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Through the breach - A tale of three gamers


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Thanks again guys for the kind words!

Im looking foward to seeing it demonn! Im keeping my eyes peeled ;)

I must say that i reasly like the stitched sculpts, but that could be because im a huge oogey boogey fan :) but like you said its probably like me and zoraida.

Im glad you liked the markers to! Im really happy with them to though sadly ive been away for a couple of days so i havent made any more progress on them but im gonna paint all day tomorrow so hopefully ill have some more progress to show you all :) i also got collodi and the carrion effigy in the mail a couple of day ago so they are next on the painting list.

Hopefully ill be done with all the markers and additional models for the crew before gencon so i can start planning and preparing fo the dark debts and ten thunders crew boxes :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

And finally back on track. Haven't really had much time for painting and my inspiration hit a low, but finally I've managed to get going again.

After having the misfortune of my alt Seamus suffering the bitter effects of frosting. I decided to get the old version of him. He's still not fully done. Have few more details to work on, but for now.... here's the charmer himself:


And what would he be without his beloved madam? So here she is. Miss Naughty herself:


of course followed by a classy lady ;)


C & C is welcome as usual.


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And finally back on track. Haven't really had much time for painting and my inspiration hit a low, but finally I've managed to get going again.

After having the misfortune of my alt Seamus suffering the bitter effects of frosting. I decided to get the old version of him. He's still not fully done. Have few more details to work on, but for now.... here's the charmer himself:


And what would he be without his beloved madam? So here she is. Miss Naughty herself:


of course followed by a classy lady ;)


C & C is welcome as usual.


I've always been a huge fan of the Seamus original sculpt and you seem to have gotten it done VERY well. The contrast between the articles of clothing (each) and the hat are superb.

If I may make a suggestion regarding the blade of Seamus's weapon: I wish it was either more shiny or more rusted (by rusted i'm thinking a black basecoat with a dark gray second coat, followed by a light coating of gunmetal). Maybe it's just the lighting but I don't know that the bayonette-esque tip is metallic enough in either of these respects.

Other than that I completely approve!


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Thanks a lot. I tried to use the same theme as on the earlier alt version I painted and it worked out well on the original sculpt as well. I really do like the alt sculpt, but don't really like the extra Belle attached to alt Seamus.

I will be adding some brighter points to the blade as well as a small amount of gore to the blade and the saw. My intention is trying to use non-metallic colors just to get more experienced in the NMM technique. Still a long way to go though.

Thanks once again for the comment and praise.

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Now the Mad hatter is finally done. Even managed to give him the evil gleam in the right eye. Hope to bring him to the field this upcoming week. There's jugulars that needs slitting :P


Belle nr 2 is also done. Have to admit that I'm no big fan of painting their umbrellas, but still quite pleased with the result. Can anyone guess where I picked the color schemes for my beloved Belles by the way?


And a sneak peak of an upcoming model. Please enjoy:


Till next time... ta ta

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Been forever since i made a comment here, however i must say i'm glad to see so many nice minis done. My guess for the belles are some disney princesses. Oh and a tip about the frosting on your figs; moisture is what causes the problem so have hair dryer on hand and blow hot air on the fig before applying the protecting layer. I heard that frost from previous layers will dissapear.

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Thank you guys for the comments, and great to see you back Morgan.

You're on the right track with your guess. The yellow belle is based on the yellow dresses used by both Belle (hey hey hey) and Jane from Disney. The red belle though has another source of inspiration :P

Regarding the frosting. I will try and remember that for the future. I already stripped the paint unfortunately :/ But I'll try and paint Lilith more or less the same way again. Now I've already painted a new Seamus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally a new update. Two new models are done. Don't know what happened with the white balance in the pictures of miss Noir, but just have to take some more pictures tomorrow. Still want to post them here, so you get a taste of what's to come :P

First up then... miss Noir:

(Edit - replaced with corrected picture in newer post)

Made a special conversion there. Didn't like the original sculpt. To me the original sculpt looks a little like a shooting range target. And I didn't really want to buy the alternate. So then I re-built her just a tiny bit ;)

And nr 2 is my first Crooked man:


C & C is welcome as usual.

Edited by Balefirestorm
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Looks like there might be a store interested in Malifaux in Warsaw (at least they allow to play it there) so it may be a chance to really see how many people who play Malifaux are there in the area. A gathering is always possible but getting more people to come is a different story...

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Thanks all. I'm trying to keep the blog alive, even if I've noticed more and more that real life (damn you) is stealing my beloved hobby time. I try to get some bursts of painting once or twice a week, so that's the reason there's fewer updates.

The model's left for Seamus crew selection are the following: Avatar Seamus, Copycat killer, Onryo, Rotten Belle and a Hanged.

After that I will probably jump over to the next Master project. And I would like to hear your opinion regarding which one to choose.

Skipping Hamelin (still awaiting the errata before playing him) I have the following masters:

- McMourning, Nicodem, "Molly"

- Victorias, Som'er Teeth, "von Schill", "Ophelia"

- Lilith, Dreamer (last few models) or Pandora.

Please put a small motivation as well.


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