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Other skirmish game systems?


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So after getting my Terraclips and also a few WWG papercraft sets, I have realized that papercraft is actually pretty damn cool.

I found onemonk.com with a bunch of cheap/free miniatures and it looks like these would be fun for some quick and easy skirmish games. Right away I noticed that some of the warbands looked similar to Mordheim. Does anyone know of any simple skirmish game systems That could make use of things like this?

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In The Emperor’s Name

In The Emperor’s Name (also known as ITEN) is a set of rules for skirmish games set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe created by Games Workshop. ITEN allows you to create narrative games inspired by the adventures of characters such as Gregor Eisenhorn, Gideon Ravenor or Shira Calpurnia, or any of the millions of Inquistors, Arbitrators, Roque Traders, Explorators and other personalities of the Imperium — as well as their enemies, be they Xenos or Chaos.


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In The Emperor’s Name

In The Emperor’s Name (also known as ITEN) is a set of rules for skirmish games set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe created by Games Workshop. ITEN allows you to create narrative games inspired by the adventures of characters such as Gregor Eisenhorn, Gideon Ravenor or Shira Calpurnia, or any of the millions of Inquistors, Arbitrators, Roque Traders, Explorators and other personalities of the Imperium — as well as their enemies, be they Xenos or Chaos.


I never knew about this game...just checked it out..looks great!

Cheers green man!

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I don't think anyone mentioned Pulp City. Which is Skirmish super heroes.

I like Hell Dorado but I have not picked up the official English rule book yet. Just to much into Malifaux these days.

I liked a lot of Infinity models but I read the rule book and my head exploded a bit. I am sure the rules are not that complicated in practice but the rule book lay out was very hard to follow.

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Freebooters' fate.

Not entirely dissimilar to Malifaux, but more straightforward and easy.

Imagine a Pirates of the Caribbean skirmish game. With Goblin pirates.

Also uses cards, but in a different way (no hand, shared deck).

The combat system is incredibly elegant and innovative.

The models are awesome (as befits the work of Werner Klocke)

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I have a copy of the Freebooters Fate rulebook, but my gaming club have really jumped on Cutlass for their pirate skirmish needs. Seems to have quite a bit of in game token management, which is a pain, but it has a great die system, where stats can go up or down (for instance when injured you suffer a die penalty, so if you would roll a d8 for a stat, it moves to a d6, d6 to a d4 etc.) It really comes into it's own though, when you use it's campaign rules. Very similar to a Necromunda / Mordheim campiagn structure. It's also very scenario driven, rather than a straight up slug-fest.

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A few people have mentioned Mordheim/Necromunda and to be honest what makes me the most sad with Malifaux is that it seems like a campaign system like they use just wouldn't work. I really love the idea of starting with a low level crew and building it up over several games.

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A few people have mentioned Mordheim/Necromunda and to be honest what makes me the most sad with Malifaux is that it seems like a campaign system like they use just wouldn't work. I really love the idea of starting with a low level crew and building it up over several games.

I'm not so convinced that a persistent campaign system wouldn't work in Malifaux. It wouldn't look exactly like any of the others, I'm okay with that though.

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