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Gremlins in 2012


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I mentioned in another thread that this would be a good method to grow the game prolonging the inevitable rules bloat that eventually comes to all games. Each new book could have something along the lines of a new game mechanic (ala Avatars), perhaps a new Henchman for each faction, one new addition to each of the existing crews in the faction, one or two general faction models that would be able to be utilized by most if not all crews in some capacity, and maybe something that could definitely be used by not only every crew in a faction but potentially by other factions (like the Effegies.)

Thats a lot on it's own to play test, but not overwhelming, everybody gets something new every year and I think it would be enough to keep play and interest for the forseeable future.

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I doubt we will see new factions or masters for some time, if ever (for factions). I could be totally wrong but we might see book 4 sooner than next Gen Con. I'm not certain that at the current release schedule that they have enough models to last them through Gen Con. And during a podcast in the lead up to Gen Con Eric said that book tentatively called Special Forces was originally slated for release in the slot when the rules manual was released, but it got bumped because of the necessity of getting that book out. So I could easily see a March, or more likely April release of the next book, although this is pure speculation.

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I Like sooner because I get more options sooner.

I don't like sooner because I need a new bag sooner.

As for new stuff, I just got McTavish and he is a solid addition. I really like the fact he's half way between gremlin and Freikorps ability wise. Gives me the ability to put a bit of the style I like in my merc forces.

I'd like to see the next gremlin master be able to hire merc with a limit of 1. Call the ability High standards. And a merc Master be able to hire only mercs, but somehow allow non-mercs to join via Hamlin rat catcher... really annoys me that I can't use Hamlins ability when he is with vikis, or Vonschills.

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I doubt we will see new factions or masters for some time, if ever (for factions). I could be totally wrong but we might see book 4 sooner than next Gen Con. I'm not certain that at the current release schedule that they have enough models to last them through Gen Con. And during a podcast in the lead up to Gen Con Eric said that book tentatively called Special Forces was originally slated for release in the slot when the rules manual was released, but it got bumped because of the necessity of getting that book out. So I could easily see a March, or more likely April release of the next book, although this is pure speculation.

Definately think it will be a lot longer than March or April.

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