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Sacrificing the Stitched Together

Soul Puppet


I'm sure this must be on here somewhere already but my ninja search skillz have deserted me and I can't find exactly what I'm looking for.

The question is, can a Stitched Together be Sacrificed and removed from the game without activating "Does not Die"?

The wording of DnD says it cannot be sacrificed or buried but I believe that is only if DnD has been triggered by "killing" the Stitched, i.e. doing enough damage to ordinarily reduce it to 0 wounds.

If it's sacrificed before this then DnD isn't activated and the rules for it do not apply, right?

Cheers in advance.

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I can answer that one! When I was searching for an answer to my question there was a lot about how the Stitched work in Slaughter.

Basically the wording of Slaughter (both singular and shared) is that you only get points for enemy models that you kill or Sacrifice. The Stitched under DnD is Sacrificed by the owning player in the Resolve Effects Step of the Closing Phase, ergo you get no points for them in Slaughter because the RAW wording doesn't allow it (I believe Wyrd have said that is the RAI also).

Other Strategies follow the rules on the bottom of page 13 of the little book which state that "Killed and sacrificed models count as casualties for Victory Point purposes (see Determining a Winner, p.73); buried models do not."

I also think I'm right that you can Sacrifice them rather than kill them (triggering DnD) but I'd like to have it confirmed.

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You can sacrifice them as long as they do not have the Does Not Die effect on them. You will count as sacrificing them so get points for them.

However if you kill them, they will get the Does Not Die effect on them, which will stop them being sacrificed later on. Also the Does Not Die effect sacrifices them so it counts as a kill by the Stitched not your crew.

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Malifaux isn't really a slaughter game anyhow, shines brightest when killing is just what happens between trying to accomplish your strats and schemes; That said, I do sometimes love a mindless slaughter, and do love that I lose the games where I focus to much on killing the enemy and not on gettin 'er done.

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Malifaux isn't really a slaughter game anyhow, shines brightest when killing is just what happens between trying to accomplish your strats and schemes; That said, I do sometimes love a mindless slaughter, and do love that I lose the games where I focus to much on killing the enemy and not on gettin 'er done.

Malifaux is the only game I have ever played where I lost all my models on the board and still won the game.

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One of the clubs in the US has done tournaments with a list of House Rules. One of which was this. I haven't seen or heard any feedback from it, but I'm sure that this is something that would be greatly recieved by non-Neverborn players. And tbh, even as a Neverborn player I would like it ruled this way. If only so I don't feel like I have to take 3 Stitched Together when I play Slaughter in a competitive game.

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