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Non-Standard lists


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Ok, looking at the Nekima rules update and some of the comments...

I found myself wondering,

some have commented that couldn't see taking a specific model outside a specific list type....

Eg: Nekima outside a "grow" oriented list...

and I have to ask,

is there really any model over 6ss that you would take in ANY list?

isn't the very design of the game such that you're encouraged to build focused lists around a single fluff?

Does anyone take Belles with Kirai?

... Perdita with non-Family members?

... a Beast list lead by Ramos?

... Nephlim with the Dreamer?


I mean, really, what struck me as odd was Nekima in a Woe list in the first place...

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Well, I think an Austringer shows up in every guild list, but at the least guild have a cohesive theme and fairly similar look.

I have started not using austringers in my lists and the 10ss does clear up alot of different and in my opinion better choices... I barely use them now if anything!

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I know a player that is going to start a Zoraida list built around terror tots. Good damage arc, cheap, fast and obey-able. I can see it working. Belles work in any list, not just Seamus. Von Schill quite often takes a trip over to other forces, I've run him in a Zoraida force and a Seamus one before. Jack Daw works all over without having to take Hanged with him. Nino joins any Guild Force, same with the Guardian.

I'm definitely going to try the Dead Rider and the Rogue Necromancy in a Kirai list at some point.. when I get the models painted.

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Can't really call an Zoriada list standard though. As she can take such a variety of units.

Back to Guild, before the Austigers got popular you couldn't find a list without Nino.

Personally I like Santiago as well in non-family lists.

I've seen a lot of people who run Lady justice with Witchling stalkers instead of Death Marshals.

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Well for me there are afew models that make it into a lot of my lists (not all the time and not all at the same time)

Von Schill and Jack Daw jump around into a lot of different lists

I regularly take a Rotten Belle with all of the Resser Masters except Kirai

The Hanged also make appearances in McMourning and Nicodem lists in addition to being regulars in my Seamus crews (a bolstered Hanged is extremely scary, and he brings some ranged damage, resilience and Wp targetting to a McMourning crew). An Onryo usually makes it into a lot of the Resser lists I run mainly due to her good pairing with The Hanged and makes him even more effective, plus they are a good utility model at 5ss. Neither are auto includes but they make quite regular appearances.

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I think, in most general terms, that Book 2 crews are more self-contained than the Book 1 crews and you don't bring Book 1 models to their crews - it's not only Belles not working with Kirai, but no older Arcanist model working with Colette, no old Guild in Hoffman list and only Teddy with special permission in The Dreamer list.

On the other hand, many of the Book 2 minions, expensive and cheap, seemed to be designed to bring some of these superior synergies to the older Book 1 masters. Some are clearly made to fit-fall (Lelu&Lilitu, Night Terrors), some seem to be more master-specific (Snow Storm, Large Steampunk Arachnid, apparently Nekima).

The problem with Nekima, after the recent changes, is that now she isn't bringing these wide synergies to Lilith or Zoraida based Nephilim crews. Instead she upgrades your Terror Tots and Young Nephilim to something more deadly. In fact, she makes it almost unnecessary to Mature Young Nephilim into Mature ones.

In other words, she isn't a minion you can invent new combos around anymore, she has become a key-minion to make only one type of the Nephilim list working. This is a very narrow scope of use for a 13SS character.

I guess this saddens me because inventing combos in a beatstick list (Lilith & Nephilim) was kind of change which invigorated the crew and brought me back to playing it. Now that her only-a-bigger-beatsitck role has been reaffirmed, I feel Lilith crews are back to Book 1 playstyle with little flexibility.

Edited by Q'iq'el
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I was given Nekima as a gift right when she came out. I have only ever used her for a grow list one time. She has a lot of usability with Lilith, Zoraida, and Pandora; even without the abillity to auto-double take.

She can fill a needed gap in a Pandora list, a beat stick which also causes will power duels and causes the wp of enemies to be lowered. She can be obeyed by Zoraida, and thus has as much synergy with Z as any other large cost melee minion.

Can Sue be taken in a list with Nekima? Doesnt she have wicked? I can't remember off the top of my head if she does, and if Sue was the book 3 minion which couldn't be taken with wicked models.

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There are some models which become a centre piece of an army instead of the Master.

  • Nekedema is one of them
  • Collodi as non-master is usually doll based crews
  • Snow Storm doesn't do much without Frozen heart models.
  • Desolation engine is pretty much Levi only

But saying models over 7 SS are crew specific, I can think of a ton off the top of my head.

  • Bette Noire
  • Convicted Gunslinger
  • VonSchills is used in multiple crews as Merc.
  • Steampunk arachnid swarm
  • I think all the riders are non-crew specific
  • Killjoy

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