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Is Snowstorm worth it?


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It depends on what you're trying to do. Snowstorm really, really speeds up a Rasputina crew. So for that, absolutely, Snowstorm is worth it. In terms of being a killing machine...no. They're not that amazing at that. In all honesty, if you're going to do a Fire and Ice list with Kaeris, I wouldn't. But in terms of running a 'fluffy' Rasputina list, I'd definitely pick up Snowstorm.

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If you play Rasputina a lot then yes. out side of that no. I got him for her crew, but she is one of my least used crews, and her crew has very little crossover with other crews. In the end I sold her entire crew.

But when I dis play her, the extra movement potential went a long way. the Ice Golem actually saw play with him.

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The best use I've seen for Snow Storm is a big block of Not-Die. Spirit, coupled with Middle of the Storm, Bulletproof 3, and Eat Your Fill makes for one of the more durable non-undead models. Spells certainly will mess their day up (as well as the Ortega's and their concentrated shooting), but against a lot of crews they simply won't drop.

Granted, at 11 SS, they're an expensive meat shield, but they can generally take the punishment and come out none the worse for wear. Viable in larger games where they can park on an objective and keep it, or as a means to block off an area you don't want the opponent to go to. Snow Storm won't do much damage on their own, but Flurry, To the Bone, and Grip of Winter means they have a decent chance to bust out a Severe. I wouldn't rely on that, however.

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  • 4 months later...

I have a friend that plays Tina religiously and by his count, yes the Snow Storm is a must have. Even in small games he'll do everything he can to include it. I'll see if I can get his exact reasons why, but I think it's already been covered. One scary model.

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Something I spotted when using snowstorm this week was that you can pull enemy models into base contact. It does cost both 0 actions to give them frozen heart and then cast his spell, but it is unresistable. A handy way to make sure he has targets for melee, or to pull them off more fragile models.

Its only 4 inch range, but it is another trick.

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