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Bete Noire Nightmares and Insidious Madness Woes


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Is it just me or does Bete Noire's left-hand knife need to be greenstuffed so that it's not so flimsy?

...And which arm goes where on the Insidious Madness model? The card is of little use, there.

...And did anyone else have to free Misaki's back foot from her dress to get her to fit on her rock properly?

...And how in the hell do I put that second Gaki's head together?

Jus' sayin'.

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Is it just me or does Bete Noire's left-hand knife need to be greenstuffed so that it's not so flimsy?

THIS. Mine broke within 15 mins of opening the blister. I replaced it with an extra-chunky Skaven blade (6th ed plastics) so I'm not overly worried now, but oh my god that knife's a pain. Especially given that there's flash on it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't...

The one that really had me worried for a while was the jug/banjo Gremlin though. I had to pin his arm on, and in order to find a thin enough pin I had to use part of the chuck from the same bit I'd used to drill it in the first place.... fun times.

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Mine came out OK.. though I might have sawn it in half and added tentacles from the sewer set.
TENTACLES!!! Why didn't I think of that?!?!? AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!

By the way, Ratty, that insidious madness is legen...


...wait for it...



And those are Gaki arms, aren't they?

@Sholto: I managed to get her on her base, and her arm went on fine (with a little filler), but I may have to remove and re-paint her head, and file off bits of her neck. I don't like the way it went on.

I'm going to try to leave Bete's knife as-is. I haven't broken it yet, so I'm just going to see what happens.

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  • 1 month later...

My heavens my Bete's right handed blade the minute Ihad her out of the clam I glued it back on with the gel super glue, just drew a line of glue down the blade from the base creating a raised rib on its center. Its holding like a champ. In fact I would highly suggest to anyone tried of their super glue going on the runs that using the geled form is far more solid since its a semi-exposy form allows it to gap fill and re-enforce the normal super glue when i use. At anyrate it saved my Killjoy hook and viki blade.

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