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Not Plane nor bird nor even Frog


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I am trying to keep my spouse happy and interested in Malifaux. She has a Marcus list with several beasts. (She is a Lawyer, which leads to some bad jokes and awkward moments.)

She loves frogs and I have a nice looking frog that sits on a 30mm base well.

How do I concoct stats/abilities/spells for this moist amphibian? I might adopt a frog as a proxy for another beast, or start form scratch. I am not looking for official approval, just something reasonable for friendly games.

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Yep, Silurids are pretty froggy. The leap around, they need to stay wet (or at least close to each other o_O), and you can take a Spawn Mother to create new froglets (Gupps).

If you're looking for them, the Silurids are in the Neverborn V2 cards pdf on the main website, and the Spawn Mother and Gupps are in Twisting Fates.

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BTW.. Silurid are great.. They are fast moving, they can do quite a bit of damage. But you need 2 or 3 of them to get them working at their best (Lucky they come in packs of 3, though it might be worth looking at the Zoraida box, it's does not cost that more than a pack of froggies and you get another Master to play with).

I generally use them for objective grabbing or picking off isolated enemy models.

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