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The Aethervox Episode 18: Terraining Champion


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After a Summer holiday, we're back into the swing of things. This episode we talk about all of Wyrd's recent announcements, Ian and Adrian talk about Sedition Wars in our new segment "Beyond the Breach," Julian and Ian recap a Malifaux tournament they went to back in May, Adrian talks about Bishop in "The Man Comes Around" and we have a fascinating interview with Adam Rogers of Miniterrain Studio about terrain making.

We hope you enjoy: http://theaethervox.com/

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Fans of Aspiring Resurrectionist will have to get on Hakomike's case about writing more chapters, as last time I checked I'd caught up with everything done so far. Be nice about it though, I'm sure he'd love to hear how much you're enjoying his tale! :)

Fans of the circus story need to start giving Prunesquallor some serious ****! ;)

Apologies to Mako, your work is definately in next episode.

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He is? Poor lad, what happened? Heh. Might have to wait a While, all my stuff is in a box somewhere between here and England, and won't turn up for a month or two...

It's very odd here, but I guess I'll get used to it. And at least it's rained a lot since I arrived so I feel at home with the weather!

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Yeah, I found that because everything is superficially similar to home you are constantly surprised by how different things work/are here (if that makes any sense).

You are probably at the point where you are comparing everything to home. It lasts for somewhere between 6 and 12 months iirc, then you just chill out and accept/enjoy things as they are. Some things are better, some worse, no one has invented a perfect country yet! :)

That said, moving countries can be tough. I've heard other expats say that it takes about 2 years to properly feel "at home", and that was about right for me too. If you need to talk/vent/whatever at any point to someone who's been through a similar process, PM me and we can Skype or something.

And yeah, it's been 6 years and I STILL forget that taxes are extra to the ticket price, and it still pees me off! ;)

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Yeah, the tax thing is a pain in the ass. Although at the moment I'm kind of reeling from discovering how much I'll get charged in taxes if I buy some stuff from an English miniature company, holy hell that's pricey!

Up to a year to settle, eh? best hope my contract gets extended then, or I'll just about have got sorted and then I'll have to go home!

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There's always the option of getting everyone whos been on before to talk about avatars properly now we've had a good year or so to get to know them, maybe 5-10 mins apiece on pros and cons per avatar, obviously after the Somer one as otherwise Dumb luck wont be able to come back on with Ophelia not having an avatar and all.

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There's always the option of getting everyone whos been on before to talk about avatars properly now we've had a good year or so to get to know them, maybe 5-10 mins apiece on pros and cons per avatar, obviously after the Somer one as otherwise Dumb luck wont be able to come back on with Ophelia not having an avatar and all.

Ophelia is always in Avatar form. Who do you think really triggered the Event?

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