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Me and two of my friends are about to take the plunge into Malifaux, and we thought it to be a great idea to do it by starting up a shared painting blog. Hopefully this will help motivate us to finish our respective crews and even share some of our ideas and receive some ideas and advice from the greater community.

The goal is to have a fully 25 ss crew till the beginning of summer. It might seem as a too far off deadline, but we're all somewhat time starved due to work or studies. I have probably only around 2-6 hours a week to spend on my favorite hobby.

There are a few rules that needs to be followed though. To make it somewhat more balanced and to make sure that no one gets too far ahead of the others, the three of us have the right to ask the others to pause their progress and work on a side project till they catch up again. It might not be needed, but just in case. The second one is that we set up checkpoints along this spring to keep some momentum.

Before each checkpoint, we are supposed to set down what models we are aiming to have painted.

The first checkpoint is the last of February, till which we should have 10 ss worth of models painted and based.

Any questions regarding the project can be directed to any of the three people taking part.

"Follow the piper's tune through the streets at night..."

-Hamelin part of the project.

First some kind of introduction might be in order. I'm a long time miniature gamer and painter, with a background in both larger wargames (WH, WM/H, Confrontation) and smaller skirmish games (Necromunda, Blood bowl). I actually tried a game of Malifaux one and a half year ago with my Lilith crew (still not painted though), but never really got in to the game. A few weeks back one of my friends (who will also be part of this blog) started talking about playing Malifaux to get a break from other games and also about how great the miniatures for Malifaux are. Fortunately (and unfortunately for my wallet) my interest for Malifaux flickered to life again. Not really following the progress of the game since just before the release of Rising powers, I found a real smorgosbord of new models. I am one of those people who suffers from "A.C.A.C syndrome" (All crews are cool), so I had a hard time deciding on what crew to choose. Finally I settled on two new crews: The Dreamer and Hamelin the plagued, setting Lilith aside for now. So I received my first order of models last week and have already started out.

My choice of crew for this project is going to be Hamelin the Plagued. The final 25 ss crew will consist of Hamelin (4 ss pool), Obedient wretch, Nix, Rat catcher, a Stolen and two rats.

And the first 10 ss will be Hamelin, Nix and a Stolen (will add two extra rats in there). Since I like to see the crew grow around the master, I'm going to start with the top rat at hand.

The first thought was of course the theme of the bases. I discussed it with my friends and narrowed it down to two themes: Sewers or alleys. After some more thinking I set my mind on sewer themed bases. I want to build the bases myself and have documented the process somewhat:

Step 1 - Hamelins base

Building up the base using plasticard to create ground for the model stand on. The ledge was also created using plasticard, as well as the bolts. The ledge was also carved into, to make it scratched. The tiles were made out of Green stuff and separated with a knife. The areas on the ledge not covered by tiles were later carved down to be able to superglue some fine sand. The small pipe is going to be just that: a small broken of pipe sticking up from the sludge.


The next step was starting to paint the base. I started off by painting the whole base in a very dark brown, adding a watered down layer of the same dark brown mixed with black.


Step two involved painting the tiles with a mixture of dark yellow and brown, adding brighter layers step by step. The sand was painted in a dark green to represent mold or moss.


The ledge was painted in a dark grey followed by a wash of watered down black. Then layered up till pure white on the edges.


The rust effect is a watered down mixture of orange and brown added in three wuick layers. Each layer contains more orange paint than the previous one. The green stuff is going to represent some kind of sludge.


Any thoughts, ideas or questions would be appreciated. Next post will be of finishing the base and the start of Hamelin himself.

Hopefully my friends will start posting their work soon as well.

Cheers, Kristian

Edited by Balefirestorm
Clarifying and categorize
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Posted (edited)


I'm one of the three characters this thread evolves around. I'm a long time gamer as well and it was actually Balefirestorm (along with my brother) that introduced me to the hobby some 15 years ago (or so). Just as my friends I started with WH40k & WHFB but have since expanded my repertoire to Necromunda, Bloodbowl, Confrontation 3.5, Warmachine and now Malifaux. I have been leering at wyrds minis for some time and a couple of months ago I couldn't restrain myself any longer so I decided to order a Crew! I've decided to go for Leveticus since I wanted a master with an unconvetional play-stye, but I also love this steamtech-zombie thing he got going!

I will aim for a 25 ss list as well, going for 10 ss to start with which will consist of Leveticus, wiaif, 3x SPA. I have ordered Cobblestone-bases to which I'll add some rubble, cogs etc. to give them a quarantine-zone-feel. These haven't arrived yet so you'll have to stay tuned for those..

The minis arrived some time ago and first out to be painted are the SPAs. I haven't really figured out how to paint the flesh, but I'm going for something more purple-ish than the "official" paint scheme. Like zombiefied "clones of dirz" if that helps :)

But this are my attempts this far! The first two are painted using the same colors which got a little too purple IMO, so I've started painting a third with a slightly different palette. None of them are finished btw. Comments and critique are always welcome!




Edited by c0un7_z3r0

Well i might as well introduce myself to, im the third member of our little group and like the other to i am also a long time gamer and i have played Warhammer fantasy and 40k, confrontation, warmachine, necromunda, bloodbowl and i just recently bought puppet wars. I have been interrested in malifaux ever since i first heard of it and saw the awesome figures.

