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Just signed up for the site and thought that I'd drop a line and say to everyone, as well as introduce myself. My name's Phil, and I'm a long time mini-wargamer. My collection is vast,... and yes,... all painted. (personal rule of thumb,.. I never allow myself to buy the next thing unless/until I'm done painting the first thing).

I am new to Malifaux though. But I find myself pleasently attracted to the model range. My local game store doesn't carry it, but I managed to get them to order me some stuff.

Currently, I'm caught between wanting to do The Dreamer box set,.. or the Collette box set. Thoughts on playstyles would be helpful.

One last thing,.. if anyone knows,... I was looking through the catalog, and I noticed all these beautiful bases,.. victorian, orphanage, sewers, bayou,..... but there is one box set (Kirai????) a japanese themed set. I really like the bamboo flooring bases, but don't see them listed. Is there a way to order those??

Thanks for your time,

Your friendly neighborhood Webmonkey.

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Hello and welcome to Malifaux and good to hear you're planning to stay away from those Guild bullies! :D

The Dreamer and Colette's Showgirls have some interesting playing styles, here's a link to the Malifaux Wiki to help you out in how they work and so on...


I play Colette and The Dreamer myself, both are great crews, but neither that that friendly for beginner players a, though Dreamer is far more forgiving than Colette if you make a mistake.

I have no idea about those base inserts though, sorry. Sometimes some are just made by the person that painted the models and are never intended for actual release.

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*steps in to wrangle the rabble*

Welcome to Malifaux. The wiki is helpful, as is the Malifaux.com website. Both crews are... more dificult to learn with, but being a Mini's veteran, it shouldn't be too difficult.

For the bases on Kirai's crew, I'd check CMON. One of my gamers went to a fabric shop and bought a woven placemat and cut out circles.

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Hello and welcome to Malifaux and good to hear you're planning to stay away from those Guild bullies! :D

Yes,... down with the Guild!!!!

*Breaks out the torches and pitchforks*

*steps alongside Fell to dispell the gathering crowd*

Rabble rousers! And Path, you should know better corrupting the newcomers!

Anyway, welcome to the forum..and the game!

I shall let the fact you haven't chosen Guild slip this time...but we're watching!


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Update for those interested,... I shot off an email to the Wyrd guys about those bamboo bases, and Nathan Caroland responded with,..

"Not at the moment, but next year sir."

So then,.. it seems they are slated to be produced at some point in the relatively near future. Considering it's next year already, I suppose it's too much to hope for a January release though.


I fear you not,.. you Guild Baboons!!!! *sneaks into the Guild armory and super-glues half the guns into their holsters,... and replaces the other half with fake guns. You know, the kind with the little stick and the flag that reads "BANG",...*

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I fear you not,.. you Guild Baboons!!!! *sneaks into the Guild armory and super-glues half the guns into their holsters,... and replaces the other half with fake guns. You know, the kind with the little stick and the flag that reads "BANG",...*

*pats side arm and sword* good thing I don't let my Guild issue weapons leave my sight. They were gifts. ;)

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hrmmm,... that sounds like a challenge. Alright then,...

*takes a few moments to plot evily,... *

Ah-ha!!! I got it!!!!

*posts up wanted posters all over Malifaux,...*

Wanted: Guild Weapons!!!

Bounty To Be Paid: Prestige and bragging rights awarded to anyone who can effectively steal Fells' weapons,... in the most unique and thoughtfull way possible. Additional prestige for creative use/disposal of said weapons,... (melt them down, bronze them, or give them to the Bayou gremlins,... the sky's the limit,.. be creative)

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hrmmm,... that sounds like a challenge. Alright then,...

*takes a few moments to plot evily,... *

Ah-ha!!! I got it!!!!

*posts up wanted posters all over Malifaux,...*

Wanted: Guild Weapons!!!

Bounty To Be Paid: Prestige and bragging rights awarded to anyone who can effectively steal Fells' weapons,... in the most unique and thoughtfull way possible. Additional prestige for creative use/disposal of said weapons,... (melt them down, bronze them, or give them to the Bayou gremlins,... the sky's the limit,.. be creative)

*puts head in hands*

Oh you are asking for trouble..... ;)

Still watching...

*fires gun in defiance...goes pop and flag shoots out*


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If Showgirl #66 was still alive (I insisted Fell hang her in the off topic discussion) and lucid enough to talk to without placing one self in mortal jeopardy I would have told her to try stealing Fell's weapons, Fell would have done me a favour in shooting her :)

The last time one of my girls went near Fell it was to offer her a makeover and she got shot for her kind hearted nayure, though Fell did heal her again.

Saying that though...

~Snaps fingers and agaggle of showgirls dressed as Guild agents burst into the thread and dump loadsof authentic Guild weapons on to the table~

How about that reward?

~Signals and the girls all point their guns at Webmonkey~

I may not like the Guild, but it doesn't mean I'm on not above a little backstabbing :D

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Foolish naive,... there's no such thing as a free lunch. I'm not so foolish as to accept what is handed to me without question. I'll bet these weapons are nothing more then sticks and stones,.. and you've used your illusionist guile, to make them appear as Guild weapons.

I'd be more then happy to give you the Prestige,... when you actually earn it. But for now,... silly child,... take your dolls and go. But feel free to come back,... when you've done some actual work!!

(wonders if this place has a role-playing site??? How many people would be interested in a Malifaux based RPG??)

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I live in northern cali. A little town called Fairfield. I'd love the game, but the L.A. area from here,... that's a 8-10hr drive.

As for the RPG thing,... I was thinking more of a real time chat thing. Wonder if they have one or would let us set one up?? Not sure what sort of permissions we'd need to be ok about the copyright stuff.??

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