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Stripping a model

Huang Da Wei

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Havent heard of simple green and as for nail varnish :( cant see me going into a shop to buy that.... maybe ask the wife :)

Not nail varnish. Nail polish remover. Essentially, it's just dilute acetone. It'll eat plastic, but usually it's diluted enough that it'll be slow enough you can work with it.

To the OP: Any decent paint remover will probably kill the glue attaching her to the base, so I'd just remove her from the base and dunk her in the good stuff.

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i use simple green (the heaviest concentrate i can find) and a sonic jewelry cleaner... takes about 2 hours for the heaviest stuff.. doesn't harm the plastic...

I will second the simple green, although I generally get the concentrated and do it as a 10:1 mix with water. Because from what I understand its really just a waste. Usually I let it soak all night and then hit the model with a tooth brush in the morning and its good. Sonic Jewelry cleaner probably speeds that up a lot.

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Well I use pine sol for my all metal minis. It'll melt plastic but as the bases are the only plastic on them I just replace it. For plastics I use oxyclean. Just put a couple of scoops into some water with the mini and it actually works. I just use old toothbrushes to get the paint off or real cheap Ones if I don't have any old ones. As for resin I have never worked with it so can't say what to use to strip it though I would try my oxyclean for the first try

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What do folks in the UK use?

I think the closest equivalent to Simple Green, available in the UK is Fairy Power Spray. Gentle enough to use on plastics...probably fine with Resin, though I'd rather remove the bases than risk damaging them in the clean up. I have also heard that Dettol works well.

On metal I always use Nitromors (and gloves!).

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I have sprayed some showgirls but there was a problem with the paint so I need to strip and do again.

Usually I use nitromors and it is good, now I know that it eats plastic cos I tried it once with a base on but does anyone know if it does the same to resin as all my lovely ladies are pinned to suitable bases.

Had to strip my Avatar Seamus because of fuzzy primer, used both Pinesol and Simple Green (not together, one then the other, mandatory dsafety disclaimer: mixun chemicals is bad, um-kay, so dont do it, um-kay).

Removed everything with in about 40 minutes (5 minute soaks then 5 minutes of scrubbing, 2 cycles thru each chemical). No issues with the Resin (though it does break up the Glue pretty well).

Have used the same process with great success on my metal models as well (stupid humidity).

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Had to strip my Avatar Seamus because of fuzzy primer, used both Pinesol and Simple Green (not together, one then the other, mandatory dsafety disclaimer: mixun chemicals is bad, um-kay, so dont do it, um-kay).

Removed everything with in about 40 minutes (5 minute soaks then 5 minutes of scrubbing, 2 cycles thru each chemical). No issues with the Resin (though it does break up the Glue pretty well).

Have used the same process with great success on my metal models as well (stupid humidity).

I used Pine Sol to strip some of mine (heat and humidity fuzzed my primer too! Stupid Arizona Monsoon)...It didn't get some out of the finer details, but (after a thorough wash with clean water, of course) a couple hours in acetone nail polish remover works just fine with the metals...though I wouldn't leave 'em in there too long. I didn't dare put plastic in the acetone.

Scrub with a tooth brush and viola! Clean mini :) **don't forget your latex gloves though, that acetone is some nasty stuff**

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