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Huang Da Wei

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When I was just starting out with minis painting, I had a full, 10-man unit of Boomhowler & Co. Trollkin Mercenaries from Privateer Press. I had given them each special patterns on their kilts, carefully touched up the leather on their axe handles, picked out teeth and hair -- everything.

Then I took them outside on a plate, set the plate on a chair, got ready to seal them -- and knocked the plate over. Onto the concrete patio.

They say people can still hear my cries of "F***ING TROLLS!!" to this day. ;)

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I was hastily putting the finishing touch on my warmachine gunmage unit the morning of a tourney. Not wanting to waste precious time taking them outside to mat seal them, I slide open the window, grabbed my sealer and gave the unit a quick blast. Not realizing the humidity level was through the roof that day, I quickly turned my beautifully painted unit into a cloudy, fogged mess. All that work for a painting score and it was ruined in one spray of the sealer... my heart felt sympathy goes out to you!

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My condolences. I hope she can be saved.

I resolved one day to finally undercoat my collection of 54mm Inquisitor figs that I had been collecting for a few years. I had about 20 of them, lovingly converted. The hardware store primer had been sitting in the garage all summer, but I thought it would be fine. I didn't notice it at first (sunglasses were on), but the primer all came out like gritty "texture" paint. When I got back inside it looked like they were made out of black sandstone, with all the detail completely obscured. $500 dollars worth of models ruined by a $5 can of black spray. Words were said that shall not be repeated.

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A few years back I had just finished putting a beautiful finish and a hard coat on a set of 15 commissioned, Iyanden Wraith Guard and I took to the spray booth to apply a layer of dullcoat....little did I know, I had grabbed a can of black primer in error. I had sprayed the whole front side of them before I realized my error. Luckily for me, it was a light coat and as I had used a relatively liberal application of hard lacquer, it was a small job to scrub off the black spray, but I was livid that I had made that error at all.

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What the hell happened to her face?!?!;)

Great stuff! (You really can't tell that you tried to kill her with your desk...)

I once finished a model, thought it looked great. Covered it in varnish then, whilst it was still wet, proceeded to drop it in a tub of flock... Oh how I laughed!!

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I have had a few of these moments. The first was a competion painted GW forest dragon, I was up till 3 Am lovingly painting highlights on each scale, and tinting the teeth smiling as the competion was in 7 hours. Steping outside to matte coat it I grabed the coat and it was dark as the devil's heart, no big I sprayed for about 2 minutes and realized at that point it seemed to be getting darker? I ran inside to find I had sprayed it with black armory primer><. The second one was a 10 year old child knocking my metal bloodthirster off a table, busting him to pieces, while the mother just looked on and said well it should not be out. (he was 2 feet into th egame table and the child picked him up and dropped him when his mom turned) I banned them both.

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A few years back I had just finished putting a beautiful finish and a hard coat on a set of 15 commissioned, Iyanden Wraith Guard and I took to the spray booth to apply a layer of dullcoat....little did I know, I had grabbed a can of black primer in error. I had sprayed the whole front side of them before I realized my error. Luckily for me, it was a light coat and as I had used a relatively liberal application of hard lacquer, it was a small job to scrub off the black spray, but I was livid that I had made that error at all.

Did the same with grey primer. It taught me to double check the can before I spray anything now.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, thats it, Colette can sit at the back of the table cos I am really really p***ed now.

I managed to arrange only my 2nd ever game, took my bag of models to work so I could shoot off quickly and go and play after work finished.

Someone asked what was in my bag, when I told them another colleague quickly jumped in 'you should see them, he paints really well' So I handed them Collette to see which they promptly dropped onto first a table and then it bounced off onto the floor.

Needless to say I need a new model, there is no way I can paint this to look resonable now. :-fate:-fate:-fate:-fate:-fate

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At a house warming my Aunt carried my one year old cousin into my game room and let him pick up one of my newly painted figures off the top shelf, where I'd placed them specifically to be out of reach. My anut informed me it was OK for him to chew on my "little toy" because it was metal and he couldn't hurt it. I found him chewing on it and only got it back because it had swords that were only glued on and I'd hate for him to swallow one.

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