My plan for this blog is a zoraida crew with a voodoo doll theme so my starting 25 ss crew will contain the old hag herself of course (though i am not a fan of any of her models or the avatar so i will try to make something unique to represent her), her trusty voodoo doll totem, 2 wicked dolls, 2 stitched together and a teddy.

I am currently awaiting an order from ebay that contains most of the models i need so all i have so far is the wicked dolls and the voodoo doll so those are the things that will get painted first along with Zoraida as soon as she arrives.

I also wanted to break away from the traditional swamp theme you usually see when someone is doing a Zoraida crew so im going for a dessert/western theme (ill upload pictures of the bases later cause now im off to start painting the crew)

Oh and btw C0unt i really like the second SPA, that skintone looks perfect!


Welcome to all three, I look forward to following your progress in this project.

Some nice starts. The skin tone on the first two SPA's is close to my Dead Justice, just a little lighter.

The only thing that surprises me Shockwave is you don't care for Z's Avatar. I can agree on the base and alternate, not the biggest fan of those myself, but I don't even play her and am tempted to get the Avatar. I know it's all a matter of taste, it's just that I think you are the first person I've heard say they are not a fan of that model.


Thanks for the welcome Diehard!

Well i must say i am really underwhelmed by her avatar! All the other masters get these epic avatars but shes just a younger version floating with a tree on he base and a bad juju poking its head out o the ground, dont get me wrong all of them are beautiful scuplts, just not as epic as would have wanted them to be :)

But i was thinking of using the younger version of her as the standard version but instead of her floating im gonna convert her so that she is being carried by a whole bunch of puppets. And for her avatar i have something very epic planned ;)


Thanks guys for the kind comments :)

Hehe i can see how that can be kinda confusing but Balestorm has lived in Sweden his whole life But moved to Krakow some year ago :)

I got alot done in my bases last night but it was to late to take any pictures so expect an update tonight!

I agree! all of the entries so far are great looking!

what puzzles me is that one of you is in Krakow and the other is in Sweden, how did you meet? :D

Heh. We are childhood friends, but I moved to Krakow two years ago (more or less exactly now). So when we do meet we try to play miniature games as much as we can :P

Posted (edited)

OK, so I'll hopefully do an picture update tonight of later this evening, but till then you will have to settle with my bare words!

I have given up my attempts at an alternative flesh-color for my SPAs and will now go for something closer to the "official" paint-scheme (or whatever you want to call it). I just can't seem to get it the way I want, it seems to me that no matter what I do it just gets too purple and to smudgy and I can't get the colors to merge. I just get two colors that look flat and smudgy :( , so down the stripping jar it is! So as mentioned above I'll go for a more conventional approach instead. I had an idea of how to do it, tried it out earlier today and I got quite pleased with the result...

But there is more to come! I started sculpting an alternative head for my desolation engine (which of course isn't a part of my 10 ss list) a couple of weeks ago. Progress have been slow but now you can start to see where I'm going so I thought it would be interesting to see what you guys think! The head will make the model look even more like the aberration prime (confrontation) which I'm quite certain have been a source of inspiration for the sculptor. But I'm going for a more malifauxian look and somewhat more SPA-like but with spider-ish eyes... We'll see if you get what I mean when I get the pictures up :)

Edited by c0un7_z3r0

I might add some text to this post tomorrow but here are the pictures as promised!

My new SPA flesh-color (the mini is by no means finished):



And here is the Desolation Engines alternative head sculpt wip.



Sorry if the picktures are a bit blurry, comments and critique are welcome as always!


That SPA is looking great so far! And you were worried that your stuff would look bad compared to ours ;) the head is of to a great start as well! Its already looking very abberationish :)

Sorry to say my updates will have to be pushed up till tomorrow, i just got hone from our weekly gaming night and now its way to late to start taking pictures and posting them, but i promise you as soon as i get home from work tomorrow ill upload them!


Thanks guys! Yeah, my worries might have been a little premature, all this whining and bitching to no good :D. I have a really good feeling about the skin-colour, which is a great thing ;) , I might add another highlight to further enhance some features but we'll see. One thing I haven't made up my mind about is how to paint the spikes from his shoulders. They are "supposed" to be black but I don't know if I like that very much. Any suggestions?

I will sculpt the teeth on the lower jaw then I'Il start to add texture and stuff. The teeth in the upper jaw will get some more attention as well. The idea is to have two big eyes or lenses (somewhat like the the one the SPA with the hook has) quite high up on the skull and have four smaller eyes/lenses underneath, just like some spiders so. If things go my way, It is supposed to give the DE a more sinister and calculating appearance rather than looking like some brute from a cave (which it does with the original head IMO :) ).

So now I'll have to turn some attention to my studies for a change :) , I'll try to get more work done asap but well see when that will be.

Comments and critique are more than welcome!


Ok guys its updatetime! I have been kinda busy the last 2 days so i havent been able to update but i did manage to finish my first four bases :)

Here they are:





I realize that the pictures are unnecessarily large and not the best but its late and i am to tired to do something about it :)

And here is a wip for my next base that is the first of the final four bases for my 25ss crew:


Let me know what you think!

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