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Least used masters?

Steve D

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Basically, I love the painting side more than the gaming side, although I do like the gaming. So I was thinking about picking up another faction (currently have Neverborn) and as I am not too bothered about picking up the 'best' crews/models gaming wise, was wondering if people have noticed who are the least used masters out there? I.e. if I went to a tourney with this master, would people say 'Oh, I dont get to play against them very often'?

Are there any masters out there that people just dont see very often? Locally I guess the least seen are Hoffman, Nicodem, Ramos but that could just be local...

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Locally I am the only one who actively plays Seamus, there is now another that plays McMourning and there are only two people who have Nicodem.

Ramos is only used by 1-2 people and Marcus hasnt seen any play over here for a while. All of the guild see a good spread of use and I havent seen anyone use Zoraida since Rathnard moved to the other side of the country. For the Outcasts theres only 1 active Hamelin player that I am aware of but everyone else is represented by at least two players.

Of course these are all local trends as well but we do have a reasonable amount of people playing over here now

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and Marcus hasnt seen any play over here for a while.

Give it a week and a half. :smugpuppet1

In my own area the game is still picking up, although I have found that the least popular crews seem to be Levi, Hamelin (I'm sure that will change), Collodi, Zoraida and Marcus (myself excepted ;) ). The guild are represented pretty strongly at the moment and there's some splatterings of the rest. But I've rarely seen anyone with the above crews around here.

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Give it a week and a half. :smugpuppet1

In my own area the game is still picking up, although I have found that the least popular crews seem to be Levi, Hamelin (I'm sure that will change), Collodi, Zoraida and Marcus (myself excepted ;) ). The guild are represented pretty strongly at the moment and there's some splatterings of the rest. But I've rarely seen anyone with the above crews around here.

Yeah I'm looking forward to it, I am hoping for a fun day

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Well, my Bucket collegue has Gulid pretty much sorted. Resser front is decently represented. All the Arcanists are present aside from Marcus. Neverborn have a pretty strong showing as do Outcasts.

All the gangs are played but the question is with what regularity.

Don't worry about Marcus when I've got my guild done and I get one of each faction sorted for demos I'm looking at Nicodem, Marcus and maybe Lilith to round off as they are as yet un represented at our LGS, though Colette does fall into that category too unless someone has been hiding her from me.


Edited by Bucket Monkey
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Don't worry about Marcus when I've got my guild done and I get one of each faction sorted for demos I'm looking at Nicodem, Marcus and maybe Lilith to round off as they are as yet un represented at our LGS, though Colette does fall into that category too unless someone has been hiding her from me.


She's hiding, waiting to show up when you least expect it.

Little known fact: The Star is also a ninja training facility.

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