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Nurse, hand me my scalpel, STAT!


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I am completely new to Malifaux and I hope this crew will be a hell of a lot of fun to play. I will get myself the McMourning Starter box, the avatar, a Chihuahua, 4 canine remains, Rafkin and the alt. Flesh Construct. Should that be sufficient to play or do I need more models for summoning?

Ressurectionists Crew - 25 - Scrap

Dr. Douglas McMourning
6 Pool

+ McMourning, Avatar of Athanasia

Zombie Chihuahua [1ss]

  • Canine Remains

  • Canine Remains

  • Nurse

  • Rafkin, The Embalmer

  • Sebastian, Morgue Assistant

Edited by lordmetroid
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The best thing to do is to see what strategy you get before you make a list. That list is very thematic and fluffy. Thats enough to play a game and In terms of additional summons, the Rouge Necromancy is a great late game summon if you have enough body parts.

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True you want to find out what the strat is going to be first. Waht you have really looks fun and characterful. If you and your friends are mainly casual players then your list will be great fun to play. However if you are asking on a more competitive side I'd recommend a few different things.

First, I wouldn't buy McMorning's box, unless you are a big time painter. The box has 2 nurses in it, and you really are most likely never going to want 2 in a list. You'll very rarely ever use 1, but 1 does have some nasty tricks.

If you are planning to use a nurse for certain in your list I'd make certain to get some Desperate Mercs as well since her buffing tricks can turn them into absolute nightmares.

I wouldn't bring Rafkin, he doesn't have much synergy with McMorning, unless you are bringing him as a healer of sorts. He's very characterful however, and if that is very important to you go for it.

As said above, make certain you have access to a Rogue Necromancy, as it and the flesh construct are going to be your main summons with McMorning.

At some point in the future you will want the Dead Rider, a grave spirit, and a belle or two, but to begin with you look like you have a solid plan.

Welcome to the rotting hoards! *wink*

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Recently I've found a Nurse and Simulacrum 29 make a very nasty combination. Using Massive Dose to give Simulacrum Reactivate or +2 Wk, the Nurse can compensate for his lack of speed and even though Simulacrum will be sacrificed at the end of the turn, McMourning can simply summon another one (just remember to hold onto those body parts in order to do so).

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if building a mcmourning crew, and don't want to over buy, decide if you want to run thge avatar or not. IF you are planing on getting the avatar (I REALLY LIKE HIM), I would look at having 2 Flesh constructs (total). If you don't want the avatar, 1 flesh construct(total) and the rogue necromancy are solid. I find Rafkin & Mortimer in the same crew a little much. I use Mortimer more that Rafkin because a turn 1 corpse if useful, but not required. Now if you like the nurse, I would consider Mctavish (Merc). He has shrugged off for 2 activation a turn with being sacrificed for Massive Dose. Sue is an alternative, but the fact Mctavish is 3 corpse counters really help. The nurse also help manifesting because as you manifest the massive dose sacrifice requirements dissipates as McM manifest. I would also try and trade a nurse for a Necropunk, Reactivating a Necropunk is an easy turn 2 win for deliver a message. Also if you want later on you can expand your crew for Bette Noir and Killjoy for a really mean early attack game. You will never need more than 1 nurse.

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Thank you for all the advice, really helpful and love to read more. As I have been reading some more a few questions have come to my mind.

Does rafkin help the dear doctor at all? I also read rafkin can summon guild autopsies, do I need to purchase those as well or will the body parts collected by rafkin be more helpful in other ways?

When the avatar manifests, will the doctor's model be replaced by the avatar or is the avatar an additional summoned model?

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Rafkin can summon Guild Autopsies, but they aren't that good. They are situationally good, but 99% of the time you will only be summoning flesh constructs, or a Rogue Necromancy.

The problem with Rafkin's summoning is that in order for it to be at all decent, you have to build most of your list around making it work, and it is going to burn a full 2 turns at the very least before you get anything out of it, and in my estimation what you can get out of it is not worth giving up 1/3 of the entire game to achieve.

Rafkin looks ok on paper, but at least in my experience, they only thing he really helps with is providing a healing flip, which doesn't do much at least in my experience. You'll get more use from the Dead Rider and a Grave spirit than you ever will from Rafkin.

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Rafkin can summon Guild Autopsies, but they aren't that good. They are situationally good, but 99% of the time you will only be summoning flesh constructs, or a Rogue Necromancy.

The problem with Rafkin's summoning is that in order for it to be at all decent, you have to build most of your list around making it work, and it is going to burn a full 2 turns at the very least before you get anything out of it, and in my estimation what you can get out of it is not worth giving up 1/3 of the entire game to achieve.

Rafkin looks ok on paper, but at least in my experience, they only thing he really helps with is providing a healing flip, which doesn't do much at least in my experience. You'll get more use from the Dead Rider and a Grave spirit than you ever will from Rafkin.

One of Rafkins best uses is a sneak attack and last minute body count increase. On turn 6 you drop 2-3 guild autopsies which are not Insignificant, good for Breakthrough, Claim jump ect. I also used it c ouple time to put guild autopsies on top of building where they are hard to reach in melee and got a bit of cover because the roof had an edge. Making them good cover support.

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Sacrificing models in a Resser crew is usually a really bad idea since it will result in losing the Corpse Counters (or in this case Body Part Counters that could be left when a model dies) that could be used by the crew. Page 19 of the New 1.5 book or Page 13 of the Rules Manual are the relevant references.

This is one of the main reasons the Nurse are universally shunned.

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Ausplosions is right its not a good idea to spend that many turns hacking up dogs. Yes you may get a good number of body parts but your sacrificing precious time to get into decent positions for your strategies and scemes. McMourning is a beast in and of himself. Get him in the fray for a turn then get him out with a belle or something.

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Ausplosions is right its not a good idea to spend that many turns hacking up dogs. Yes you may get a good number of body parts but your sacrificing precious time to get into decent positions for your strategies and scemes. McMourning is a beast in and of himself. Get him in the fray for a turn then get him out with a belle or something.

That being said...I still see a lot of people kill the zombie chihuahua and a canine remains on turn 1 to get up the board farther as well as a huge jump on body parts early. Typically though, people will only spend the first turn doing this and expect to get them a rogue necromancy when they want it early or saving them for getting McMourning ready for manifesting.

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Dogs are useful for more than just chopping up, they provide cheap activations, are easy to hide behind terrain, pretty quick, can be used to help get McMourning up the field with Scalpel Slinging.

I guess what I am saying is that they are a versitile cheap minion that shouldnt be looked as being there just for body parts. I will often start everyone in position for a firrst turn RN summon but it will depend on cards as to whether or not I actually do it or not or wait until later in the game where I can shove the RN down my opponents throat

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Also, consider figuring out how to load McMorning with enough BP first turn for a RN, but don't summon it immediately. I find it best to often consider Monstrous Creation as a really effective paralyze as opposed to something that is going to kill lots of stuff.

Move up field and attack something, then drop a rogue necromancy on top of them. Chances are they are going to burn 1-2 full model's activation killing it before it kills them. That comes out to an even to better use of paralyze, with the added bonus of that if they don't kill it, it will hurt them badly.

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