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Ten Thunder Brother & Misaki

Nephilim Nate

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Right have played 2 Ten Thunders twice now and there quite fun but still not ovally convinced. I think their 0 actions are a bit to hard and defence a tad low, say that they have just died to Lady J with Cb 9 so could just be that putting me off. The 0 action thing might be cause I want to give them Crab Style but that needs a high mask which the Viks want.

Any thoughts?

Also what about Misaki? how do people find her? I've only run her once and she was Grudged by Lady J so she didn't get too far.

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Now, I haven't actually played the ten thunders brothers, but I don't really see why I would take one instead of a ronin.

The ronin do slightly more dmg (and ignores armor), have 1" lower wk/cg but Mobile still makes them more flexible imo, they're Hard to Kill and can be sacrificed for soulstones which is actually quite handy in some cases (ex. if it survives on Hard to Kill and enemy has Slaughter), and the Next Target-trigger to make them even more mobile. I also think the Ronin's Defensive-ability is better than the TTBs Expert Defense.

Ten Thunder Brothers have the triggers that give Slow and to automatically enable Defensive Stance, but to use the second trigger it needs to already have been hit once.. sure, not worthless, but not brilliant either. The Martial Artistry-spell I find is a bit "meh" and so is Diversion.

I also haven't played Misaki, only faced her once, but I feel she is a bit to soft and squishy. I'm sure you can get good use out of her if you play carefully, she hits hard. I think her biggest reason for not getting taken is spelled Taelor. I think they do pretty much the same thing, but Taelor can take more punishment and is only 1ss more.

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Having one or two Ten Thunders around can be pretty useful assuming we're talking Outcast crews. I would add one or two Ronin first though, but in a Viktoria crew you don't really need more. You already have enough damage output in a lot of cases. Ten Thunders more for disturbance and objective grabbing.

With run through you can tie up ranged models, and Trip something else on the way a model if you're lucky or have a mask to spare. Trip also moves models, not much but still enough to move enemies of objectives and/or into the threat range of your other models. The Bend as Willows trigger combined with Expert Defence and Df 6 makes them quite hard to shoo away for a 5ss minion.

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I've managed to use Misaki with a lot of success.

I started running her in a Lilith crew to handle any spirits a a tourney last year and she always managed to kill more then a 7+1SS cost in all matches.

Her damage output and range always catches people off guard. The 6" melee strike wind 0 action or the +2 dmg fire 0 action make her a real killer.

To date, she's killed a unwounded Austringer & Nino Ortega in a single activation, an unwounded Flesh construct in a single activation, an unwounded Coppelus in a single activation a mildly wounded Mcmourning in a single activation, a mildly wounded lady Justice in a single activation.

For McMourning, the guy ran out of soulstones, and for Justiice, the guy forgot to you soulstone except in damage prevention, which was odd.

She's died in a few of the games, so I would agree that she is rather squishy.

All in all, because of Lilith's transposition, even with the extra soulstone cost, Misaki has always made back her cost and more.

Either way you look at, its a nice model, and if used well, Misaki is very potent. I highly recommend you give her a try in a your crew.


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Thanks for feedback. I kinda agree for the most part, I love Ronin and Taelor.

However got the models now so going to give them a paint up and run them in a league starting on Wednesday, see if I can find a use. I will report back here.

I think Misaki must come in handy for a change, if not to stop people going after Taelor. Looking at you and your Grudge Guildmonkey.

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EasternHeritic hits on one of the keys to success with Misaki, having a delivery system for her. If she has to get there on her own then she is most likely dead before she does anything major. If you can swap her in or position her via some other means (Lure or Obey for example) then she is a lot more viable.

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I think Misaki must come in handy for a change, if not to stop people going after Taelor. Looking at you and your Grudge Guildmonkey.

To be fair, although I did kill Misaki easily, I didn't get any VP for the scheme cause I did it with Lady J. I'll just stick to my usual grudge on Taelor. I hate Taelor!

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I wouldn't try killing Taelor

That's generally my key goal, a meat grinder is a lot less scary if it's off the table. I'd usually try and pick her off at range, definitely don't want to be next to her! When you charge you really need to be sure you can put her down though, black jokered attacking her a few times and that is usually followed by a hammer to the face.

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I myself had had a go at trying out Ronin and Misaki in my Viks crew. I prefer the Ronin, although I have found the blast trigger Misaki gets helpful and her extended melee range trigger useful when taking on exploding things like witchlings for example.

Although she is fairly costly points wise if your looking to put figures on the table to give you advantage in crew numbers that help some schemes and stratagies.

I'm still a fairly new player so don't trust my comments ;-)

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