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Neverborn Neverspend over $50/$100


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And that's the story of how I got lynched for puns. I did this for Resurrectionists and Arcanists already, which means I've pretty much exhausted my expertise. My goal is to make one or more "pre-packaged" buying lists for new players for each master at the $50 and $100 levels (shipping/handling/rule-book/cards not included). Because of my lack of experience, the following is largely theoryfaux to get us started, but I'm hoping you guys will help me out.

Note that I'm willing to hold more than one list per master. New people like simple, pre-packaged options as a general rule.



- Lilith's Brood Box Set ($34.00)

- Young Nephilim ($16.50)


- Lelu ($9.00)

- Lilitu ($9.00)

- Lelu -OR- Lilitu ($9.00)

- Black Blood Shaman ($9.00)

- Malifaux Cherub ($7.50) -OR- Primordial Magic ($9.00)


- Collodi Box Set ($37.00)

- Primordial Magic ($9.00)

- Malifaux Cherub ($7.50) -OR- Primordial Magic ($9.00)

$101.5 OPTION C

- Terror Tots ($15.00)

Then Either

- Black Blood Shaman ($9.00)

- Black Blood Shaman ($9.00)

- Lelu ($9.00)

- Lilitu ($9.00)


- Nekima ($30.00)



- Pandora ($9.00)

- Lelu ($9.00)

- Lilitu ($9.00)

- Poltergeist ($9.00)

- Doppelganger ($9.00)


- Insidious Madness ($10.50)

- Stitched Together ($14.00)

TWO of the Following

- Jack Daw ($9.00)

- Sorrows ($15.00)

- Insidious Madness ($10.50)

- Coppelius ($9.00)

- Lilitu ($9.00)

- Lelu ($9.00)



- The Hag's Puppets Box Set ($38.00)

- Voodoo Doll ($6.50)

$100 Option A

- Collodi Box Set ($37.00)

- Stitched Together ($14.00)

$100 Option B

- Jack Daw ($10.00) -OR- Taelor ($9.00)

- Stiched Together ($14.00) -OR- Lelu and Lilitu ($18.00)

- Insidious Madness ($10.50)

- Wicked Dolls ($16.50)

$100 Option C

- Lelu ($9.00)

- Lilitu ($9.00)

- Stitched Together ($14.00)

- Wicked Dolls ($16.50)

The Dreamer


- Bad Dreams Box Set ($41.00)

- Daydreams ($15.00)


- Either Teddy or Lelu + Lilitu ($18.00)

- Insidious Madness ($10.50)

- Night Terrors ($15.00)



- Collodi Box Set ($37.00)

- Stitched Together ($14.00)


- Wicked Dolls ($16.50)

- Stitched Together ($14.00)

- Lilith, Mother of Monsters ($9.00)

- Primordial Magic ($9.00) -OR- Maliphaux Cherub ($7.50)


- Wicked Dolls ($16.50)

- Stitched Together ($14.00)

- Pandora ($9.00)

- Poltergeist ($9.00)

The Faction for $100/$150

These are options to build from more of a faction-based perspective for $100/$150. They focus on cross-pollination and preparing the faction to face a variety of situations.

The Young

Nightmares by night, guilt by day. The Dreamer and Pandora make an excellent combination, and share many of the same models. You can very easily build both masters at the same time! In fact, you can be competitive at the 35ss level for only $101!


- Pandora ($9.00)

- Lelu ($9.00)

- Lilitu ($9.00)

- Poltergeist ($9.00)

- Doppelganger ($9.00)

- Bad Dreams Box Set ($41.00)

- Daydreams ($15.00)


- Insidious Madness ($10.50)

- Insidious Madness ($10.50)

- Teddy ($18.00) -OR- Lelu ($9.00) + Lilitu ($9.00)

- Jack Daw ($9.00)

The Old

Zoraida, Lilith, and Collodi likewise make for a nice grouping. Often the choice between Lilith and Zoraida is whether you want added support from your models (Lilith) or want added support from your Master (Zoraida). This is especially true when you make select Collodi as your henchman rather than your master.


