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Newb and Lilith


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So my wife and I have been seriously looking at Malifaux as our next big game purchase. We really like the minis and the work done on the storyline. That said we have a few concerns that we're hoping to get help with. I'll start with the general questions first.

1) Do the models come with stat cards? We've seen no real indication either way anywhere and we haven't been able to tie off with anyone knowledgeable locally.

2) It's next to impossible to find the Lilith box set. Is she that popular? My concern is that I'll get Lilith (my wife is looking at Raspy who's also hard to find) and everyone else will have her too.

3) Malifaux/Wyrd products seem hard to come by. Is this a sign that they are going away or should we chalk it up to popularity? I just don't want to dump a few hundred dollars only to find that no one is playing in a year.


All that said, I'm looking at getting the Lilith Box along with the Young Nephalim and the Cherub. Is this a good starter set or should I consider something else?

Thanks for the input ahead of time.

Oh, and please stick to Lilith. I'm not really interested in any of the other Neverborn save Pandora who I will be picking up once I catch on a bit better. Regardless of all the whining I've seen from people about her. ;)

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1)Yep, stat cards are included with each model, including repeat models. For instance, in Lilith's box set, you'll get a stat card for each Terror Tot model, as well as for the Mature Neph and Lilith herself.

2) Lilith is easy to learn and quite powerful form the get-go; she's indeed quite popular. Your concerns that everyone else will have her could be warranted; I would advise grabbing a second Master, preferrably from the same faction, as soon as you feel comfortable with her, but it seems you've already taken that into consideration.

3) Oh no, Wyrd/Malifaux ain't going away - at least not in my area. A few weeks back the UK's main supplier had a complete restock, and now about two thirds of models are out of stock again

Finally, regarding the crew you're planning to start with, you're right to take some Young Neph. I myself prefer the Primordial Magic to the Cherub because of the additional card it gives you. Drawing seven out of eight cards instead of a straight six every turn is very useful.

Lelu and Lilitu are a good bet against most any crew and I would recommend them as your next expansion. I enjoy fielding Nekima, but some people disagree. If you do decide to get her, you'll want another blister of Tots and Youngs.

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1) Yes, they do. If you decide to go the extra mile, you should laminate them as it makes tracking status effects and wounds very simple :).

2) Yeah, Wyrd has had problems keeping stores adequately stocked due to high demand, low supply. No worries on that front. I wouldn't worry too much about everyone playing the same master, go with what you like.

3) And the above answer applies here.

As for what you're starting with, that's exactly what I started with. Your next buys will probably be Lelu and Lilitu (and your wife will probably want Snowstorm/Silent One), and perhaps Nekima if you're feeling cheeky (not a super powerful model, but a fun one). Also a Desperate Mercenary and a Black Blood Shaman will enable what's referred to as a "Grow" list (see the Pull My Finger wiki for more info).

Good luck and enjoy!

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While Lilith is fairly popular, I doubt everyone will have her, as there are enough newbie-friendly interesting masters to get a decent sized group started with minimal repeats. I wouldn't worry about this too much.

I went with Lilith and my girlfriend went with Rasputina for our first masters. I can attest to this being a good starting set of Masters to learn the game with. However, she's going to want a couple of Silent Ones and probably Snow Storm to round out her crew. The Silent Ones add extra offensive power and can more easily extend the range of Rasputina's spell casting, while Snow Storm gives Rasputina's fairly slow crew some additional movement (and depending on the opponent, can be very hard to kill).

You will want a Lelu and a Lilitu for your Lilith crew. Maybe two Lelus if you don't mind investing 21SS in three models (the Twins are pretty good, so this can sometimes be worthwhile). Waldgeists are cool, especially if you like Lilith's avatar. Don't bother with the Cherub, Primordial Magic is better. Those extra cards make Lilith for me.

Around here (roughly-central Florida) games rise and fall in popularity in cycles. We had a good three months of Malifaux ending about a month ago, now Warmahordes seems to be in, eventually it'll swing back. You can always get a game of 40k in if that's your thing. Hope you've got $700 and love SPESS MAHRINES if you decide to go that route. I personally am gradually building up a 40k army only because I found a really good deal on a horde of art deco robot mummies, and lack of artistic merit, a decently written storyline, or anything resembling game balance aside, that's pretty much the most awesome concept for an army ever in my not so humble opinion. Otherwise I've pretty much been loyal to Malifaux since I started playing.

