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Guild on a budget


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The term budget is used lightly, but just something I noticed when browsing the guild range. Guild has some of the most well-rounded starter boxes in the entire range, and I mean well-rounded as a faction not on a per master basis. This is mainly because the minions provided in each box are all staple guild models. So with that information, I'm fairly certain it'd be possible to build a fairly deep and versatile faction pool on just the three book 1 starter boxes and three blisters. My question is what would be the three best blisters to accomplish this with. Currently I'm thinking Austring, Executioner, and Witchling Handler but I'm not overly familiar with the faction.

Edit-Probably the best way to do it

For me, if I was going to pick up 3 blisters to go along with the 3 book 1 starter boxes, I would pick up the following:

2 packs Guild Hounds

Witchling Handler

Honestly, if I was new and just starting guild, my initial purchases would be in this order:

  1. Sonnia Criid starter box
  2. Witchling Handler
  3. Lady Justice Starter Box
  4. Perdita Starter Box
  5. 2 blisters of Guild hounds
  6. Enslaved Nephilim
  7. Blister of Guild Guards
  8. Lucius Starter Box
  9. Drill Sergeant
  10. Hoffman Starter Box
  11. 2x Wardens (if this is after they release)
  12. Exorcist (if my local area had a fair number of ressers)
  13. Pale Rider
  14. 2 blisters of Austringers
  15. 2 blisters Desperate Mercenaries
  16. Avatar Sonnia
  17. Avatar Justice
  18. Executioner
  19. Governors Proxy

Edited by Boshea
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For me, if I was going to pick up 3 blisters to go along with the 3 book 1 starter boxes, I would pick up the following:

2 packs Guild Hounds

Witchling Handler

Honestly, if I was new and just starting guild, my initial purchases would be in this order:

  1. Sonnia Criid starter box
  2. Witchling Handler
  3. Lady Justice Starter Box
  4. Perdita Starter Box
  5. 2 blisters of Guild hounds
  6. Enslaved Nephilim
  7. Blister of Guild Guards
  8. Lucius Starter Box
  9. Drill Sergeant
  10. Hoffman Starter Box
  11. 2x Wardens (if this is after they release)
  12. Exorcist (if my local area had a fair number of ressers)
  13. Pale Rider
  14. 2 blisters of Austringers
  15. 2 blisters Desperate Mercenaries
  16. Avatar Sonnia
  17. Avatar Justice
  18. Executioner
  19. Governors Proxy

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For me, if I was going to pick up 3 blisters to go along with the 3 book 1 starter boxes, I would pick up the following:

2 packs Guild Hounds

Witchling Handler

I can see the benefit of this. Mainly gets around the guild being slow by either using hounds to cover ground quickly, or the handler to better coordinate witchlings.

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For me, if I was going to pick up 3 blisters to go along with the 3 book 1 starter boxes, I would pick up the following:

2 packs Guild Hounds

Witchling Handler

Honestly, if I was new and just starting guild, my initial purchases would be in this order:

  1. Sonnia Criid starter box
  2. Witchling Handler
  3. Lady Justice Starter Box
  4. Perdita Starter Box
  5. 2 blisters of Guild hounds
  6. Enslaved Nephilim
  7. Blister of Guild Guards
  8. Lucius Starter Box
  9. Drill Sergeant
  10. Hoffman Starter Box
  11. 2x Wardens (if this is after they release)
  12. Exorcist (if my local area had a fair number of ressers)
  13. Pale Rider
  14. 2 blisters of Austringers
  15. 2 blisters Desperate Mercenaries
  16. Avatar Sonnia
  17. Avatar Justice
  18. Executioner
  19. Governors Proxy

No Guardian? I think that he is extremely good for both Lady Justice and Sonnia Creed. Watcher is also something I would buy before Guild Guard.

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You could do the smart thing, and create your own theme, and then simply find miniatures for good price that makes up for a great proxy.

Just look at my blog


I have an almost complete Neverborn and Outcast faction, half a Guild faction and i have only used a fraction of the original cost thanks to scavenging, www.maelstroemgames.co.uk with their sales and second hand buys.

Or get smart and if you like the game, then join the Henchmen and promote the game to your friends and other lucky souls, and they pay you in Wyrd miniatures!!!


