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Who has the easiest Manifestation requirements?

Jonas Albrecht

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While I agree with many, if not allof the things you've been saying in the different threads, I have to agree with karn on this one - threads should at least try to stick to the topic. This one is probably too far gone though...

Sometimes I just want to get what it actually says on the package, not another Avatar or Neverborn discussion (although I don't dispute that there is plenty to discuss about these topics).

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Sometimes I just want to get what it actually says on the package, not another Avatar or Neverborn discussion (although I don't dispute that there is plenty to discuss about these topics).

Indeed, I don't mind people discussing the pro's and con's of Book3 or Neverborn or fluff or whatnot, but to open a thread, thinking "Ah, nice, a thread about X, looks interesting" only to see it deflowered just like more or less every single thread as of lately is starting to get really annoying. Especially since it's the same 4-5 people going over and over about the same thing, with eachother, in all the damn threads.

By all means, discuss it - but don't turn every thread into a crusade regarding something completly different.

Oh, the irony, I just contributed further to the offtopicyness of this thread.

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Not when you're passionate about the subject.

Yes, it still is quite easy, for most people. The fact that it isn't easy should be some sort of warning bell.

I like the idea, but it seems like it'll be the next book before we fully have them fleshed out and developed. As it is, some of them are manifests you want, others you don't, and while you only see them a few rounds of the game, there are other models who do just the same, and you've got models in the reverse, show up for the first few rounds and then they're dead or sacrificed.

I still think Colette has the easiest manifest though. There's no card requirement, or any flips required. Just teleporting and reactivating, and turn two she gets a whole activation before she reactivates and then manifests, which makes it extremely turn-efficient too.

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By all means, discuss it - but don't turn every thread into a crusade regarding something completly different.

When I start doing that, you can call me on it. Until, each and every one of you can stop making this an issue. I haven't been on some kind of phantom derailment spree.

Edited by Jonas Albrecht
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So instead of a thread with 90 posts, you'd rather see 5 posts and the thread is done? Sure, all those other threads have gone off from their original topic, but they are still active, generating multiple pages of discussion. Huh. Discussion on a forum. What a novel concept.

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So instead of a thread with 90 posts, you'd rather see 5 posts and the thread is done? Sure, all those other threads have gone off from their original topic, but they are still active, generating multiple pages of discussion. Huh. Discussion on a forum. What a novel concept.

Right, that was my argument. Except it wasn't. Nothing even remotely close to it. But reading over this thread, I'd be an idiot not to expect a series of strawman arguments at this point.

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Right, that was my argument. Except it wasn't. Nothing even remotely close to it. But reading over this thread, I'd be an idiot not to expect a series of strawman arguments at this point.

My post was directed more towards Karn and others who expect every single thread to stay precisely on topic and not stray at all.

But if you want to be a contrary little queen, more power to you.

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My post was directed more towards Karn and others who expect every single thread to stay precisely on topic and not stray at all.

But if you want to be a contrary little queen, more power to you.

There's this new thing called quoting who you're talking to. It magically lets the person know that you're not just talking to the last person who posted.

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My post was directed more towards Karn and others who expect every single thread to stay precisely on topic and not stray at all.

But if you want to be a contrary little queen, more power to you.

No what was being said was does it always have to go to the same thing in every thread...

Derailment is part of forums but stating the same point in every thread gets tiring for most people.

Agree to disagree or something like that but saying the same thing over and over again won't change people's minds

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@ Jonas

I understand your arguments about Perdita, i wish to say that you are correct that she doesn't fit with her original theme, however. She is the avatar of revelation, Definition B does it the most justice:Something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized. With this in mind as well as the ability: We are all monsters (paraphrase, no book in front of me)It seems to me that she has realized something that she has not known before now and has possible shaken her faith and preveious outlook on the world.

This possibly shocking knowledge might cause her to make harsh, strange, dramatic, or even uncharacteristically wrong choices. I now jump to Mcmornings fluff. (whos avatar form is less of an avatar and more of a better mad scientist form) He was actually able to take in all of the knowledge of the voices in his head and understand them due to his fractured psychosis. If a sane person were to recieve a dramatic amount of information as well as an "epic" amount of power then there is no telling what dementia is struggling in her head.

