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My turn to share.

I rounded up the miniatures I have painted so far for my Ressurectionists, to get an overview of what I have so far and also to pace myself into finishing the rest of them :)





In order to not drown the thread in images ( because I´m lazy) the rest of the photos can be found on my blog

Edited by Sonny
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  • 3 months later...

I have begun painting up the rest of my ressers, in preparation for a tournament in May. I have about 30 minis to do ( playing resserectionists has very little to do with skirmish gaming :P ) and have finished up these two, plus a bunch of nearly-finished crookedmen and belles ( not shown).



And I also spent 15 minuttes applying base colours and grass to my Shafted markers:


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  • 1 month later...

Might have to stop being such a wuss and redo the Punk Zombies' swords too, now that I've seen what it can look like. The knives fit the punk vibe really well.

I'm in total agreement with Oathborne- Molly's dress looks wonderfully yellowed with age. Fallen from innocence symbolism and all that.

Can you go over the Gunslinger's components a bit? Looks almost like you used 54mm pistols on the guy. "Hey Seamus, that's not a hand cannon....this is a hand cannon! Did I mention I have two of them?"

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Heh, 54mm guns.. quite the opposite, actually, I picked them off some plastic GW gretchins :Smug_Puppet2: The base model is this guy, with a head swap from a Kings of War ghoul, and a bit of sculpting.

Yes, the punk zombies were some of the first Malifaux models I bought, and they have been sitting for well over a year not getting any loving. A good example of minis that can´t be used straight out of the blister, unfortunately. A shame too, as I really like Paul Mullers sculpting. But the original weapons were just too brittle for gaming miniatures.

By the way, I realised I did´nt post this one along with the others:


( Still needs a bit of work on the heads)

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Heh, 54mm guns.. quite the opposite, actually, I picked them off some plastic GW gretchins :Smug_Puppet2:

So 54mm pistols then...Heyooo! :-P I should've recognized those- half those grots are old Gorkamorka minis they repurposed (Grots as wacky movie caricature Communists were pretty funny back then).

The base model is this guy, with a head swap from a Kings of War ghoul, and a bit of sculpting.

Nicely done- I never would've guessed that he would've been the base of this model.

A good example of minis that can´t be used straight out of the blister, unfortunately. A shame too, as I really like Paul Mullers sculpting. But the original weapons were just too brittle for gaming miniatures.

I'm inclined to agree, though I've only had one sword break so far.

You've inspired me- I am tempted to try pinning florist wire in and sculpting over with grey stuff- crude machetes, wushu-inspired weapons, or even batons. I think one will get a rapier and main gauche, if I can pull it off (the blades are easy- it's the handguards that will be tough).

Not sure I want to buy a whole box just for bits, but Wargames Factory makes samurai that probably have easily borrowed weapons.

Hands were cannibalised from GW Dark elf corsairs and Dark Eldar wyches. Not so much for the swords, but because they all had gloves to cover up more of the model and provide a better surface for pinning the weapons on.

Just noticed Sybelle has a crop from the Flagellants set- that's gonna leave a mark (Rough Trade indeed!). If I do the sculpting thing with that one I'm going to try a longer crop or perhaps a full whip.

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