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Terraclips Issues


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Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure about everyone else out there, but I have just been working with my Streets of Malifaux set and I must say..

I am VERY dissatisfied with the look of the buildings after using the clip system. Gaps in the edges, bulky lines, and clips covering up what is really great looking artwork all contribute to a terrain piece that I would be ashamed to put on my gaming table, let alone recommend to a customer purchasing these from my brick and mortar games store. What disappoints me the most is that I love Malifaux and was really looking forward to getting this terrain. I haven't opened the Sewers set and now probably won't. If there is a way for me to return those to ACD I am sure going to try!

At this point I would rather glue the buildings together than ever use these clips again.

Sorry, not trying to be negative, but giving my honest opinion.


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And the whole reason for the clips is so you can transport it easily. That and it allows you to constantly change the setup for games. If you have built a setup that you want to use in your store and are happy with only using that combination then just glue them so its permanent. I still think its a good price for a "battlefield in a box".

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I'm sorry to hear you didn't like your clips :(

Did you watch the instructional videos that the crew had posted during the days leading up to Gencon? They're pretty helpful in getting you started on assembling terrain.

Yes I did. They went together just fine, just not satisfied with the product.

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Thanks for your reply. I would, however, disagree that at almost $60 after buying the clips and box set that it is a good value for the money. For $80 I can get an entire town made of hard material.. I've done just that on eBay. Again I own several gangs worth of Malifaux andlove the Wyrd line of products, just disappointed in this particular line.

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I really don't know what people are expecting out of some cardboard and plastic clips. You aren't going to open the box, push a button, and get a games day table.

I would expect a good looking finished product for that money, this was not it. I have used other "clip less" systems that are much better looking when completed.

But based on your reply I guess I am not allowed to post an opinion on this forum unless it is positive..

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I would expect a good looking finished product for that money, this was not it. I have used other "clip less" systems that are much better looking when completed.

But based on your reply I guess I am not allowed to post an opinion on this forum unless it is positive..

You can post whatever you want, even crappy comebacks. My point is people seem to think that Terraclips is going to be the most super awesome thing ever.

It is a box of cardboard and some plastic clips. There is only so much you can do with that. And the amount of space it covers and looks ok compared to the amount of GW terrain you'd need to cover the same amount of space isn't even comparable. Not to mention at the end of the game you pop the clips off and stuff it back in the box and are good to go.

You can either store several 3x3 tables worth of terrain in a 1 foot cube, or you can have a rack of terrain that takes up tons of space and maybe covers an 8x4 table.

If you don't like it, fine, nobody said you have to, but for what it is, people should have reasonable expectations.

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TerraClips will hit different marks for different people. We had very specific goals when creating TerraClips; Extreme modularity, extreme portability, good cost vs content balance and open ended creativity. With a system of this type there are a very limited number of ways to accomplish those goals. This is very much a hobby product and does require some planning to make builds look appealing.

Dedicated Support:

Our primary concern post-launch is that everyone is receiving adequate support and that they have a solid understanding of how the product is intended to be used. Here are some helpful links related to support (soon to be incorporated into the official/dedicated TerraClips website):

TerraClips General Chat

TerraClips Layout Design & Sharing

TerraClips Booster Requests

Construction Video Tutorials:

Building & General Construction Tips: http://youtu.be/m5qwFp2GoyI

Roofing Tips: http://youtu.be/7RbdsxiUdIU

Product Images (with Clips)




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Maybe if the product pics they used actually showed what it looks like with the clips on it in their promo and box art the those expectations would not be so high...

That's my last crappy comeback .. At this time anyway.

As far as I remember, clips were well visible on all the promo shots. Some of them were covered with counters and such, but you get these counters in the set so you can do the same - and it wasn't done in any misleading fashion (it's clearly visible).

There's also abundance of review pictures, where you can see both terrain build with care and constructions which were clearly botched, displaying large gaps and such. Clearly, it takes some time and preparation to make it look solid.

I think a balanced review of the product, with positives and negatives, is something that helps people to choose well. Complaint based on the products not being what you thought it is going to be not so much. There's always a good reason to wait, see the reviews and order only after you're convinced the product is what you need.

Personally I'm going to use Terraclips for friday night games with my wife. I don't have place for a full table at home, I don't feel like making a full table myself, I find premade buildings and terrain more expensive than Terraclips (especially if you count the shipment in) and I love the thought that I'll be able to play on a different table every time.

