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Rogue Necromancy


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Hi Guys,

Just picked up the Rogue Necromancy and Bete Noire, both are lovely models, been waiting for the former since I seen the sketch in Book 2.

Anyone had any experience with running the Rogue Nec with either Seamus or Nic (my 2 Resser Matsers)?

Also Bete seems expensive for not many wounds. Thought maybe she would have Spirit at least?


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Bete is quite all right where she is. Don't forget, whenever she dies, she can use One with the Night as her Slow to Die action and save herself. You just need to make sure you save a card high enough for her in your Hand.

Secondly, if you play her in Nicodem's list, she'll greatly benefit from Bolster Undead both offensively and defensively.

Last but not least, you'll typically want to pop her out when enemy kills one of your models, with his last action - so that she can immediately and with no risk counter-strike against the attacker. If you play her well, chances are she won't get hit until she gets her job done.

I'm building Rogue Necromancy right now, so no testing done, but I feel she will go great with Nicodem. Relatively hard to summon, but summoned it can pop out right into combat, avoiding ranged attacks and other such threats. I don't know Seamus very well, but I think Rogue Necromancy is a costly model if you need to hire it.

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Thanks Guys,

Didn't read in much detail Bete's abilities and spells. Will have more free time soon to ponder over list builds.

Nico with summoning RN would be very nice especially if Vultures can collect corpses for me (I think so anyway).

I've also got a flock of Night Terrors ready to launch so should be nice to see how they all operate together. A nice undead beast army with Nico at the head. Bring on Marcus!


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I was planning on using a Drune Raider from Confrontation as my proxy Dead Rider.

A man after my own heart!!!

Before the Dead Rider fig was released I was planning to do that... But I didn't get a chance to before they released the official fig and I ended up just getting the real thing.

Long story short: I support your plan.

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Hiya im a long time player of the rouge necro. I used the 3 headed tiger from markus boxset, I painted it up all undead like. I made my proxy shortly after the book came out.

I play nicodem and I never start off with the RN instead I start off with 4 undead dogs, morty the grave spirit and nico. I have a valutre I really think its useless, get the grave spirit. Since you want to keep your models where you can bolster them then the dogs should be close enough to toss you courpse counters.

Now for the RN, Summoning him with nico is awesome, you can place him in combat, he is slow but with his 3 heads its still hurts. Also summoning helps you reduce the amount of turns its on the table before he is in combat. Also summing with nicodem also means you get to draw 4 cards. Some times just drawing the cards is worth it.

A bolstered RN is sick, cb 9 and paired with its claws with a damage out put of 3/4/5 or fangs with poison 2 cb 7 with a damage out put of 2/5/7 and then will gain a total of 3 wounds from the poison! Also df 6 is great for keeping the thing alive. And when it dies it leaves 3 courps counters, just need one more via Mortimer and bam he's back and you get to draw 4 cards.

Hope this helps,


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Ive used the rogue necromany with mcmourning a few times as a summon'd model. And I have to say, with the movement of the caster + 6" summon + 1ap if i need to move + 2ap for melee actions the RM is an absolutely lethal beater. Im lucky if it survives more than 2 turns, but when it does it drops 3 corpses which is well on the way to making another one to beat face. I dont think i'd ever hire one, but to summon one makes me drool and my opponents cringe

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How useful would Rogue Necromancy be with Kirai?

On paper he sounds good. His damage output is great and he can hit hard, but is he worth the points? He can't be summoned, can't be healed, and lacks synergy with Kirai. Unless, of course, I turn him into a spirit, but that is unreliable. The card requirement turns me off to that plan.

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How useful would Rogue Necromancy be with Kirai?

On paper he sounds good. His damage output is great and he can hit hard, but is he worth the points? He can't be summoned, can't be healed, and lacks synergy with Kirai. Unless, of course, I turn him into a spirit, but that is unreliable. The card requirement turns me off to that plan.

with kirai, it seems that shikome better fills this niche

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I usually start with the Dead Rider and summon other spirits as needed. So my question is this: is Rogue Necromancy better than the Dead Rider?

Personally, I like Dead Rider more. Especially if you can have the cards in hand turn one to give him Spirit from Lost Love. On his activation, he has the ability to heal back 3 wounds from regen and adjust purpose to get back to 7 and keep his "Fast" Purpose, which I typically move him to immediately anyway.

With spirit, he is ignoring terrain and mounted combat + drag = BEAST!

I suppose Rogue, once turned into a spirit can get a lot of spirit healing from a kirai list, but thats actions on other models, whereas Dead Rider is self sufficient.

Acid Breath from RN is great, but DR has an affective "ranged strike" of about 11 inches too. With fast, he moves 6 inches, does mounted combat for 2 inches, pauses for his 3 inch melee strike, then continues his mounted combat push BACK the 8 inches total he moved at the start. (And brings his new friend into the melee range of any of Kirai's crew that you had with him)

Love, love, love me some Dead Rider.

The ONLY thing that I like less about DR in Kirai list is no Grave Spirit linked to him. But, getting spirit on him is decent compensation.

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