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Super newb to Malifaux and needing Marcus tips


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So, i know this is another one of those "new player" threads, but i would be really appreciative of any and all tips, info, ideas, etc. that can help.

(I am familiar with these kinds of games though, and thought Malifaux looks to be very fun as well. the fact that the thread name says "super newb" was a mistake and that i have not exactly played a game of Malifaux yet. Sorry.)

I have been interested in Malifaux ever since my older brother told me about it, which has been a fair time ago, and i have decided on Marcus as master and after reading several threads on Marcus, I feel as though i understand a decent amount as to how Marcus should and shouldn't be used. I have even made a 35 point team already for myself for starters.

this is the team:


Jackalope 1ss

Night Terror x2 6ss

Silurids x2 10ss

Razorspine Rattler 7ss

Sabertooth Cerberus 8ss

3ss remain and a 7ss pool

I think this is a good team, however, i will be mainly fighting Leveticus , LCB and the Dreamer, and possibly the Viktoria's.

I have also read many good things through threads about Moles (which i know little about) and Raptors (which my brother has told me may not be a smart choice if i choose to be effective).

I don't NEED to win, but will i be mercilessly crushed by this kind of list?

Also, i plan on replacing either the Rattler or Cerberus with the Slate Ridge Mauler when it comes out and use it with Myranda. Also, how do you guys think Kaeris works with Marcus? i just love the model.

Is this a fairly solid team or am i asking to lose? Any and all tips or ideas that could help would be VERY much appreciated.


Edited by AStuffedBarrel
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I don't play Marcus enough to give you specific advice, but... some links for you!

Read PullMyFinger (http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Arcanists) specifically on Marcus and a few models that you like.

Play a couple of games.

Read ukrocky's posts on Marcus (http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?25649-Ukrocky-s-Marcus-diary-QnA-and-full-model-list&p=322044&viewfull=1#post322044).

Play a couple of games.

Play more games! There is no substitute for experience, but honestly I think the above two links are a good way to get a feel for how Marcus plays. Beyond that, everyone I know disagrees on how to play Marcus "best" so take it from there!

Hopefully other people are more helpful :-P

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I must say Marcus is my favorite master in the whole game, but I do seem to have more trouble playing him over my other Masters, he just has this extra hidden level of finesse that I haven't quite mastered yet.

but 3 of my Biggest recommendations for you are:

1) I don't use The rattler and Cerberus in the same list, they both are a bit too high cost for what they do but its not an issue to use one of the other

2) try out a Shikome, since it is a beast you can hire it, and it's soooooo good at taking down key models. While it can only target one model until that model is removed from the board it gets a huuuge bonus against that model so its always good for taking out kep models, just be sure to remember you need to not over extend it, other wise it will die

3) back to 1 with the Silurids and Night terrors, both are such good models and I love them to death, but every time I've ran night terrors and silurids in the same list one has done spectacular while the other group did absolutely nothing and I wished I would have brought something to replace them.

other than that, some really cool models to take are Kaeris or VonSchill because they are such beasts in the game

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Welcome to Malifaux and the forums. I am not a Murcus player so I can't help you out much, but I can give you one piece of advice I give all new players. Malifaux is a game of objectives. Always keep this in mind when you are playing. It might seem like fun to crush your opponent, but if that is not your objective, you will lose. I have been in games where I lost all but one model and pulled a draw. I guess I can also back up the claims on night terrors, I use them and they are great for grabbing objectives, just know when to launch the attack.

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Thanks guys! But then, what about some team changes? And which would be better? Cerberus or Rattler, and Night Terrors or Silurids? but what what about adding Raptors and the Slateridge Mauler (when it comes out)? and i don't exactly know what a Shikome is/does or how to consider its usefulness in a Marcus team.

---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 PM ----------

(sorry, this'll be a repeat post cause i didn't know how exactly to do a reply thing...)Thanks! But then, what about some team changes? And which would be better? Cerberus or Rattler, and Night Terrors or Silurids? but what what about adding Raptors and the Slateridge Mauler (when it comes out)? and i don't exactly know what a Shikome is/does or how to consider its usefulness in a Marcus team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Marcus in my opinion is the 2nd best Arcanist Master not using any avatars. The hardest thing for most people to learn with him is you have to run him like a pack of wolves where you attack and retreat and attack never stay put until the kill has already happened. Silurids are best with him in my opinion they are fast enough to keep up and if you ever get to stare down a master and have them jump in its just over. When I run them they are 15 points because I take 3. Night terrors are resilient objective grabbers with blind. If you run them run 2.

I also like putting in Myranda if you can fit her because she is good because of what she can become now and the shikome is the best single model that she can become or that marcus can bring. I love tigger I own 2 but he is very hard to run because he can't be seen until he attacks. I have never had much success with the razorspine other then when Myranda gets to pull off a 4 attack turn.

For 35 it depends on the missions but I like.


Siliridx3 15pts

Shikome 8pts

Bear if he were availible or myranda or mechanical rider (8pts)

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As for the OP;

- Molemen are useless now that night terrors are around

- Raptors are, IMO, useless, but Rathnard gets some good use out of them

- Kaeris is amazing with Marcus, especially if you bring a student of conflict for her

- The slate ridge mauler might be OK, it just looks a bit slow

All in all, you've written a marcus list, but what Marcus excels at is designing a list for objectives. The list you've written would be pretty decent at stuff like destroy the evidence, but pants at slaughter, as slurids just die horribly.

Oh and one last thing reading the other posts, the shikome gets a whole lot of love from everyone, but I personally hate the thing, only being able to target one model is terrible, regardless of how many positives you get against it. Shikome are amazing when summoned in a Kirai crew, but I find them nigh on pointless starting the game in a Marcus crew.

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