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Entering Malifaux my first miniture game


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Hey all im harold, Aka Jaceplayer77 as you can tell i play magic the gathering and my sho recently has a few players getting into Malifaux. Here is a list of what i have pinned and primed to paint.


Essence of Power

Blessed of December

Ice Golem

Silent one

3 Ice Gamin

Friday i am going to another hobby/game store for valejo paints for the crew. This is my first time at this hobby and for one i want to know what i should get to add to my crew for speed and ability to switch my crew depending on strategies and schemes. And buying paint for the crew what should i buy. thanks everyone and i love Rasputina crew due to back story/fluff and the look of these minitures.

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I don't play raspy but a lot of people who do like snowstorm for it's ability to speed up the crew. That said the blessed isn't too shabby speed wise. If you are okay with going away from the raspy themed models you have tons of options ranging from cerberi, to coryphee, to the mechanical rider, to robot spiders...

You might also consider Kaeris for a fire and ice theme. Tons of options, really.

If you want to stay with the more raspy themed (although don't underestimate the power of a paint job to provide theme, I've seen siberian tiger styled cerberi and even an icy colored razorspine rattler and miranda) I'd suggest snow storm.

Welcome aboard.

---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ----------

personally I also like the wendigo totem but most raspy players use the EoP you have.

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Blessed is going to be ace for strats where you need to get places. Snow Storm is great for mobility, but I think some people get hung up with him doing just that.....he is also a pretty survivable murderer...and he is even faster when he doesn't have to lug his crew around behind him. I'm not a big fan of his because he is a lot of points, but that's just personal preference.....there is no denying his power.

Gunsmith. Give him Frozen Heart with either the Silent One or by being close enough to Raspy. Under the effects of the Silent One's 'North Wind' (+3" Rg) and Ice Gamin's 'Bite of Winter' (+1 Dg vs targets without Armor) and he is really nasty.

Good luck! Lots of Raspy love around lately :)

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I just played Raspy for the first time tonight and will say that the Blessed was amazingly useful. You will definitely need some extra 50mm bases for her ice pillars, though you could cut out some 50mm card circles to use instead.

Regarding what you need to paint your models, you should check the Miniature Matters section as there have been many threads on people's preferred paint brands. You will need a few brushes - I usually buy these from the craft store as there is usually a brand on sale. The size I use most are 00, 0, 1, 2 - I would recommend you go for sable, not synthetic. You said you were purchasing Vallejo, which many people like, but wanted to mention the Army Painter range, which I personally prefer to Vallejo, and you can get a starter kit with 9 basic colors and a wash and brush, for under $30. You will also want a matte varnish, either spray or brush on, to protect the paint job.

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Thanks all and special thanks to morella for the suggested paintsand brushes. I also need to do my bases yet so any ideas on them would help.Been watching alot of you tube videos trying to find something i could do. Agian thanks and i like rasputina because of her fluff and her look. Oh yeah and she is a mage. Like my skyrim character.

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One other model to consider is the Slate Ridge Mauler. You will hear a lot of people giving it a lot of stick for being slow and dying quickly but this is not true in a Raspy crew in particular. Raspy is slower so no problem there. Plus Raspy can give the Mauler armour +2 which is the same as the ice golems. It hits harder than the ice golem too, and is 2ss cheaper.

When it comes to Snow Storm - She is great, but not in a game smaller than 35ss. Snow Storm tends to only come out when I have flipped a strategy which requires me to move quickly.

Other models I like with Raspy are the Convict Gunslinger and Gunsmiths. Raspy is a really powerful area denial piece, but you tend to find that her crew moves as a group (mainly because she will die if someone sneezes in her direction). The Gunslinger and Gunsmiths are useful as they can operate independently and are great area denial pieces themselves.

Kaeris is also awesome!

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I have what you've got plus Snow Storm and Rasputina's Avatar (which is really not necessary, but can be fun after you've gotten good with 'Tina's normal form).

The Blessed is your objective runner, and you can use her to pick off stragglers. She's awesome. Be careful with her- she's not made of glass but she's no tank, either.

Snow Storm is pretty nasty, with a toolkit of abilities. They are expensive in games under 40 stones though, so you could probably hold off on getting them for a while.

The Mauler is a better choice than the Cerberus for 'Tina. He's a bit fragile, but 'Tina or the EoP can give him Armor 2 and Frozen Heart. Combined with how he gets nastier at half wounds, he should be an excellent melee deterrent- people will think twice about charging Rasputina if they have to deal with an angry, armored-up Mauler.

I haven't used them myself, but Kaeris and Gunsmiths would also be great choices. Kaeris is just a great all-rounder, and the Gunsmiths (as mentioned) can be their own little fire team and don't need to hang around Rasputina.

Since the stat card is free, I'd proxy the Gunslinger to see if you like him better than the Gunsmiths. He can put out more attacks but the Gunsmiths can make those attacks hit harder.

The Golem...one of my favorite sculpts, but he is too expensive at 9 ss. That said, he's actually a pretty decent model- he's slow and easy to hit but he hits pretty hard both melee and ranged. I'd recommend you try him out at least once, and he does just fine in starter vs. starter games.

Edited by Dustcrusher
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