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Please Vote!! Crusty Brush Competition.

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Our gaming group decided to have a painting competition and we are looking to you to vote! After most of us received Miss Demeanors after Adepticon we felt that this would be something fun to get us all painting. Voting will take place for 2 weeks and then we will announce the winner. Now onto the entries!!

Entry 1.



Entry 2.



Entry 3.



Entry 4.



Entry 5.


Entry 6.



Edited by OtherSpencer
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I'm really digging the Stripped Stockings and Glowing gun barrels on 6. Smoke wisps was an awesome Idea but maybe needed to be modeled a little thinner for a better effect.

Seems ridiculous to hold that against him though.

Also really liking the blue jeans shorts color, very realistic.

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Straight from Entry 6:

Requirement, the smoke was made using Gorilla glue and wire. Gorilla glue is activated with water/moisture and tends to expand while curing which I why I used it. I super glued a piece of bent wire into the barrel and then "painted" gorilla glue over it. It took a couple of applications, allowing it to fully cure in between, to get the look I wanted. It was a bit of an experiment and seeing the pics I realize it did turn out a little heavy so I may redo the smoke effect somehow at a later time.

Edited by OtherSpencer
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Man I though 6 would run away with it but no.. Number 4 looks like it has been dipped in light tone which doesn't do it for me (could be the pics) opinions are really fascinating and how each came to their conclusion.

Number 3 looks great but photo wasnt great

Number 1 is just converted points, What is that brown on the shirt? *********

well done all.. I like the idea of the joker in number 2 but it needs more time applied to getting it there

Edited by zero
********* removed to be Pg
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I know that no models were dipped in the contest do it could have been photo for number 4.

Straight from entry 1 in reply to other questions:

"The 1st pic was taken before the chain was added as I was testing the camera. Accendently uploaded the wrong final pic but figured it was too late before I noticed. And the brown on the shirt is a poor attempt at painting sheer. Breaking out of prison really makes a girl sweat."

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