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new to malifaux, new to the forums.

fritz the cat

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Welcome to the insanity!

2 Crews, eh!??! You're a "If you're gonna go anything, you might as well do it right" kinda guy, huh?

You'll have great interchangability with the elements of those crews for a lot of funs you're starting out! Great choices!

haha, well, it took me all of a day to fully paint up all my minions (going to take time with my masters) but the next day I was thinking to myself "hrm, that samael hopkins is pretty nifty... i should get him" so off i saunter to my LGS. Sadly the availability of clamshells in vancouver is pretty sparse, however they had just replenished their starter boxes up to having one of each. So i thought to myself.. hey, why not, I'll just get the sonnia criid box, then i'll have even more options

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