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Would you buy a book 2.5?

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Definitely not.

1.5 makes sense not only due to the update, but because 1.0 is all but impossible to buy cost effectively. I would've accepted a reprint of 1.0, but updating the rules accordingly is immensely appreciated.

You can still buy Rising Powers in a variety of stores, so unless it went out of print or a massive spike in demand necessitated a giant re-print, there's no real need.

And I already own Rising Powers, so that's a pretty solid reason too.

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It is not an easy thing to write clearly and concisely - most people can't do it - and they should consider hiring a professional or two to do this edition. They need to get at least one technical writer and one editor. We need something better than: Capital A in attack it means this and lower case A means this.

Edited by Boscotopia
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I'd certainly buy a mini catalogue(with just the updated/eratta'd stat cards for all models in books 1-3 or 1-current). it would help immensly in trying to show off models to other people, solving rules disputes, and generally helping myself/others buy the best model for current neads.

I'd also buy a fluff compendium, and likely subscribe to a newsletter with fluff.

Yes, I'm aware that I'd essentially be buying all three books again. doesn't matter. I'd still buy both, for the convenience. I also understand it'll likely not happen anytime soon, if at all.

in short, I love the fluff. It's just sometimes, I just want to look through the &*%! cards without having to flip through all the fluff(and vice versa)

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As much as many people loath the 1.5, as someone who has just entered Malifaux, i fully appreciate 1.5. Gives me the opportunity to read the fluff and make sense of the books that i own (2 & 3).

Then again, i guess some time down the line, there will be someone who will enter the game and books 2 & 3 won't be available.

I think there may be a time where Wyrd may have to mimmic either GW's model or better PP (Privateer Press), and to have a main rule book with general fluff and then faction books with fluff specific to the faction. GW suck at this, you get the new rulebook and you have to wait 5 years for the book of your army to come out. PP however, when the new rules came out, not only did they update the cards, but also they (at least tried) to release all the faction books roughly at the same time.

To answer the question about 2.5, if i was new and wanted the fluff, yes. But in general no.

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As much as many people loath the 1.5, as someone who has just entered Malifaux, i fully appreciate 1.5.

Then again, i guess some time down the line, there will be someone who will enter the game and books 2 & 3 won't be available.

There your answer right there. 1.5 exists because 1.0 was out of print, and contained outdated info. Rather than fire up the presses again for a book that would require copious notations to errata, they just updated the necessary parts and bam, we have the updated edition.

The only reason I could see to do a 2.5 would be as noted above; significant enough rules changes came out that made it worthwhile, doubly so if said book was out of print for an extended time. Given that 2 and 3 have remained pretty handily available (in my limited experience), either it's still in print (?) or enough were produced to meet demand for a while to come yet.

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