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Am I getting this right?


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As a purely hypothetical question that I would never try to pull, does the following occur (as I understand it?)

Datsue Ba uses weigh sins against a desperate mercenary, and offs the poor sod, This is within 4" of Kirai. Which of the following sweet bennies do I get?

a) A Delicious Seishin

B) An edgy Gaki

c) A much needed healing flip

d) Or ALL OF THE ABOVE (nom nom nom)

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d) all of the above, plus

e) a shiny Onryo instead of the Gaki if you cast it with a crow.

My first turn will usually involve summoning a Shikome then turning a Desperate Merc and a Canine Remains into Gaki/Onryo with Datsue, thus replenishing my Seishin and healing Kirai.


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Ya its d. It can be a nice trick but problem with lists focused on doing things like that is your spending time farming up minions while the other guy is going after objectives. Such plans can be good but there are usualy better ways to spend your action points. People often forget action points are just as much a resouce in the game as ss you only get so many in a game.

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Ya its d. It can be a nice trick but problem with lists focused on doing things like that is your spending time farming up minions while the other guy is going after objectives. Such plans can be good but there are usualy better ways to spend your action points. People often forget action points are just as much a resouce in the game as ss you only get so many in a game.

That would be very true if Kirai wasnt so fast that she didnt care about the single turn of set up.

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I dunno, it's not like you're actually tying up the entire team with this manoeuvre. It's really just the Datsue-Ba who's losing a turn out of this.

If the Datsue-Ba just Channels the spell chances are very high that you can pull this off.

It's not a huge advantage, true, but it's not bad. Definitely worth it if you can get an Onryo out of IMO.

But this is all theory, I never know for sure how I will feel about this until I've tried it out, so I'm gonna give this a whirl ;)

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It's definitely not a hindrance. Usually I'll round out my crew with night terrors, drowned, insidious madness etc. Fast minions. Turn one you've potentially gained 18ss worth of models at the cost of 4ss worth of models, the shikome can move around freely turn 1 while the other minions advance, then turn two swirl the 2 onryo up into combat after you've easily out activated your opponent due to all of your free minions and claw their faces off. While they're dealing with them your night terrors are free to run around as you can pile on even more spirits due to the fact that Kirai hasn't even spent any wounds and still has 5 seishin. It's an oppressive weight of numbers that your enemy either drowns in or wastes all their activations fighting, which has as much benefit in demoralising your opponent as it does in actual bodies on the table.

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I usually go for the hiper aggresive play (summon shikome and slingshot at enemy models turn 1) but I'm noticing lately that though when it goes well, I win big, it eats through my resources like mad and has left me hanging more than once (enter avatar Kirai to try and save my ass). I want to take a slower approach and see how that pans out so I'll be trying this tactic next time I use Kirai.

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I use the trick as well. I actually do it twice as I take a canine remains and a merc. I have the merc go defensive stance and then smack the dog, doing my best to only do weak dmg. Then I have the dog attack the merc, using the DF stance to give the dog the best chance of doing moderate.

In this way I've added to the time tested Kirai trick of Burning activations so that all my important stuff can go after my opponent has activated out. I also have 2 minions now at 1 wd, which means Datsue-Ba only needs to cast the spell to kill the minions and therefore get a gaki or Onryo if I get the crow, and it then replaces the two Seishin I've most likely destroyed already summoning a Shikome, by the time Datsue-Ba goes.

Its a solid trick to use with Kirai.

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Follow up question, if I spirit food the desperate mercenary, do I get an additional Gaki?

IE can I cast with a crow getting:


Gaki (spirit food)

Onyro (weigh sins with trigger)

I don't see anything stopping it....And I like to go with Kirai before Datsue-Ba myself already due to her emo-cutting herself to get Ikiryo on the board anyways, I just figured spirit food on the desperate mercenary is an additional 3 points so that you can get 10 ss out of that first 2 ss mercenary, but am I wrong on how this works?

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Are you referring to the greatest invention since the wheel?

The "rule of equiva-wtf"?

It does not exist anymore.

I thought the Seishin were produced as a result of the event, not from the corpse in question? It's the spirits being drawn to the site of the death rather than being made from the person? I could be completely delusional about that though, and I don't have the second book with me right now.

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I thought the Seishin were produced as a result of the event, not from the corpse in question? It's the spirits being drawn to the site of the death rather than being made from the person? I could be completely delusional about that though, and I don't have the second book with me right now.

There's no rule in the second book to read. There was once, but it was errated out of existence with the Rules Manual.

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