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Von Schill's Complete Bad @$$ness


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Just had an event that brought home just how truly hardcore Von Schill is. My Mature Niphilim came bursting through the illusionary woods lilith set up to charge Von Schill. I managed to flip a red joker on damage and got a ton, but more i got the rip in half trigger as well...

...at which point Schill's Slow to Die triggers and half of him holding his hunting knife(!) stabs the Mature Niphilim in the head for 5 damage.

Some of the Freikorpsmen ran away from the rip in half morale duel but realistically they could just as easily have been terrified of Von Schill's tenacity.

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I just played him for the 3rd time vs nicodem and he is one bad "shut you mouth" on the field. We ended up tieing the game but if it was not for van schill I would have lost big time.

In my game my opponet had deliver message and he added 3 necropunks to do the job, but with my ablity to slow constucts and the ability to fly 15 inches it was next to impossable to tell him the time of day let alone any messages.

But that was not the best thing he did for me, the biggest thing he did in that game was use the ablity to remove corps counters. I was able to fly in and kill the rouge necromancy removing all its droped corps counters and then fly away before my opponet could deliver his message. My opponet opponet had 2 mindless zombies but not enough to bring the beast back.

Though detante tanks on the specialist is awesome as well.

I have yet to meet a freikorps model I didn't like. I hope they make a few more.

Haveing nible anc instinctaul is massive, it makes up for not having any spells since his zero actions are just so handy. Leader is a great option, the fact that he can use it when ever let's him fly and grab who ever you need, its awesome.

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