I want to state that i do enjoy the avatars in the fluff, I think they are a better addition than just an variant choice of models to field. Part of the reason i play this game is because it is not just a variant warmachine.

I also want to comment on your comparison to gangs of new york. The two genres you are meshing in that analogy is what makes it so absurd. now if you analogy were that if vash in trigun went super saiyan i could agree that it is a good analogy. but than again he does kinda do that and blows up part of the moon....and the story worked.

I apologize if any of this seemed hostile, that was not my intention, you simply created a debate that contained things that i (possibly greatly) disagreed on, so i came to debate. Though nine pages is too much for me to quote as i do disagree with some people debating with you.

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I also want to comment on your comparison to gangs of new york. The two genres you are meshing in that analogy is what makes it so absurd. now if you analogy were that if vash in trigun went super saiyan i could agree that it is a good analogy. but than again he does kinda do that and blows up part of the moon....and the story worked.

The analogy isn't absurd at all. Malifaux has a huge number of thematic similarities to Gangs of New York. Both are about gangs led by powerful, charismatic individuals attempting to gain power and push their own agendas on a strange, hostile world. Both revolve around brutal, violent conflict between these gangs. Both feature complex, 3-dimensional characters who can't be easily classified into 'hero' and 'villain' categories. Both have a large, corrupt organization at the top trying to keep the peace so they can milk the system. Both have a huge, exploited underclass. Both have a strong theme of natives vs. immigrants.

I've never seen or read Trigun, so I can't really compare. Its Wikipedia page tells me that it's a space western, but otherwise I'm not sure how it's like Malifaux. Care to explain?

Edited by Doc Bosch
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There's this new thing called quoting who you're talking to. It magically lets the person know that you're not just talking to the last person who posted.

There is this other new thing they call context. Using context my post made no sense to any of yours, while it was directly related to what Karn had said a few posts previously.

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There is this other new thing they call context. Using context my post made no sense to any of yours, while it was directly related to what Karn had said a few posts previously.

True, but the previous page is littered with people making arguments that bear no semblence to what I was talking about, I thought yours was merely the latest in that line. It's my fault for getting confused.

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The analogy isn't absurd at all. Malifaux has a huge number of thematic similarities to Gangs of New York. Both are about gangs led by powerful, charismatic individuals attempting to gain power and push their own agendas on a strange, hostile world. Both revolve around brutal, violent conflict between these gangs. Both feature complex, 3-dimensional characters who can't be easily classified into 'hero' and 'villain' categories. Both have a large, corrupt organization at the top trying to keep the peace so they can milk the system. Both have a huge, exploited underclass. Both have a strong theme of natives vs. immigrants.

I've never seen or read Trigun, so I can't really compare. Its Wikipedia page tells me that it's a space western, but otherwise I'm not sure how it's like Malifaux. Care to explain?

I don't think he was saying that Malifaux being like Gangs of New York was absurd - rather that it would have been absurd if Leonardo di Caprio's character in the film had jumped in the air, screamed as power entered his body, had hair that had glowed golden and fired a fireball of some kind into Daniel Day Lewis's head (and I tend to agree).

That would not have worked, because there was no set up or build up to something so left field happening. The principle difference between Gangs of New York and Malifaux however, is that it is a world of magic. In fact, magic is the key reason for the setting and is the principle motivating factor of many of the main characters in the setting.

In the context of a world that gives even the most unmagical people limited magical abilities, it is not a step too far in my opinion for the most magical people in the setting (the masters) to gain strange and uncontrollable powers...

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Any game fluff created by multiple writers, somewhat community driven and in a low-scale operation is bound to show some inconsistencies and failings in the writing. This is quite charming actually and becomes the image of the indy developer, even if it may annoy purists.

Besides, art is not about being proper. :D

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Any game fluff created by multiple writers, somewhat community driven and in a low-scale operation is bound to show some inconsistencies and failings in the writing. This is quite charming actually and becomes the image of the indy developer, even if it may annoy purists.

Besides, art is not about being proper. :D

Also, it has to be stated I think that while game fluff can be great, and personally I love reading it, it serves a very different purpose to say a novel or a film - it is designed to illustrate and breathe life into a game, not stand on its own as a complete work.

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