I don't care about the table not looking like it was carefully modeled from foam and hand painted with water effects to boost.

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Even with the Clips present I still think that Terraclips looks good.

We play a game with static pose lumps of metal and plastic, very often not painted to display standard. Suspending belief is part of the game. If you need everything to look realistic: go outside!

I was thinking out making custom scenery to pop over the clips on the ground level and disguise them. Vertical clips would be a bit harder, but you could easily copy a jpeg of bricks or a sign and prit-stik it over the clip itself.

Compared to the cost that you might put out on resin scenery or GW products, don't those items require painting? Surely that would take more of your time and money compared to the Terraclips system.

just my thoughts though: not gospel or anything.

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But based on your reply I guess I am not allowed to post an opinion on this forum unless it is positive..

Of course you can post your opinion be it positive or negative. He was just posting his in reply to yours. I don't think he meant it in a bad way Sir. In this hobby world of ours we'll always find a difference of opinion about things but try not to take these things to heart.

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Do you know what would be cool (paging Denny) - a pre-printed sheet of paper labels. Each label is exactly the size of an I-clip or one side of an L-clip. Some labels have bricks on them, some wood and some cobbles. Apply as needed.

Custom ordered label die to get the exact sizes - about £60 online :) Print the textures directly onto it and sell them in packs of 5 A4. Never have to look at a grey clip again, if you don't want to.

Edited by Sholto
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Do you know what would be cool (paging Denny) - a pre-printed sheet of paper labels. Each label is exactly the size of an I-clip or one side of an L-clip. Some labels have bricks on them, some wood and some cobbles. Apply as needed.

Custom ordered label die to get the exact sizes - about £60 online :) Print the textures directly onto it and sell them in packs of 5 A4. Never have to look at a grey clip again, if you don't want to.

That, m'laddo, is frickin' genius!

Also I feel a lot of the problem is people placing a clip at every opportunity. You don't need a clip at every clip point, just enough for stability.

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Also I feel a lot of the problem is people placing a clip at every opportunity. You don't need a clip at every clip point, just enough for stability.

This. At first I went nuts with clipping everywhere possible, but in addition to burning through clips quickly it makes disassembly more difficult. I almost tore a couple of pieces because there were too many clips in different directions.

Now when I build I attempt to put the majority of the clips in one direction (width or length), with just enough in the other direction to hold it together.

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I agree with the OP, on why I don't care for the product. But I had the advantage of seeing them first hand before deciding to purchase. However, I DO see where they would be great for someone who doesn't have room to store "real terrain" and is on the go with it (IE, apartment dwellers, and tourney organizers). Purely from a playing aspect, they are great. Aesthetically, not so appealing.

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I agree with the OP, on why I don't care for the product. But I had the advantage of seeing them first hand before deciding to purchase. However, I DO see where they would be great for someone who doesn't have room to store "real terrain" and is on the go with it (IE, apartment dwellers, and tourney organizers). Purely from a playing aspect, they are great. Aesthetically, not so appealing.

And, to be fair, Godspeed, you saw some hastily constructed first attempts with a 7 year old designing the bulk of the build. (two full boards from cut shrink wrap to 3X3 in less than 4 hours total - not a tremendous amount of planning to show it off properly!)

I've done some since that are much better. Once you start building more three dimensional - mostly vertical - buildings into the design the more interesting it becomes and the more forgiving the clip build, too.

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And, to be fair, Godspeed, you saw some hastily constructed first attempts with a 7 year old designing the bulk of the build. (two full boards from cut shrink wrap to 3X3 in less than 4 hours total - not a tremendous amount of planning to show it off properly!)

I've done some since that are much better. Once you start building more three dimensional - mostly vertical - buildings into the design the more interesting it becomes and the more forgiving the clip build, too.

And I understand that part as well, I am sure that there is MUCH more you can do with them. But the dark clips, and flat surfaces...eh...

Who knows, in the not so distant future I could change my mind. And I do support them for the people they work for.

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Link? This sounds like an awesome deal, I'd love to see it to compare and add to my collection.

The link might stay, but if he won the auction it usually disappears. I think.

edit- heres a nice starting terrain set for a table, 40$


Edited by Dolomyte
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Not really suitable for Malifaux, and lets face it that is nowhere near enough for a 6x4 40k table. If you have the space for actual terrain check out the thread at http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21162 for some cool western buildings. I

'm still excited for terraclips and can't wait for them to finally arrived. They suit my purposes fine, I don't have time to paint terrain too.

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