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new to malifaux, new to guild


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Hello all.

Ive just started playing malifaux, have played plent of other table top games but have to say am loving malifaux. Right from painting the models which have been a joy to paint. To playing my first couple of games.

Ive got a sonnia crew with 2 guild hounds. An executioner ordered and wondering where to take things from there?

Any thoughts or suggestions? The theme ive picked for my crew is an ss grey coat colour scheme and going for a withch hunter/paranormal extermination crew.

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2nd on the Handler....she is great. Brutal Effigy is a nice addition since it is a solid fighter but it can also heal.....great to run behind the Handler/Stalker pack.

Austringer is good also.....if you have an injured enemy, the Austringer's range and low weak damage can help you get to the sweet spot for Violation of Magic.

A lot of people like the Guardian as a protector....I usually don't go for it. Best defense is a strong offense and all that.

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Firstly, welcome to Malifaux and to the forums! I'm glad you are liking the Malifaux experience so far! It's a totally unique game.

I also have a Sonnia crew that I am developing, and I'm sort of new to the game. What everyone has said so far is consistent with what I've heard over the past few weeks about new players starting Sonnia.

I think the Witchling handler is a good option because it thematically fits with the crew and is a beautiful model. Witchlings are great 4 soulstone models... if you can buff them even more, I say go for it! I also highly recommend the Avatar. It's one of Wyrd's most beautiful sculpts in my opinion, and it allows her to keep her amazing abilities like placing pyre markers / transforming enemies into witchlings while giving her the +2 Casting Master Ability, which lets her use to extra AP to cast every turn as opposed to just +1. As is with any crew, maximizing that crew's strength is probably your first priority. Sonnia's strength is magic, so the more magic, the better! Since Avatars are a rather new component, you might not find them in many beginner games, but they're a great asset.

One of Sonnia's strongest abilities is her ability to mess with constructs because of her disassemble trigger. I would argue that in the same way Justice is an anti-ressurectionist, Sonnia is an anti-arcanist (in some, but not all contexts). You may have an advantage if you go against mechanical masters like Ramos. This means that you probably won't need miniatures that are truly beat-stick with high damage outputs / expensive soulstone costs to take down enemy heavy hitters. Still, the executioner is perfect because he is cheap at 7 soul stones and has a decent damage output...

Since Sonnia has a lot of magical synergy, I would assume that she functions most effectively with other magic using models. To gain the most of her abilities, I would recommend her totem too (although if you plan to turn Sonnia into her avatar, her totem is sacrificed).

Hope this was helpful! Good luck with your Guild!

This Malifaux wiki site might be helpful:


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I would not recommend Sonnia's totem - it doesn't really bring much and struggles to cast any of her spells... It does some fairly weedy damage but is otherwise not going to do much... Her Avatar is very good though and I would highly recommend it to any budding Sonnia player, once you've got a bit of experience.

Handlers are a bit situational - the situation being when you have Stalkers... Luckily, Stalkers are fantastic cheap and powerful melee models, so I would recommend using them all the time with Sonnia and Lady Justice, and you could certainly make a case for using them with the other masters as well - thanks to being cheap and carrying magic weapons they're a great minion to splash into any crew...

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I would not recommend Sonnia's totem - it doesn't really bring much and struggles to cast any of her spells... It does some fairly weedy damage but is otherwise not going to do much... Her Avatar is very good though and I would highly recommend it to any budding Sonnia player, once you've got a bit of experience.

Handlers are a bit situational - the situation being when you have Stalkers... Luckily, Stalkers are fantastic cheap and powerful melee models, so I would recommend using them all the time with Sonnia and Lady Justice, and you could certainly make a case for using them with the other masters as well - thanks to being cheap and carrying magic weapons they're a great minion to splash into any crew...


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My WS are my favourite 4 point model, especially nice with my Ortegas when I can shoot them to explode on my enemies!

I am yet to get a handler, but I look forward to taking them. Not sure where to fit them in over Santiago or more WS though, are they better in higher points games or for specific lists?

I totally agree. I think the Witchlings are by far some of the best 4 point models not only in the Guild but in any faction really. I haven't tried them with the Handler yet but I really want to. I'll run 3 of them in a lot of lists and they have never failed me. Great CB stats, ranged and melee, magic weapons, and the death eruption all pressed into 4 points? Yes please.

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I am yet to get a handler, but I look forward to taking them. Not sure where to fit them in over Santiago or more WS though, are they better in higher points games or for specific lists?

Really, any list. I have played small games just master, handler, and as many stalkers as I can take; I have also played larger games that got to include other, higher-point minions. The handler has never let me down. Even when I lose (frequently) she is often the last model standing on my team.

35 point games are really where I see the sweet spot being for model selection and ease of gameplay.

Another model that has only been brushed on, the Exorcist. A situational model, but a very fun and effective model (if you can ever get him into the battle... damn 3" walk.)

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Guild Hounds and Witchling Stalkers are the best buys for Lady Justice in my opinion - cheap melee models that can take advantage of her buffs. Austringers are great with everyone for long range support and alpha striking and can be even more effective with her Blind Justice spell...

And Lucius is the best Lady J delivery system in the game - Reinforcements can dump her right in the action without having to move up or get shot at...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the abscence from the forum. I havnt been able to devote much time to gaming lately.

I finally played a game with my new witchling handler and austringer. Both models i really enjoyed playing and just need to learn how to play them better and more about my opponents forces as well.

I played arcanists in a 40ss game i lost but really enjoyed it. He played ramos and kaeris as well as a gun smith and as many arachnids as he could. Was really hard fought game but on the last turn i ended up loosing the game.

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