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Crooligans vs Necropunks


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Interested to hear this too, and how they stack up against the other Rezzer objective grabbers/filler models.

As a slight aside, have you tried Night Terrors? They're like better Necropunks in terms of objective grabbing and mobility and they also can make great contributions to actual combat if they need to, too (unresistable will debuff? pseudo-paralysis? Go on then!)

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Ok, so necropunks and crooligans are very similar in their uses. Both are very good at grabbing objectives and moving around the board.

the differences


Necropunks - these guys are much better at getting through terrain than the little children since they can climb and ignore severe terrain so easily, but when it comes to something like treasure hunt, most of those helping bonuses cease to exist. These little abominiations are also much harder to kill and can continue after being killed. You need lots of these to get multiple interacts fast. Basically: fast little tormenters.

Crooligans - These guys are much faster at crossing open ground than their counterparts, plus they have an ability that can not only speed up other crooligans, it can also boost DF. Thats not all these little munchkins can do though. If you spread them out, they have a 1 action that can rival kirai for teleporting. These guys only work well in groups but when they do, you can easily have 3 of them do line in the sand at the beginning of turn 3. Basically: teleporting little scouts that never stop moving.

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Crooligans also have the Scout ability, so they are not affected by severe terrain.

Oh snap.

I personally think they have slightly different uses. Crooligans are all about objectives, and that's it. They don't hit very hard at all, and they're more expensive than the Punks. But they're damn good at some objectives.

Meanwhile, Punks have the potential to be good at objectives, and they all hit decently and have an excellent debuff effect. And I think it's important to note that you can't rely on leap. Not even once per turn, seeing as the card gods rarely seem to give you the right cards for things like that. So if you want cheap, swarmy models with the potential for objective grabbing, Punks.

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I was under the impression that if the Leader of the Special forces was in the crew, regardless of wether they are the leader of the crew or not, that restriction was waived. Molly doesn't need to be the leader, she just needs to be in the crew to lift the limit, correct?

You are correct. Manual says that a crew containing a special forces henchmen may ignore that special forces hiring limit.

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I loves me my Necropunks! 3 stone Flurry + Slow to Die + Hard to Kill corpse counter with a potential 7" move (0) action, yes please. Arachnid is nice, debuff is situational but great when it works. I'm very curious to see Crooligans on the field. They sound boss, look good on paper. Still waiting for my Night Terrors to show up at the LGS ...

Edited by Hatchethead
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They sound real good, but I have the feeling that two might be too few for them to really use their abilities to their fullest potential. I'm thinking three will be the magical number, but time will tell once they come out. I'm really stoked about the Molly box, even though I already have a substitute model for the RN.


So, I was thinking... a Crooligan with Imbue Vigor and juiced up with a nurses Reactivate and +2wk will make for one hell of an objective grabber. Not sure how a nurse will fit with the rest of a typical Seamus/Molly crew, but still an amusing thought! Wk 9 (11 if initiating close to molly) with free pushes after interact along with a reactivate...

Edited by Soundwave
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Here's my Crooligan writeup from my club forum:


4SS Horror. undead.

has a crappy melee attack with poison 1, that can do +1 dmg on the trigger. Overall a good attack for a 4pt model, but only Cb 4.

Has some funky stuff - can make fog, can teleport to another one when it's in fog, gives living models within 3" -1 Wp, and makes a free move after making an interact action. Can also teleport to a friendly Master within 10". They have 7 Df while in a friendly mist and +2 Wk.

Unfortunately, they're a scout/objective style model with move 4. And they're no good unless you take them in groups. They could be good in a little gang, which is how their fluff reads, but they're too easy to neuter by taking out one or two. Playing these could mean they turn out to be good if you have luck on the table, but their low base stats mean they also have potential to be useless and you dont want to have 12 points tied up in useless models that spend all their time trying to combo with eachother.