Pandora is... weird. She's not the strongest Master ever (although she's generally considered to be in the top five), but a lot of people hate to play against her. Mostly because her nastiest effects happen automatically with no expenditure of effort or resources on the part of the Pandora player, and you have to flip cards just to see if you're allowed to attack her. It's not unbeatable, just really, really annoying. Of course, our local Pandora player enjoys this aspect of her playstyle... which doesn't help at all. I'm pretty sure there's a line in the rulebook about there being no such thing as a cheesy tactic when confronted by a Pandora crew (not really, but there might as well be). As long as everyone's having fun though, go crazy.

Welcome to Malifaux. Good luck, and I hope the two of you enjoy yourselves enjoy it as much as my SO and I have.

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Hi Arkane,

The models you listed are just fine if you are just starting out. IF you like the game, you can expand in the ways other suggested.

As for finding models,..hey,.... I buy all mime off eBay. (new in box)

I had played warhammer for over 15 years. In opinion, Malifaux has become, a much more enjoyable game, and sold all my warhammer to support Wyrd.

Cheers, and good luck ~!


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Excellent! Thanks for all the suggestions and feedback! The recommendations for gangs are right in line with what I was thinking. Good to know I was on the right track.

We'll keep you posted as we get more into this. Hopefully I'll be back for more info.

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So the other question that has come up as I pull my gang together is whether I should use Primordial Magic or the Cherub. I kind of like that the Cherub keeps to the theme, plus he seems to really fit with Lilith well. That said, quite a few people seem to think the Vomit Worm is the way to go.

Can someone explain from a mechanics standpoint (aside from the Worm giving extra cards) why they prefer one over the other?

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If you don't like the stuff coming out of the Worm's mouth, you dont have to glue it in when assembling the model. It is its own separate piece and does not need to be attached.

It's not that. I'm actually interested in knowing what the true difference is between the models when in Lilith's gang. Pullmyfinger doesn't really go in depth on them and I want to be somewhat informed when I pick it up.

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My first master was Lilith and I started with just what you described, her box, a pack of young and the Cherub. I've actually not tried the Primordial Magic, but I do find my other Wk4-models get left behind because the rest of the crew is so fast, so between the Wk5 and the Love spell (which I actually use and think is really great, either preventing strikes altogether or giving -3cb, both are basically making sure that model isn't going to hurt anyone that turn) I'm enjoying him alot.

Also, there is the added benefit of the Cherub being a Nephilim, and if you later buy the Lelu+Lilitu-twins, they can summon eachother by sacrificing another Nephilim. Come turn 4-5, when Lelu tends to die, you usually don't have many terror tots left (they're dead or grown) and sacrificing a young/Mature Nephilim isn't much of a gain, but sicne the Cherub is a low priority target for most players, you can sacrifice it and get another Lelu.

I've done it twice, and both times it really brought a tight late-game struggle into a very certain win.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The main difference between the "worm" and the "baby" is arcane reservoir and the spell Love.

Other factors like spirit and nephlim have been covered by the other posters.

I've too originally started with the cherub, but have since switched to using primordial magic more often when I use Lilith.

Love is situational and you won't always be able to get it off.

Moreover, it will only effect one model if at all.

Arcane reservoir is always "on" until you lose the model. Moreover, a larger hand gives you the option to impacts more duels.

Beyond the hiring of crews as a resource to manage, in game, your SS cache and the fate cards that you hold in hand are a resource as well.

Having a larger hand of 7 cards puts you in a stronger position then a player with only 6 cards.

It allows you to have more control over your game. In game, there will always be one or two duels that will greatly impact the out come of the match, and having more cards to cheat fate gives you a better chance of winning these important duels, putting you a better position to win the game.

Most players that I've met, who's crews cannot get arcane reservoir, always lament this fact.

I hope this helps.

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