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Marcus crew by decker_cky


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So I got given a Marcus crew recently, and I've gotten it painted with a few extra pieces:









Razorspine Rattler:



Malifaux Raptors:



Soulstone Miner:



Lots more should be coming over the next few weeks, and most of the other models I've gotten are actual Wyrd minis (it just happens that my alternatives were available while waiting for the other Wyrd minis to ship :P).

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Nice looking models there. I've been thinking about how to paint my Marcus, since I've never actually painted dark skin before. Any tips on how you did yours?

And I've got to say I love what you did with that Rattler, it's really awesome!

also the Miner model is cool, really fitting in with Marcus' beast-theme more than the original model.

and as a sidequestion not related to the painting: do you actively use the cerberus, rattler and myranda and find them good? I like all the models and the idea of them, but I can't seem to find good uses for them that aren't performed better by other models..

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Thanks for the comments everybody! Makes it much easier to keep slaving away at models. :)

Nice looking models there. I've been thinking about how to paint my Marcus, since I've never actually painted dark skin before. Any tips on how you did yours?

I basecoated him with scorched brown over a white undercoat, then highlighted with dark flesh, then highlighted with dark flesh and snakebite leather in varying degrees (added more leather until it looked right). Those are all now defunct citadel paints, but there should be vallejo colour matches available which do the same.

And I've got to say I love what you did with that Rattler, it's really awesome!

also the Miner model is cool, really fitting in with Marcus' beast-theme more than the original model.

Thanks. Rattler was a really simple, with a basecoat of calhan brown, followed by a wash of army painter strong tone (the closest thing to devlan mud available). The underside was drybrushed bleached bone. Then I drybrushed the spine calhan brown and highlighted it calhan brown + bleached bone. Great model that paints up easily.

The miner was something I had planned to pick up at some point, but when I saw this model, it was an easy choice (particularly as a big dune fan :P). It's from the reaper bones line, so is a soft plastic miniature, and only cost $4 new in blister. Headache to clean up mold lines, but can't argue with the price, and the material actually doesn't need basecoating (I painted that straight onto the plastic to test it).

and as a sidequestion not related to the painting: do you actively use the cerberus, rattler and myranda and find them good? I like all the models and the idea of them, but I can't seem to find good uses for them that aren't performed better by other models..

I've actually only played a few games with the starter, so I'm a Malifaux rookie. I plan on finding a way to make Myranda work, since I'm really happy with how the paintjob came out. I think the rattler and cerberus will be used largely for her to transform into based on a trick I found on this forum. Transform her into a rattler on one turn, then on a later turn, do the (1) charge with the Rattler (12" charge), transform back to Myranda, then transform into the Cerberus for two extra attacks with a good damage profile (or a slate ridge mauler). Requires the right cards, but if you plan ahead, you can make it work. Otherwise, I'll also try out some games with a rogue necromancy at some point, so that Myranda and the necromancy can both use acid breath for a good fire base. Possibly even RN + myranda + mctavish for 3 potential acid breaths, or 4 if I make mctavish a beast with a malifaux raptor (RN shot, Myranda casts acid breath with animal instincts, Myranda casts wrangle critter with animal instincts, McTavish casts wrangle critter). 24 soulstones for the combo (26 with the raptor), but I think it'd be fun different core to a Marcus list. Myranda can transform into a spawn mother or waldgeist to get the required mask for wrangle critter, and can heal (when in Myranda form) if any of the three get too hurt.

That's a slick rattler. Really like the almost cell shaded feel about him.

Thanks, but that comes down to the sculpting IMO. There's tons of texture on the model, so it looks great with even a basecoat and wash or drybrush. It came together really quickly. The cerberus took a lot of work to make it look decent (still not 100% happy with it), whereas the rattler was done in 20 minutes.

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I remember you from the Herdstone. Welcome to the proper side of the gaming fence!

Oh, also, great looking models! Love the Soulstone miner-proxy.

Thanks! Yeah, I've seen a few Herdstone members here (ukrocky being the most obvious :P). Still love my beastmen, but I really don't need to add anything to that army to be able to play them whenever I want. I also need to show that I'm a cross-platform beastmaster.

Just realized that I forgot to post the close-ups of my Shikome:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Some new updates. First off is Marcus' faithful companion - the Jackalope!



Also got my new Slate Ridge Mauler painted up:



Finally, I've gotten an alternate spawn mother painted up. I didn't really love the basic model, so when I saw this reaper model, I picked it up as it works perfectly IMO:



Edited by decker_cky
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  • 4 months later...

Avatar is looking cool. See all of your spare beast bits coming together there. Not sure if its the angle but the legs look quite short, what did you use as the base for that section?

Quite liking the pale skin tones on the railworkers, perhaps a touch more contrast on them.

LOVE the bases on them too.

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