- Lilith's Brood Box Set ($34.00)

- Young Nephilim ($16.50)

- The Hag's Puppets Box Set ($38.00)

- Voodoo Doll ($6.50)


- Collodi Box Set ($37.00)

- Stitched Together ($14.00) -OR- Primordial Magic ($9.00) and Maliphaux Cherub ($7.50)


- Black Blood Shaman ($9.00)

- Black Blood Shaman ($9.00)

- Terror Tots ($15.00)

- Desperate Mercenary ($9.00)

- Desperate Mercenary ($9.00)


- Pandora ($9.00)

- Lelu ($9.00)

- Lilitu ($9.00)

- Poltergeist ($9.00)

- Doppelganger ($9.00)

- Malifaux Cherub ($7.50) -OR- Primordial Magic ($9.00)


- Lelu ($9.00)

- Lilitu ($9.00)

- Stitched Together ($14.00)

- Malifaux Cherub ($7.50) -OR- Primordial Magic ($9.00)

- Jack Daw ($10.00) -OR- Insidious Madness ($10.50)

Pandemonium's Foundation

Pandora's $50 list, honestly, makes a great foundation for any other Master/Henchman's $50/$100 list. Feel free to combine them (replacing overlap when possible), you can't go wrong.

Nightmarish Offerings

The direct opposite of Panda, The Dreamer's $56 list is a great addition to any $100 list to bring it to the $150 level, especially if that other list included Lelu and Lilitu.

Finally a Real Pain! I mean Boy. Yes. Boy.

Likewise, Collodi's Box + Primordial Magic make an excellent alternative to almost any Master's $100 list. It effectively becomes Collodi's crew, with the master supporting Collodi, but it's effective with each of the masters and offers an alternative playing style. The Dreamer instead takes 3 daydreams and sacrifices a Marionette to do so, while Zoraida sacrifices the models necessary to bring a Mature Nephilim or other big hitter (she can summon more Wicked Dolls anyways!).

Edited by SoulG
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Would it be worth seeing if you could overlap the boxes and try to maybe do a "$100 for neverborn force"?

For instance

Lilith's Brood Box Set ($34.00)

Voodoo Doll ($6.50)

Zoraida Clamshell

Hooded Rider

Von Schill Clamshell

Primordial magic

Not sure how much this would come to, but throw in a bbs and ou have some very flexible lists which can use 2 masters.

You could do the same with Pandora and the dreamer to an extent, and I have also seen Zoraida and Pandora overlap before now...

Just a thought but may prove interesting for first time buyers- I know you can run a succesful few lists out of the Lilith box + Z extras- that list forms the basis of my regular crew!

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I made modifications based on suggestions given. Question: Are you suggesting these as alternate possibilities (as I have them at this moment) or flat-out you should get that only?

Adding a Convict Gunslinger to Zoraida would set her over $50, unless you're suggesting replace the Voodoo doll with it?

I'm actually not sure whether Alps should even be there post-errata, to be honest. Both because they got shot in the kneecaps and because the less errata the first games the better.

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If you are interested in Pandora I don't necessarily think her Basic Boxed set is the best way to go if you think you might be in the game for awhile and will grow your collection. Kade and Candy, while cool models, are vastly inferior in their roles to the similarly costed Twins. Additionally the twins are useful in EVERY NB list as opposed to Kade and Candy who are only really useful in a few.

If it were me I'd get Dora, the Sorrows and the Twins all separately. If you are looking for a boxed set I'd add a dreamer box as Coppelius and the stitched are also great models to use with Dora.

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Fetid: This interests me. However, which should I give up? The Poltergeist or the Doppelganger? I'd say the Dopple, simply because the $50 purchases are a bit more geared towards 25ss games. Also, how would you spend the extra money at the $100 level?

Silver: I added Primordial Magic as an option. Judging from the wiki it seems to be a preference thing?

Mike: Night Terrors? Huh... Isn't The Dreamer already very good at objective grabbing due to his ability to unbury models spontaneously? S'pose it's better than Alps so it's added for now at least!

McDoogle: Hrm... The 2 for $100 deal. Could work, could work. I've only been able to get two masters strong at about the $150 level, but I'll think more about it. If anyone else wants to write up lists I'd be willing to add it. Bonus points if the lists have cool names.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As I only play Dreamer, I can only really comment on him (Magicpockets has a good knowledge of Z and Pandy)

Sadly there isn't a better way to start for $50 as you need those Daydreams. But for the $100 margin, Night Terrors, Teddy, and Twins would be my buys. Or the Collodi box set, but as I've only played a couple of games to get a grip of his rules, and not really pushed that to it's limits (8-0 victory on turn 2 in one game and 8-0 on turn 4 in the other) I would wait before really pushing that as a great match-up (like Z and Collodi)

As an aside . . . 35SS list from the Dreamer-Collodi mix:


3 Daydreams


4 Marionnettes

2 Stitched

That is easily within the $100 mark.

Edited by Oshova
Had an extra thought
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