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The Tale of Malifaux Painters September and October WIPs


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What is it all about?

The aim of “The Tale of Malifaux Painters” is to help motivate those involved to start and complete their Crews/Bands in the next 6 months.

The painters involved have made a commitment to paint and post, by the last day of each month, their finished minis. They do this each month for the next 6 months. Starting with their first post on the last day of August 2011 and finishing with their last post on the last day of January 2012. So we have this month, whilst everyone signs up, to collect, build, convert, undercoat and otherwise get yourself ready to go with the first work in progress starting in September.


However, because people have real lives with exams, holidays, honeymoons, new babies etc, etc. They get one 'Joker'. For one month within the half year you can ‘play a joker’ and rather than post an update they can post "sorry guys couldn't get it done this month. Real life got in the way." But the other 5 Months they have to come up with painted and based figures. Even for the slow painters that should be at least 1 crew.

If the thread should become too big I will split it, but unlike the other Tales I would like to try and keep it in one thread.


640x480 seems to work best OR use thumbnails

Bigger than this results in the scroll bar of doom for many.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q : Am I too Late? Can I still Join in?

A : No you are not too late. Yes you can still join in. Just post on this thread saying what you intend to paint.

Q : How much do I have to paint?

A : There is a minimum of one mini per month with the additional WIP pics. Most will aim at more. But one breathtaking mini will take a long time.

Q : Can I include a short narrative with each months post.

A : Yes. We love background stuff. Write as much as you like it will be read and enjoyed by many.

Q : Can I drop out?

A : No you can't, why should you?

Edited by DAGabriel
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  • Replies 65
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Top Posters In This Topic

List of Participants (total 65):


aka hazard...........Guild............................ 2






Belladonna...........Lilith....................... ......1


Bleeding Through..Pandora.........................1

Borthcollective......Dreamer, Vics, Hoff.........J

Bucket Monkey.....Guild..............................1

Cassarus.............Hoff......................... .......1



CRC....................GenCon things...................1


CubertFarnsworth..Raspy, Nekima, PWs..........J

D Arquebus......... Somer..............................J


DAGabriel............Gremlins and more..............1

Deadpool............lots of things.......................J



Edonil..................Kirai & more........................1

Evaine............................................ .............1

exileded..............Collodi, Gencon....................1



Geckilan..............many things........................2







Jaslyne................Collette, Perdita.................?



Korrosion...........Lilith, Perdita.......................1

marcuzi.............Raspi alt..............................J

Memento Mori....Colette, LadyJ.......................J


Moondog............Viks, Perdita........................J

MunkeyKungFu.....Ophelia & Lucius.................J


Nightseer.............Ramos....................... .....1


Osoi....................McMourning................ ....1




R.J.....................Gremlins.................. .......1

Rathnard.............Lucius & al......................1

Regnak...............Seamus, Molly, NEJustice...2

Rotokultaxe.........Kirai, Seamus..................1




Sigur............................................. ........J



SteamHammer.....Lilith & al.......................1



taozenrat.............Gencon things................J

ToTalyWyrd..........NE Lady J......................J



I am currently working on an Excel sheet for this, so excuse the form of this.

If there are any corrections necessary please PM me!

There are a lot of Jokers, so please understand if i delete everyone i haven`t heard from until end of October.

Edited by DAGabriel
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Firstly, cheers DAGabriel for putting my large arachnid in the opening thread post!

Time for the group shots! I finished 30 miniatures this month, an improvement of 9 on last month, helped quite substantially by the abundance of small figures to paint.

I finished - Executioner, 4 Witchling Stalkers, Guardian, Watcher, 2 Austringers, Soulstone Miner, Large Steampunk Arachnid, Steampunk Arachnid Swarm, Mobile Toolkit, Brass Arachnid, 3 Mechanical Doves, Widow Weaver, 7 Wicked Dolls, 3 Daydreams and 2 Canine Remains.





Poor Outcasts, the only faction not to get some love in my painting queue this month! Combining August and September, I've now painted 51 models, and now have 'just' 84 models left - not counting any purchases in the next 4 months. So, considering Kaeris, that count will probably go up...

This month I'll be aiming to work on most of the remainder of the Guild and Neverborn, and Kirai's crew will be getting some time. I'll also be attempting to utterly blitz the Outcasts, as of the 82 to go, 38 are from that faction.

Here's hoping for 31 this month!

Edited by Geckilian
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Zoraida naturally comes with one in her hand which isn't usable - however there is a separate sprue with 4, which you can just about make out from the pic if you click on it to get the bigger version - there's the sitting one, a standing one arms outstretched, one staggering along with it's stuffing coming out the stomach, and one with horns.

So, buy one Zoraida, get 4 Wicked Dolls free...

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Well I managed to finish mine just in time - a day before I flew over to Perth and two days before October.


I'm not too excited by the Captain (I should have given him a silly hat), although I'm very happy with how the Guild Guard turned out. :D

This month will be more models for Lucius' crew. I'm on holiday for two weeks, so there's a very good chance I'll be able to get most (all?) of the crew finished before November.

It's a good thing too - I recently bought a Viks and Ramos crew 2nd hand, and have a cunning plan in mind for the Viks in particular...


(note these Ronin aren't part of the Tale - I'm just showing off my skills at painting something other than pink. :smugpuppet1 )

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My September was not as productive as my August. I completed most of my Marcus force in August while we had a league at our LGS. I ended up finishing up my Marcus Avatar at the beginning of the month. The only figures I need to complete for his force are a couple of Night Terrors.

I am doing a Dreamer crew for the Tales and only finished up the Dreamer this month. I didn't do much for detail on the figure and now seeing it close up I realized I was really sloppy. Time to get to work on the rest of my Dreamer list.



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For September, I finished Lady Justice, The Judge, three Death Marshals, and two Guild Guards. I have pics of Justice, Judge, and a DM, and will take pics of the rest soon.

The only other models I own at the moment are two Austringers and Scales of Justice. I should be done those in a week or so.

Add me to the roster? :)

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aaaand, the first four Gremlins. These little guys didn't really photograph well, because they're really tiny, I'm using my phone's camera because my better one is old and dying, and I chose a fairly muddy, dull palette on them (they do live in a Bayou after all). The bases are resin, from Fenris games.


The tough one (I can never remember which is which...)


The big gun one


The boss Ophelia


The rude one.


Group picture.

For October I'm aiming to get five more Gremlins done, while I also paint a new Blood Bowl team. Might throw in the Scales of Justice too, as it's the last Guild model I have that isn't painted yet.

If I somehow get all of that stuff done, then I'll be moving on to a Seamus crew.

Edited by fishtank
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