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Bette Noir conversion


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hey all been awhile since i have been on these forums. going to try and frequent them more now that i am working on my malifaux again. my ressers are pretty much done for now just need to finish the new flesh construct, but i thought i would share my finished bette conversion. i finished her awhile ago now but just have not gotten around to post pics. well here she is!






heres a link the conversion work http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?20134-New-to-these-parts/page5&highlight=

cheers all, hope to start a log for my victorias next :).

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thanks guys,

i think the the face was my favourite part to paint aswell, that and the daggers. they both kinda finished the model and let me put her to rest.

i do love garth nix, just finished rereading the series, and want to get my hands on shades children too. just wish i had capatalized the A in my name ><

edit: yes its a weathering pigment with caked on blood aswell.

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Though I wouldn't call it a conversion (as it is still esentually the same model) I would definately say that is is a very nice presentation. The detail work on the base is well done and the paints are clean.

Bete always reminds me of the Corpse Bride and in this regard I think you have caught that concept exquisitely.

The only minor criticism I could offer (this may be just a function of the lighting or personal tastes) is the spirit effect looks a bit underdone.

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