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Slate Ridge Mauler Enigma


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Hello Arcanists

Now I know there is a lot of bad rep considering the Slate Ridge Mauler and I know its mostly based on there lack of any kind of speed and there ever s o slight squishyness unless they are at reduced wounds.

I am interested to hear any Slate Ridge Mauler success stories, how it was used, what else was in the list etc.

Mr Soulstone.

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Ah Tograth I probably should have mentioned I currently, am a Marcus puritan, so nothing but beasts and Marcus as the master, although I have seen that particular tactic before, I know how I would intend to use the big 4 armed face tearer but was just wondering if anyone had any really successful maneuvers with him within a Marcus list.

Thanks anyway

Mr. Soulstone

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Heh. Part of me wants to pit the Mauler against the new Neverborn box coming out. A four-armed bear versus the staff of the Honeypot casino? It's a slaughterfest waiting to happen. *wink*

As far as gameplay goes, I agree that the Mauler suffers from many of our heavy hitters' flaws, in that he has an element of finesse to him that blies his brute-force image. For my money, the Blessed of December is a better choice, as she has the speed to take advantage of her hitting power. I like the Ramos/Guardian/Bear combo, though -- although it is a horrendously expensive combo, and Ramos himself has little internal synergy with the Mauler, other than the models he can bring in to support it. I may have to try that one out, sometime.

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I had a good game today with Myranda transforming into a cerberus early game for the +2 strikes, then when she started taking wounds I transformed into a mauler for Cb 8. I essentially used her as a bodyguard for an evidence marker, so a mauler itself would work largely the same. While it doesn't have speed, when you do need support, something fast can sneak back and support the mauler.

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El Indio, I agree it would be fantastic, Mr. Graves may have a 2x4 but I fancy the Maulers chances :)

I would love to try the Slate Ridge Mauler and a shikome partnership, with Hunting Partner I would love to see anyone survive the extreme 4 armed face ripping!

I am a huge fan of the Blessed of December mine is currently on its way and I believe it completely out classes the Cerberus now.

I am committed though to fielding the Mauler as he is my favorite model, he should also be arriving soon so after I have tried him out in a few games I shall post my findings :)

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I have had a lot of success with Raspy, Mauler and Snow Storm. Raspy can add +2 armour to the Mauler (so he becomes as durable as the Golem for 2ss less) and Snow Storm can drag the mauler around with him giving him cover to boot. Nasty double team.

Ok sorry won't work as well for Marcus but I wanted at least someone to stick up for the big mauler!

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I could use the Snow Storm with Marcus but for a total of 18ss?Its a wee bit steep.

As well as that the Snow Storm loses half its abilities when not used with Rasputina but I do like the idea of adding extra movement to the Mauler and other parts of the crew!

Glad to see someone else standing up for him :)

Mr. Soulstone

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Im kind of saddened to see the bad rap mauler is getting, on paper he looks like money in the bank, but in practice from everywhere im hearing his speed is a huge pitfall for him. As soon as oiran become available Im planning on getting them as kind of a throw in utility model in my crews, I think her use of lure could be beneficial, it wont necessarily add and forward speed, but could add some sneaky lateral movement if you advance her on the opposite flank making it easier for the mauler to react to the advantages that may arise

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I just looked at the Oiran, although they look awesome and there stats and car are sweet, I still consider myself a Marcus puritan..

.... I like to walk with the animals, talk with the animals, kill with the animals...

.. that sort of thing. I like the idea though of a waldgeist and mauler combo, obviously it only works with a particularly heavy wooded table, the idea being to move the forest with the waldgeist basically as a massive nature shield for the mauler move up, it helps defend the rest of the fuzzy bunnies to.

Mr. Soulstone

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I want to do a circus Marcus crew with the mauler, showgirls, and a cerberus... and Miranda. Every Marcus list should have Miranda.

Maybe paint Miranda up as a $$$$$$$$$$ and put the top hat from the accessories sprue on marcus (or get an alt model for him).

Edit- wow apparently the obscenity filter hates the word:






Random. Very Random.

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I think this is were Miranda comes in. She's doing her support thing and when thing get hot in the kitchen, she transforms and Hulk smashes anything in site. Once the coast is clear, she reverts back to support roll. At least that's how I see it.

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