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Boshea's Crew, AKA-"I hate painting eyes"


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Convict Gunslinger


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Only model left to paint for my core group is the Freikorps Librarian until my Ronin show up. Just not sure if I want to go for my own color scheme for the Freikorps or stick to the example one. Oddly enough the only model that didn't give me trouble with eyes was the gunslinger, who I painted first, at 4 in the morning, and didn't use an illustration marker for. Every other attempt at dotting eyes with my liner since then has failed horribly. Debating how I want to base them but I'm putting that off until I have all my core crew painted.

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They look good, and I know what you mean about the eyes! I got so frustrated that I started using a toothpick to put small dots over the eye until it was painted. Took a few extra minutes but was worth it. But good looking minis, I am interested to see what your Freikorps Librarian looks like!

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I've found that painting eyes all black and then doing two white dots into the sides is much, much easier than painting the eye white and then getting the black dot in the center to look good.

The reason for this is that when you paint the eye white, you need to get the black dot to touch one or both lids so as to avoid the googly eyes. When painting the whites onto an all-black eye, the expression will look good no matter what, basically. You will also get definition in the form of blacklining for free with this technique.

I heartily suggest that you give it a try, but do note that it will take a bit of practice.

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My problem with eyes is more that I can't get them both looking where I want. Several failed attempts resulting in Derp eyes before I got them to an acceptable point. Fortunately I'm working through the Freikorps currently which all wear blank easy to paint goggles, except Schill but he's getting painted last.

Freikorps Librarian


Freikorps Trapper


Freikorps Specialist


Specialist's backpack is magnetized on so that I can easily track when he detonates his tank, also because I couldn't find my pinning rods at the time.

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  • 1 month later...

Due to some unfortunate chipping I ended up stripping everything I've painted. So far only Von Schill has been repainted and in a new Freikorp scheme since I didn't like the old one on him. Looked good on every other member except him, and he's the one who is going to get the most play.


Only one angle currently since he became detached from the base when I tried adjusting him. His feet must have gotten bent when removing him from the slot insert since I didn't notice him leaning forward until I went to take a picture from the side. A sign I probably should have pinned him to his base. I'm also making good on my word that I'd repaint my Freikorp in Ultramarine colors. Pretty much just switching the stuff I did in Knarloc Green with Mordian Blue, and going for lighter colors in certain places. The lighter colors is what fixed my Von Schill paint job. Swapping the Snakebite Leather parts for Dheneb Stone and going with Calthan Brown instead of Bestial Brown for my leathers. Beyond that change a few detail colors and brush up on codex approved color schemes based on space marine rank.

Also since I don't have more pics to post, random Blood Bowl tangent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They are more than mortal. They are steel, and they are doom. They are the champions of mankind. And the greatest of them all... are the Ultrama--- Freikorps.


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Turned out a little more Crimson Fist than Ultramarine, but I like the look of Mordian Blue. Even got everyone in codex approved color schemes. Librarian has all blue paint scheme, Trapper and Specialist have veteran status, and Schill has gold trim since I couldn't give him a red sergeant helmet. Specialist was also another test subject for weathering pigment which turned out pretty good after a couple of tries. Next up are Taelor and the Ronin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh Taelor, now I remember why I named the thread this way.

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The new GW black wash for more intense than I expected, or maybe I applied to much, so ended up with a grey top instead of a white top. The brass is all kinds of awesome, and I like the expanded flesh tones. Still got a few things to touch up, mainly around the face. The eyes were very uncooperative. At least by trying to imitate post-event eyes I can cover mistakes easier. Need to gloss-coat the gems once I seal everything else.

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  • 4 months later...

So finally got around to getting more photos done. My Red Chapel Gang

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Also repainted my Gunslinger after stripping him due to chipping before getting a chance to seal.


As for projects ahead, I'm in the process of organizing a demo day and want to try and get all my crews painted before then. So looking at the following to get done. Alt.Viks+2 Ronin+Taelor (because I stripped her again), Witch hunter box set, Ortega box except for Papa loco, and assuming I get it with enough time a Death Marshal box (currently on back order at my local store).

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Malifaux models became a lot easier to do eyes for after trying to dot the eyes on my Man-o-war captain. Threading a needle is easier.

Love the colors on Seamus and the black and white Belle. The contrasting dark and light is really eye-catching.

