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What are malifaux citizens?


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Blue star beat me to it. Was going to respond with "victims". ;)

For the City of Malifaux: Citizens of Malifaux.

For the world of Malifaux: Pioneers/settlers/etc. They don't define themselves as belonging to the nation of Malifaux yet so they haven't made the leap to define themselves as such. Malsiders would be a slang term they use (Earthside/Malside) though.

But continue the poll, would love to see what folks think.

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Does Malifaux have an orient?? and would those be Mailfanese?? But I think Malifauxians, for the citizens,.. and Wyrdlings for forum folk.

There are folks from the Three Kingdoms ("the Orient" Earth side) and there is a group that identifies itself in terms that have a distinctly European (specifically British) connotation, but I don't remember the term or phrase they use. We really need to get the writers in here to speak on this subject ;)

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Wow, a little Googling turned up something interesting. There is a real town named Malifaux in France:


The people in that town are called.... Genésiens.

Not technically true, the town is called Saint-Genest-Malifaux, so it's perfectly logical for the residents to be called Genésiens, and doesn't really answer the question.

However, it is exceedingly interesting, and I thankee for finding it! :D

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