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STeamborg? Worth it?


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Just like the title sounds. Is the steamborg exocutioner worth the SS cost? I havent used him yet and I plan on getting Ramos but I'm not sure whether I want to get the box set or not. I enjoy Ramos's alt sculpt much more than the original so Im going to pick that up but do I need the steamborg exocutioner? He just seems so big that its almost not worth it. Thoughts?

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despite his size, he's still an arachnid, so he can get to all kinds of places. His damage gride is excellent with weak dmg higher than most heavy hitter with equally excellent cb and he can easily pump out 4 attacks. Decapitate is a ridiculously good trigger. Steam Cloud can also be pretty fun to use. Summary: His dmg output alone makes the 10ss worth it plus he has some utility purposes.

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I finde it depends on two things.

One is waither he is a viable pick, for instanace if you have plenty of kill potential and you mission isn't slaugter then you won't need him (still nice to have the option incase)

And two is how you play, if your just going to run him straight up the field he dosnt have enough defence to take the pounding (aracnid swarm would do bit less damage but take less kits and have in built healing) but if your going to flank and charge him over a wall at an un expecting enamy ramos or something then he is amazing, basicly the best flanker ramos can get

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This is my opinion....

Short Version

Hells no

Longer Version

Why have a Steamborg when you can have 2 Large Steampunk Arachnids. They can live longer and together can give the same damage output (if not more), they also give out 3 scraps each. The only thing that the Steamborg brings is a higher CB and Decapitate. To me that is not enough for a model that wont live out his point cost.

Just my 2 cents

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This is my opinion....

Short Version

Hells no

Longer Version

Why have a Steamborg when you can have 2 Large Steampunk Arachnids. They can live longer and together can give the same damage output (if not more), they also give out 3 scraps each. The only thing that the Steamborg brings is a higher CB and Decapitate. To me that is not enough for a model that wont live out his point cost.

Just my 2 cents

I agree completely.

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I'm not a huge fan of the Steamborg but I would never substitute it with Large SPA's. I would rather take another spider swarm over them. At least you get some ulility take way. Large SPA are 100% meh... and are only good for scrap.


5ss models with good mobility a 3rd action point the best ss to scrap ratio in the game? Lspa are an amazing model for cost.

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To round up the thoughts,

Nessacery, no

Fun, can be

Worth points, meh

Better alternatives, yh most likely in most situations

What I have used him for in the past (note, this was when I only had first book stuff) is when I need some one independent of ramos who can do his thing, I was in a three way, and he held of everything Leveticus sent my way wial ramos and two spider swarms ran up to pandy and started munching till they were low enough to brake apart and blow up

Edited by izikial
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