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The Cult of December, a newb's first crew.


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I am loathe to use the term newb when referring to myself but here it is the only suitable term, I've bought myself the Cult of December box set, and I've looked at which models I like and came to the conclusion that the crew below is what I've settled on. What I came to ask, is how competitive would a crew like this be? I honestly have little to no clue.

Thanks in advance.

Arcanists Crew - 55 - Scrap

6 Pool

+ Rasputina, Avatar of Famine

Wendingo [2ss]

  • December Acolyte

  • Hoarcat Pride

  • Ice Gamin

  • Ice Gamin

  • Ice Gamin

  • Ice Golem

  • Silent One

  • Snow Storm

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Well actually thats a bit much in terms of soulstones...

Usually scraps are played with 30-35 SS so if this isn't just a "to buy" list you might want to trim it down a bit...

good Choices for rasy are considered:

- Snowstorm: gives cover and speed to the crew.

- Silent one: nearly a must have

- as for totems: the wendigo is very thematically fitting but the essence of power is much more useful in gameterms

the Hoarcat and the acolythe are rarely seen... cause there is just so much room in the usual lists and they are not as effective as the above mentioned minions

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Personally I'd use the essence of power rather than wendigo.

The wendigo is very thematically fitting but the essence of power is much more useful in gameterms.

Okay, so essence of power it is. Okay, this is more of a to-buy list, and by what you said Darios I take it that very rarely do you play larger games? I definitely want snow storm, if only for the model and as I understand the silent ones are incredibly useful for Rasputina's casting. Okay, so the list itself should be toned down to lower points, and either drop the hoarcats/acolyte or take a second pride of hoarcats.

On a different note, how does Avatar Rasputina play? Have either of you used her?

~ Happy-Yeti

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Although not my most played master anymore; Raspy was my first and will always have the biggest soft spot for the Big D cult.

Few things thats already been said you can live by essence over wendigo. Never take a single pride, a pair minimum. If wanting to be "competitive" Id generally only use them if facing little green swamp desserts... Im using just playing for the fun of the game so have 5 prides dressed up for dinner because I think they are adorable...

Ice Golem is sadly kind of meh. Just too slow in majority of cases. Unless maybe using him for a specific schemes; Id rather a second Silent One. Never go wrong with one boosting range and other perfect mirroring.

What to say about the Acolyte... I really like him on paper but hes yet to perform adequately for me on the table. Im sure it just must be that every time taken him the playground wasnt setup right... In the end Ive just stop taking him, but your mileage might vary.

Unless your local meta is different then mine, I wouldnt rush to get a 55 pt crew. Here 35pt is about biggest played on regular basis. hell I think I might be only one able fielding that many points on a scrap (without just throwing silly things in to make the points.) You might want to consider spending the money on getting a couple crews instead sinking it on a huge themed crew. As said, your meta might be different.

Last thing, when your past the buying stage and into the crew building... always.. without fail.. no exceptions.. 100% the time.. take as many soulstones as can for Raspy.

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Currently in my local meta I'm the only one who owns figures for Malifaux, I'm driving to get more players around here, and they're very slowly considering playing. I have the Raspy set and the Lucius set so I can play 25ss scraps to show people how the game works.

I really do love the Ice Golem's model so I'll likely take that no matter how uncompetitive it is. The local group round here plays for fun, but a friend of mine is going to play dreamer (and he's making sure he knows how to play it well) so I'm trying to avoid getting steamrolled by him all the time.

I also dislike the idea of two identical models which is what somewhat puts me off getting two silent ones. I definitely want snow-storm if only for the added mobility (and an awesome model) I might try aiming for 35-45ss instead of 55ss seen as that the general consensus is that there aren't many huge battles.

Thanks everyone for your advice, its given me a fair bit to think about!

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hhhhmmmmm. EoP is fantastic, no question. However, when using Raspy's Avatar, the Wendigo might not be bad since it is a grave robber.

The game size seems high to me also, most people are at around the 35ss level, but your local community may be different.

Ice Golem.....30-35ss games he is meh, but if your local group is playing these size games and your able to use the Avatar and Snow Storm, then the Ice Golem will come into his own I think. He's a good shooter and with the Avatar buff and the mobility Snow Storm gives he may do very well.

The Acolyte is good for certain strategies or schemes, but I've found him to be situational.

The Silent One is virtually an auto-include. Two would be better, especially at this size game. Remember that Raspy is your heavy-lifter, having these ladies to increase her range is the best way to get the most mileage out of Raspy spells.

Totally agree that one Pride is virtually a waste of time.

I recommend that you peruse the http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/ they have some good Raspy info on there.

Sorry, I have no experience yet with the Avatar.

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To my knowledge, 35ss is a pretty standard game size across the majority of the world, and only very rarely are bigger Scrap games fought. Obviously the occasional Brawl can get up to 50ss or so.

You'll find that the game plays best around 30-40 anyway. More than that and it gets a little bogged down. Less than that and you find your toolbox of models is a bit limited.

If you're pioneering Malifaux in your area I'd recommend aiming for 35. Expanding the crew past 35 then means you have options to customise your list depending on your Strategy. Unlike in most massed army wargames, in Malifaux buying more models gives you more flexibility rather than a larger force.


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Thanks Guys, I think I understand what you mean now, its less of a "grow your force", and more of a "more options and strategies" kind of thing. Speaking of the Blessed of December, from what I've heard it sounds awesome, I haven't yet bought the third book but I'm probably gunna buy it around Christmas time. I loved the first expansion book, if only for the HUGE amounts of fluff and back story. The book single-handedly made me fall in love with Malifaux. Anyway, back on topic, Thankyou Dgraz, Mike, Darios, Tattyted and Harbinger. You've all been a huge help, thanks again!


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