In summary, I dont think you'd ever run these in a serious list. They're not quite worth their points and really need multiples (ie more than 2) to work, and Rezzers already suffer from "too many small models that dont do enough" syndrome (and, interestingly, I've won pretty much all of my games where I dont play Rezzers like this and lost all of my games where I do...). As I say they could definitely have some good games where they hit triggers and teleport/run around at Df 7 stabbing things for 3/4/5 damage, but dont expect it to happen often or against good opponents.

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Here's my Crooligan writeup from my club forum:


4SS Horror. undead.

has a crappy melee attack with poison 1, that can do +1 dmg on the trigger. Overall a good attack for a 4pt model, but only Cb 4.

Has some funky stuff - can make fog, can teleport to another one when it's in fog, gives living models within 3" -1 Wp, and makes a free move after making an interact action. Can also teleport to a friendly Master within 10". They have 7 Df while in a friendly mist and +2 Wk.

Unfortunately, they're a scout/objective style model with move 4. And they're no good unless you take them in groups. They could be good in a little gang, which is how their fluff reads, but they're too easy to neuter by taking out one or two. Playing these could mean they turn out to be good if you have luck on the table, but their low base stats mean they also have potential to be useless and you dont want to have 12 points tied up in useless models that spend all their time trying to combo with eachother.

In summary, I dont think you'd ever run these in a serious list. They're not quite worth their points and really need multiples (ie more than 2) to work, and Rezzers already suffer from "too many small models that dont do enough" syndrome (and, interestingly, I've won pretty much all of my games where I dont play Rezzers like this and lost all of my games where I do...). As I say they could definitely have some good games where they hit triggers and teleport/run around at Df 7 stabbing things for 3/4/5 damage, but dont expect it to happen often or against good opponents.

Can you post all of their stats without the opinions please.

I would like to think for myself.

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Can you post all of their stats without the opinions please.

I would like to think for myself.

I feel like there's a slight chance that you aren't really asking for their stats without the opinions, but eh, I'll post a more detailed overview anyways. I always forget how specific I can be, so I'll do my best to speak accurately and vaguely (if that makes sense).

For their base stats they have an average Wk/Cg for infantry, Gremlin height, and a Wp of 5. Their casting is a little meh at 4, but they have no spells with resists so it's all good. Their Df is 5, but so is their wounds. Their Infected Daggers hit at the same Cb as their walk, and have a very low damage arc, but auto Poison 1 means that as long as aren't ganging up on one target their damage is decent.

They automatically debuff the Wp of nearby living models by one, and have the From the Shadows and Scout abilities. After performing an interact action they may immediately push up to their Wk, and have a (1) action that places them in base contact with a friendly Crooligan, anywhere on the board, in the aura of their one spell (that later). For a (2) action they can teleport to a nearby Master of Henchman if they're engaged.

They have a trigger on a Tome for an extra point of damage in melee, and a neat Df trigger on a mask that turns them into a Spirit for the rest of the turn.

Their only spell is The Mist, a (1) action that conjures an aura of obscuring terrain, giving Crooligans (including this model) +2 Wk and Df to boot.

Sorry in advance if that was way too detailed, and I'll change it. Never sure where the line is.

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Ive seen your thinking in a few threads, honestly you'd be better off letting me do it for you.

Er, I'm going to ask everybody to let this conversation die before it starts, please. You've both toed past the line of politeness, and anything further is going to devolve into a meaningless argument. We all should calm down (heh, get it? Sorry, had to). Sorry if it's none of my business, which it sorta isn't, but I feel like this doesn't need to happen here.

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Guys can we just keep it civil.

For me its a horses for courses kind of thing. If you are bringing Molly in the crew yes you need to make the decison, if not I would choose the Necropunks ... most of the time mainly due to the cap on special forces without the appropriate Henchman.

The mist is an ability that I think opens the crooligans up for very different mobility tricks. If you are straight objective grabbing and holding I think the Necropunks edge out but with multiple 'Interact' objectives the crooligans will be the better option.

Ressers having a lot of cheap non insignificant models means they get an activaion advantage early game, having them cost the same as a great utility model such as the Rotten Belle means their use is found elsewhere

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