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About Sonny

  • Birthday 02/15/1981

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  1. We are running a small tournament @ Rogue Trader Copenhagen on Sunday the 19th of January. Four games of 30SS, fixed master, 1½ hour blocks. Price of admission is 100 DKR/ 13,5 EUR. Prizes awards for total Victory points and most sporting player. All crews must be fully painted. Saturday before the event will be dedicated to painting up Malifaux minis and playing casual games, so it all adds up to a full weekend of Malifaux joy. See you there! Full details and registration, see Our events page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/182215801986701/
  2. Ahahahahaha : D Cant wait to see that painted up in a bright yellow.
  3. I am playing in a tournament this weekend, and that gave me the push I needed to finish up a new Resser crew ( well, the belles still need some details, but the 35SS crew I am fielding is ready, wohoo!) Not my prettiest work, but I look forward to trying out Playing Seamus with avatar and hanged. WP tests all over the place : )
  4. Okay that last answer felt a bit weak. Let me try again, looking at the picture. I think the trick with Molly is that she is shaded all over with a sepia toned wash, which pulls in the blues of her skin a bit, and makes the yellow dress pop by enrichening the colour. The white borders of her dress are probably just painted white with no shading/ highlights, and toned in to fit with the dress courtesy of the sepia wash. I like Molly, she turned out well. But she was dead quick to paint ( about an hour, little less) and its unlikely that I would be able to replicate the paintjob..
  5. Colours on Molly. Erhm.. something with yellow, and it was on my palette at the time.. Sorry, really can´t remember. I don´t use colour recipies when painting, I tend to just mix up something I think looks right. I started painting some of the minis for the Seamus crew, but then I got distracted and began work on a Simulacrum 29 instead:
  6. Nice tree. Game thursday? Got some work done on your models today.
  7. I wanted to paint up my Seamus crew, and decided I needed to include his avatar. Unfortunately, I could´nt afford the miniature, so chose to sculpt one myself. Now I am looking forward to getting some paint on the crew, hopefully in time for a tournament in early October.
  8. Three pages of responses and noone mentioned Otherworld Miniatures? http://otherworldminiatures.co.uk/shop/dungeon-monsters/dm12-harpies-2/ Hasslefree sells some feathered wings seperately for conversions: http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=feathered-wings~hfl301&category=accessories~converting
  9. Hands were cannibalised from GW Dark elf corsairs and Dark Eldar wyches. Not so much for the swords, but because they all had gloves to cover up more of the model and provide a better surface for pinning the weapons on.
  10. Heh, 54mm guns.. quite the opposite, actually, I picked them off some plastic GW gretchins :Smug_Puppet2: The base model is this guy, with a head swap from a Kings of War ghoul, and a bit of sculpting. Yes, the punk zombies were some of the first Malifaux models I bought, and they have been sitting for well over a year not getting any loving. A good example of minis that can´t be used straight out of the blister, unfortunately. A shame too, as I really like Paul Mullers sculpting. But the original weapons were just too brittle for gaming miniatures. By the way, I realised I did´nt post this one along with the others: ( Still needs a bit of work on the heads)
  11. More Minis: Crooked Men: Flech Constructs: Punk Zombies: Convict gunslinger: Desperate Mercenary: Molly:
  12. I have begun painting up the rest of my ressers, in preparation for a tournament in May. I have about 30 minis to do ( playing resserectionists has very little to do with skirmish gaming ) and have finished up these two, plus a bunch of nearly-finished crookedmen and belles ( not shown). And I also spent 15 minuttes applying base colours and grass to my Shafted markers:
  13. All seems reasonable and all.. and this might just be interpretation.. depending on the layout of the building.. would´nt he use his move to walk down the stairs, and THEN towards the luring model? Thats how we usually play that sort of thing. I know love ( and lust) makes people do crazy things. Walking a straight line straight over the side of a rooftop because you spot a floosy seems, well.. suicidal.
  14. I think I am averaging 1-2 hours on each mini for these, with dogs and zombies being around the 1 hour mark, and characters between 1½ and 2 hours. Nico was 1½, Bete a bit longer because I couldnt quite get her to work.
  15. Hasslefree Jenova. With a weaponswap. I use her as a desperate Merc. She takes a lot of beatings..
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