I'm a big fan of the colors for Alt-Seamus and his art (Used his art card as reference when painting) over the baby blue colors for his original model. Most of my models I paint up in leathers, denim, and fairly basic colors. I figure most people dress fairly conservatively in Malifaux. Keeping it simple also makes them far easier to paint. Did my three stalker up in about 2 hours since they're mostly one colour. The white and black belle turned out a lot better than expected, considering my failed attempt at purple on the blue belle (blue was attempt two). The Grave Spirit is more of a dark grey than black, but it doesn't show up well in the photo. Also looks like I need another coat of matte for sealing. Working with 2 and 2 currently, but Red belle and the gunslinger could use another one. The other models are either pure matte or were done with testors dullcote instead of krylon matte finish. Dullcote works great, but krylon is a hell of a lot cheaper.

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I love that model... Anyway, I used to have a problem with eyes as well, but now I use a 4" magnifying lamp to paint with and that makes doing eyes MUCH easier. Relatively cheap and just takes a little while to get used to. Then I put on some off-white color Ive got mixed up from 50/50 Bleached Bone and Skull White, and a brush that Ive trimmed down a bit for a finer point to apply the color. I usually use black, but sometimes blue or brown. Ive also started using an armor wash on the eyesockets which darkens the surrounding recesses and takes some of the white out. Armor wash is a light mix of brown and black watered down very thin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Highlights is one of those things I have trouble with. I'll probably grind through highlighting some of my marauders until I get it down since I don't care if a few of them look off. Just really hesitant to try highlight on these in case I mess it up and need to repaint the whole thing. Speaking of which due to my matte spray frosting I need to repaint all my witch hunters. Gunslinger frosted a little but he was savable with some olive oil (I don't know why it works but it does) and a new coat of matte. The witch hunters were still frosty in spots and there was just some generally bad spray work overall. At least I know they sealed well since its been a bitch trying to strip them. Oven Cleaner and Acetone have gotten the worst of it, and have them soaking in simple green to clean out the last few spots. Really need to look into finding a good paintable matte varnish to finish with since spray paint weather is fickle. Gloss varnish is easy enough to find, but matte seems to be the hard one. Heard good things about liquitex matte varnish as a sealer, but that its very glossy for a matte. Also going to give priming with gesso a try since my spray primer is also fickle at times.

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  • 4 weeks later...

First batch of gesso primed models. The repainted Witchhunters, except for Sam who had to be rebased due to a very inconvenient air bubble. There are a few on the stalkers but they are barely noticeable.

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Not a big difference in color scheme other than a little harder wash, and the red masks on the stalkers. Decided to give all my guild models a red accent. Also discovered the trick to eyes. Paint them first then paint your face around them. Finish with a light black wash.

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Eyes aren't so hard.

You need a small brush or a new brush with a good tip.

Paint in the white or some off white. I really like pale sand.

When you go for the dot try having the black paint watered slightly.

If your dot turns out too big then just paint in around it to shrink it.

Don't worry about slopping out of the socket, use the darkest skin shade to shape the eye the way you want. That way the model doesn't look like it's terrified. The dark outline around the eyes makes their expression more intense.

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  • 1 month later...

So had Sam all painted up, then dropped him on the ground while giving him a matte coat. So I'm fairly certain he is now my most repainted model. Have him and a Witchling Handler primed and ready to paint, but I'm putting them aside to get my Death Marshalls painted. So far got the basics for Miss Terious done, just need to touch a few things up and wash it.

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Decided to do something a little different and painted her Albino. Wanted he still still have some kind of mark for her knowledge of Necromancy, but didn't want to go all pseodo-zombie like I will with the rest of the Marshalls. Thinking I'll do desert bases for my Marshalls instead of the wood ones I've done for my other models.

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repost from a previous thread,...

I posted this in a different thread a few days ago,.. but here it is again.

eyes are actually not that hard.

1) flesh color the whole face

2) put white in the general eye area (broad stokes are fine at this point)

3) put a small black dot in the middle of the white (colors can be done, but at this scale black works just as well) position each dot so as to make the eye seem to look straight forward (unless you want them looking to one side or the other for some reason) this is important, so they aren't cross-eyed or what have you.

4) (this is the real trick) Now go back to your flesh color. Now, you basically make a small "rainbow" like arc over each eye, centered on the black pupil (if looking forward) this creates the upper eyelid. Then,.. make an upside down rainbow arc underneath each eye, centered on the pupil. (some people find the lower arc harder, so turn the fig upside down for a moment and simply do the upper arc again,.. only underneath the eye)

It may take a few attempts to learn the spacing of the arcs. But the learning curve should be pretty quick.

And that's it,... eyes complete.

Essentially,.. don't try to "paint the eye into the flesh"

Instead,... "paint the flesh around the eye"

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