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Death Valley Board (WIP, image heavy)


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I'm making a board for my son for Christmas and seeing as he's (we've) delved into Malifaux recently I thought why not use that as a scale and theme for the board (Even though the original idea was for his Warmachine mini's...but at least they're the same scale).

It's a wasteland type for various styles of Encounters, such as Ruins, Mine (exterior), Ghost/Pioneer Town, Badlands or even Mountains with some additions added.

The basics are two high points, working into a valley rail line, and a small worn down mining community feel. It's pretty flexible in terms of it's uses.

As it is a work in progress, suggestions ideas would be awesome...even with the Christmas timeline/deadline coming, additions and modifications can always, and most likely will happen. (Warmachine mini's are just place holders for scale...and erm, our Malifaux mini's aren't painted yet)





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Cactus and tumble weeds.

The first is easily available from Pegasus Hobbies (in two sizes and types).

The second is easily made from craft store moss (the yellowish type thay look like little sponges). After a few coats of spray sealer they harden up rather nicely.

Also dont forget the telegraph poles and Water tower, I believe historically they were placed along the rail lines (if that helps).

Also a small formating note...be sure to press enter between photos (otherwise you end up with a really wide thread that is somewhat difficult to follow).

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Cactus and tumble weeds.

The first is easily available from Pegasus Hobbies (in two sizes and types).

The second is easily made from craft store moss (the yellowish type thay look like little sponges). After a few coats of spray sealer they harden up rather nicely.

Also dont forget the telegraph poles and Water tower, I believe historically they were placed along the rail lines (if that helps).

Also a small formating note...be sure to press enter between photos (otherwise you end up with a really wide thread that is somewhat difficult to follow).

Nice! I never thought of telegraph lines. Hmm...I'll have to research into how high they were. Great idea though. Thanks!

And thanks for the image tip too...I'll use that from now on.

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Nice board!

Love the concept sketches and the very usable flat roofs.

Hope you've got plenty of 'midnight oil' to burn because Xmas is approaching fast...

Oh why do we always start interesting projects at the last minute?

Thanks! One of the roofs is actually removable, to allow access and playability, though just the one. And yes...I know I'm going to be loosing much sleep on this.

Just sanded the whole thing, and it's been drying over night, so hopefully this evening it'll ready to prime.




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i use the pegasus cactuses. work well especially mounted on some 30mm or 40mm bases. nice and modular that way too. could work for ternon crag inWM if you need a town name.

I've been thinking more and more on the cactus thought. I'm going to have to check out my local shop to see if they either carry it, or could order them.

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Model train shops usually carry them as well.

Yup yup...there is a Modellers Choice (trains and models) by me, that I may check out tomorrow while I'm off that day.

Okay, the board has been primed with every last drop of Burnt Umber I had...man that takes a lot of paint. Tonight (once my son goes to bed) is dry brushing and detailing night. I have some pics of the base browns on my phone, but haven't transferred them to my PC yet...may do that later tonight while things dry.

Plus I need to get the buildings primed tonight. Definitely a late run ahead of me. Ahhh...it's worth it though. Definitely worth it.


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Okay, the board has been primed with every last drop of Burnt Umber I had...man that takes a lot of paint. Tonight (once my son goes to bed) is dry brushing and detailing night. I have some pics of the base browns on my phone, but haven't transferred them to my PC yet...may do that later tonight while things dry.

If you plan on doing this again I might suggest making a one coat adhessive/ texture/ primer paint (it really whittles down the work and time). If you follow it up with a coat or two of Minwax Polyshade then you can color and seal in one (or two) easy steps.

The mix I use is:

  • 2 parts Drywall Primer (sometimes called PVA paint), I usually use oil based.
  • 1 part Elmers Wood Glue
  • 1 part play ground sand

When this dries (about a day) just paint on one or two coats of Minwax Polyshade in your preferred color (recommend going a little lighter then you want the final result) let dry a day and you are done (for a desert or wild west board).

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Okay, so I've basically gone nuts and went straight through until 5:30 in the morning with this. This is what happens when you remove your watch and focus too hard, I suppose.

Dry brushing and detailing of the board itself was my primary objective last night. I still need to get the stones shaded and toned the way I want, and then after a great suggestion from my wife, a small water fall area (more of a trickle then a falls) was added...and so water effects will have to be added as well now ~sighs~ but I think it'll look pretty cool afterwards.







The cards were a place holder for the main path/train rail system I want to put in. Though as I continued last night, I though...why not make it both. A trail and a rail. So, instead of permanently fixing the rail to the board, I went a patterned a trail line through the middle.



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A bit of toning and the final placement of the stone trail line was then made. A few strains of heavy weeds and static grass also were placed here and there to give a pinch of life to the table.










Now, I have learned a valuable lesson here for purposes of my base coat drying. In some of the images, you'll notice a streaking from the double ramped hill. That was because I had to hide the board from my son and placed it up against a wall, before the paint completely dried. I'm kicking myself for it now, but I think I can "flock" around the accident, or at least make it into an interesting feature of the one side.

Thanks for the input suggestions, mates. It's been a great help, and yes...concept sketches of the telegraph line have been made, and hopefully will be physically made soon.


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Thanks to everyone for giving your opinions and comments about this project so far. I was really happy to hear such positive feedback. Now yes, it'll still be added to even after Christmas, and probably modified over and over again as time goes by.

The buildings, even though they never did get painted are finished (pics coming...maybe later tonight), it was the board I was really concerned with completing. And for all intensive purposes, it is.

Another layer of blue foam hill sides is in the works already. One will be bringing a mineshaft to the terrain and the other, a good hard cover on high. The stream (unless I get a bit of a break tonight...highly unlikely) is going to have to be a drybed at the moment. It'd take too long for a water effect to dry for me to finalize that this evening anyways.

Either way, both my wife and myself feel it's a great start for him to build up-on. Once again, thank you all for your support. I'll have some final shots up soon.


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The stream (unless I get a bit of a break tonight...highly unlikely) is going to have to be a drybed at the moment. It'd take too long for a water effect to dry for me to finalize that this evening anyways.

Probably to late at the moment but there are a lot of water effect products that dont take that long to dry. Woodland scenics actually has a lot to offer in this department (I have used most of them). For water on the quick I would suggest a two part process

  1. Paint on a good sealer (I can usually skip this step because I seal all my boards with MinWax Polyshade) like Woodland Scenics Realistic Water. This should be dry in about an hour.
  2. Apply Woodland Scenics E-Z Water (this is a hot product so exercise care when pouring). This will also be dry in about an hour.

Board should be ready to play in another hour. Be sure the substructure is well adhered because there is a risk of minor seperation that will need to be repaired as the E-Z Water cools and shrinks. The final product looks great and will have a slightly yellow tint that really adds to the depth.

Either way, both my wife and myself feel it's a great start for him to build up-on. Once again, thank you all for your support. I'll have some final shots up soon.


I would agree that that is a great start.

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