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  • Birthday 05/19/1983

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  1. Hey Hey Guys! Valhalla Battle Games here. Our Henchman has recently gone back to college and left us high and dry in the area of events. We have Malifaux night every Wednesday, but our players have gotten used to their tournys. I could do it, but that would mean depriving hard working Henchmen of their kudos. Please help the starving Henchmen feed their Henchkids those Kudos! ValhallaBattleGames.com
  2. For the third, I'm too sure but I believe it say Replace, meaning that the avatar will have activated if the replaced model had activated. Not sure exactly how that would work with the Viks though, being dual masters.
  3. No están disponibles que puedo encontrar. Yo te recomiendo que pruebes Google traducir el pdf normas. Esto puede crear cierta confusiion aunque, como algunas palabras no se traducen bien y el formato puede ser sesgada.
  4. The card states you can use the +1 AP to cast or channel only. Obviously stating that it can be used with other ap to channel. Bump, so someone can close this please.
  5. It does say that the 'weapon inflicts +1 damage...'. So the weapons damage is increased. That means damage flips, then add. It's basically saying, 'don't add the burn counter from this hit to the damage bonus'
  6. We ran into a similar situation during a friendly game and decided that the rats exploded simultaneously, killed the rat catcher and no rats were replaced. We weren't playing slaughter at the time, but it seemed a fair resolution.
  7. You'll have to ask Panda as he's taken the mantle of local Henchman. I'd have no problem with it, but sometimes it's like herding cats.
  8. Hey gang, Roy from Valhalla Battle Games here. We're going to have an Achievement Tournament this Wednesday (18th) and hope to have as many people come out and enjoy the game as possible. If you don't know yet, an Achievement Tourny is about accomplishing various tasks during the tourny and the winners are determined by points gained from them. This is a free tournament and open to all comers. Just be ready to go at 8. Visit www.Valhallabattlegames.com for the location and directions.
  9. Also, for this scheme. Otherwise, it's always be that scheme(don't remember the name) and Bodyguard.
  10. The only exception being when you are able to cast/perform multiple 0 ap actions. Then you can't do the same 0 ap action twice unless specifically noted.
  11. NSB; I believe that immune to influence mean that they can't be a target where they are defending WP duels, so the spell doesn't fail per se as they aren't a valid target. They simply wouldn't get to take that action so would take a different one instead. That's how we play that at my FLGS anyway, its also good sportsmanship imho as memorizing your opponents cards is a bit much to ask when your own cards can be pretty complicated.
  12. Perhaps different wording will help. Rare is a hiring and in play restriction. As long as the dreamer is in play, Teddy(s) ignores this and has the Nightmare characteristic. If the Dreamer dies, then Teddys in play are still nightmares and still ignore the Rare 1, but new Teddys wont have it, so they cant be summoned by Nightmare summoning (not sure who has that...) or if there is already a Teddy in play (due to having the same name and Rare1). If there are no Teddys on the field and one gets brought into play after the Dreamer is dead, then it won't have Nightmare and will be Rare1. Also, remember that buried models are still 'in play' and don't get summoned, they get 'unburied'
  13. The new rat would activate if another rat is within 4 inches and activating later in the chain. RatA -4 inches -RatB -4 inches-RatC- 4 inches-ratd Activate ratb, does whatever (ratc and rata can activate afterward) Rata kills ratb, new ratb placed Ratc activates and triggers the activation on the new ratb as long as its in 4 inches still as well as ratd
  14. Opps, sry for hijacking your thread. I agree that is kind of crazy. Until they do change anything, my FLGS usually just agree that eventually, one will pass the test, so we ignore the effect as a Gentlemen's Agreement. I recently had a slightly similar situation where a flamewall blocked my rats. We basically agreed that the rat would just eventually respawn on the other side of it, and skipped right to that placement, instead of walking through the whole process.
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