about!

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  • 4 months later...

Been a massively long time since I updated this...got derailed in painting my Ten Thunders by uncooperative paints and a lot of schoolwork. Still, going to be making a concerted effort to get more done with painting this year, so I figured might as well start getting back to this now. This is the first of my Wastrels, painted for the OOTers on Speed painting competition. He was painted up in an hour, and while I'm really pleased with the results, I realized I need to get back to basics as it concerns flesh tones. Still, all in all, not bad for being so out of practice. The goal with the colors was to make his clothes look ragged and dirty, to give the feel of a guy down on his luck.




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To reduce shadows on your minis, try using two lights, one shining on each side of the model. It reduces shadows. If the lights are too close, it will wash out the mini though.

What you've done so far looks good. I love the shimmery purple robe and the Kang flesh tone looks great with the Tallarn Flesh basecoat.

I also love the new GW glazes and shades, especially when doing a drybrush technique. I find it reduces the chalky texture you sometimes get.

When I read about your eyes on Kang, I had to laugh, because I have to do the eyes over like five or six times on every mini I paint. I can never get it right the first time. :)

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I'll have to try that, Meat Puppet! Right now, the only available setup I can work with has a single possible light source, but I'll have to look into getting another one. Alright, so, finally doing an update on the Ten Thunders proper! Got some new paints, and managed, with some interesting difficulty (Thanks to Mako for help!) to get a purple robe that I like for them. Here's the process all done up on Ototo-


I know it's pretty hard to see, I'm not sure I'll ever make the process photo-friendly, but his robe actually has a shadow, midtone and highlight! Unfortunately, that's the only thing done, but what can you do...

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for posting these. I am still debating about how to do my crews. I really like the looks of these.

BTW, for 2 side lighting, try taking a sheet of aluminum foil, and crinkle it up some, and use it as a reflector. If you have some white foam board, that works well, too.

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