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Honestly, if I was new and just starting guild, my initial purchases would be in this order:

  1. Sonnia Criid starter box
  2. Witchling Handler
  3. Lady Justice Starter Box
  4. Perdita Starter Box
  5. 2 blisters of Guild hounds
  6. Enslaved Nephilim
  7. Blister of Guild Guards
  8. Lucius Starter Box
  9. Drill Sergeant
  10. Hoffman Starter Box
  11. 2x Wardens (if this is after they release)
  12. Exorcist (if my local area had a fair number of ressers)
  13. Pale Rider
  14. 2 blisters of Austringers
  15. 2 blisters Desperate Mercenaries
  16. Avatar Sonnia
  17. Avatar Justice
  18. Executioner
  19. Governors Proxy


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Keep in mind guys, this is just my order of preference. I will agree, I should slide the peacekeeper in there but I am not sure where. As for aPerdita, she is currently the only Guild model thats released and I do not own. Take that how you will.

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That's maybe an optimum buying schedule for gaming purposes but seriously the executioner is such an amazingly fun model to paint there is no way it should be your second last purchase.

My sequence so far has been:

Sonnia Criid's box (witchling stalkers are fantastic figs and drew me to malifaux)

Lady J's Box (Death Marshalls are not far behind the stalkers)

Executioner (such fun painting him)

Austringer (crouching with hat I like, bald not so much)

Then I bought a couple of guild guards and another Austringer but haven't gotten round to painting them yet, so my guild have stalled (they don't add that much to my crews so got distracted by neverborn instead).

So depends on why you are buying things as well!

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The Executioner is such a problem piece for me. With the hands on the belt and such, I should have an enjoyable time painting the model. Hell, I should love the model with all the built in humor. Yet, he is one of my least favorite models in the guild line. I have no good reason for it other than esthetically he just does not work for me. I have even seen some really nicely (incredibly to be honest) painted Executioners such as the Crystal Brush crew and DGraz's.

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That's maybe an optimum buying schedule for gaming purposes but seriously the executioner is such an amazingly fun model to paint there is no way it should be your second last purchase.

Wait for the alt Executioner model to release... the original one was fun to paint but since there's an alt sculpt, why not?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well started my dive into Guild today grabbing everything in Nix's recommended 6 except the Ortega box (had to put that off for a little). Itching to start playing Criid, and will be able to run better demos with Lady J versus Seamus instead of Schill versus Seamus. At the very least it means I have masters other than the Viktorias or Seamus to play against a friend who is starting with Kirai. With the Viks its a blood bath, and with Seamus its a slow painful game for both sides.

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I am alarmed to see that I have not gone down the suggested path! :)

I picked up an eBay deal on the Hoffman Box + Peacekeeper. I bought three Witchling Stalkers because they're living and anti-magic. I'm planning on getting another Watcher to bring this up to 35 points, and Sonnia to replace Hoffman for playing against magical crews.

After that, I'm planning on the Lucius Box, to get me some ranged potential. After that, maybe the Lady Justice Box, but I feel I have the melee game sewn up already. ;)

I hope I haven't made a dreadful mistake in ignoring the Ortegas on the basis of cheese.

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I hope I haven't made a dreadful mistake in ignoring the Ortegas on the basis of cheese.

You might have, they really are some great models. Fun to paint and good at their job.

The whole Ortegas(or Perdita) = Win idea has long gone away most places. In a lot of circles people think she isn't very good at all.

At the very least take a look at Santiago and Nino, both of which many people think are prime Guild models

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The whole Ortegas(or Perdita) = Win idea has long gone away most places. In a lot of circles people think she isn't very good at all.

Hmm, I was avoiding her because she's too good, now I'm avoiding her because she isn't very good at all!

the very least take a look at Santiago and Nino, both of which many people think are prime Guild models

Oh okay. I'll look.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'd love to see Nix do a list like this for Neverborn!

I as not watching this thread for a while and missed the last post. Thanks for the PM Seventeen.

I will have to do some thinking about Neverborn, as my approach to playing and collecting NB is different from Guild. Guild has some great box-sets that augment the whole faction, while Neverborn does not really do that. Plus, everything is changing in just 2 weeks.

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