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Guys, Do we really need to scream for a Rule Marshal for this one.

He has both abilities on his card, its clear from that he was suppose to be able to use his evasive. Based on Ratty's previous comment on this page its clear that Lazarus can not gain armor from any other source but his own already printed abilities.

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Guys, Do we really need to scream for a Rule Marshal for this one.

He has both abilities on his card, its clear from that he was suppose to be able to use his evasive. Based on Ratty's previous comment on this page its clear that Lazarus can not gain armor from any other source but his own already printed abilities.

Yes, whenever the rules are unclear you need a rules marshal. That's what they're here for.

Intention is basically irrelevant in rules.

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Intention is basically irrelevant in rules.

Interesting. I consider intention to be the only relevant factor, when all is said and done. It ultimately doesn't matter how many ways one can twist the written rules with semantics and willful (mis)interpretation, the only thing that matters is the developer's intention.

... which isn't to say I don't enjoy a spritely rules debate as much as the next guy, and of course I'd prefer that rules be intuitive and infallible, but when an official source drops the Hammer of Intent, everything else takes a backseat.

When a rule is unclear, the intention is in doubt and a Marshal is required. Intention is at the crux of the issue.

Am I being intentionally obtuse? Yes.

Am I OT? Indeed.

My work here is done.

Edited by Hatchethead
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Guys, Do we really need to scream for a Rule Marshal for this one.

He has both abilities on his card, its clear from that he was suppose to be able to use his evasive. Based on Ratty's previous comment on this page its clear that Lazarus can not gain armor from any other source but his own already printed abilities.

yeah, that's what i was thinking, but it still is weird because evasive and stuff give extra armor

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Cool, thanks. While you're at it, we still need that clarification on whether we can Assimilating Reactivate or not. :P

My guess would be no because reativate is normally an effect from a spell or talent. Its not a talent or spell as required by the assimlate wording. You can however try and copy a spell or ability that could give you the effect of reactivating. Take stoke for instance.

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Interesting. I consider intention to be the only relevant factor, when all is said and done. It ultimately doesn't matter how many ways one can twist the written rules with semantics and willful (mis)interpretation, the only thing that matters is the developer's intention.

Sort of. Intention is only relevant to someone who is able to make rulings. Intention to us normal people doesnt exist; at that point its interpretation since we dont know what the intention was, we can only guess.

So at any time when there is a lack of clarity and no rule can strictly cover it (or where something is blatantly broken, as in this case - according to the strict letter of the rules, he cant use his evasive) a rules marshal is the only solution.

While you're at it :D Please clarify this one...

This is legal as of right now and apparently still being debated behind the scenes.

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So at any time when there is a lack of clarity and no rule can strictly cover it (or where something is blatantly broken, as in this case - according to the strict letter of the rules, he cant use his evasive) a rules marshal is the only solution.

Either that or you can just use common sense.

I mean if someone came to your game night tonight with a Laz proxy are you really going to tell them that Evasive is useless. Or are you going to assume that his evasive trumps his armor restriction as that is the only common sense way it was meant to work.

I mean clearly the rule needs to be rewritten slightly to take this into account when the model is released and the card is printed, but its not like its stopping anyone from playing the model. I think we can all agree that Evasive is suppose to work for him(why else would he have it?)

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Sort of. Intention is only relevant to someone who is able to make rulings. Intention to us normal people doesnt exist; at that point its interpretation since we dont know what the intention was, we can only guess.

So at any time when there is a lack of clarity and no rule can strictly cover it (or where something is blatantly broken, as in this case - according to the strict letter of the rules, he cant use his evasive) a rules marshal is the only solution.

This is legal as of right now and apparently still being debated behind the scenes.

I have to agree common sense not so common but hatchet does bring up a good point rule lawyering plain ruins the game. If the consensus is the action might be breaking best to avoid that action until it is ruled. Or state you are play testing it with opponent. Most important part is this is a game and should be treated as such even in touneys.

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